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How real is your Christian faith ?

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[quote="John81"]Many unbelievers don't wear jewelry or costly array. Consider the Amish, Muslims, Buddhist monks, etc. That has nothing to do with the righteousness of God.[/quote]

Very true---John. Well, said. :thumb

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Many unbelievers don't wear jewelry or costly array. Consider the Amish' date=' Muslims, Buddhist monks, etc. That has nothing to do with the righteousness of God.[/quote']

Perhaps that's true but 9 times out of 10 maybe folks not turning down their jewelry and costly array
cause they believe 1 Peter 3:3.

I don't know who all the phonies are but the phonies normally get phony here.

Whatever in the book that's the righteousness of God.

We conflict with that and be philosophical then that's the righteousness of man to take a person to hell.

Isaiah 64:6 compares the righteousness of man to filthy rags.

Wow so much for man's high I.Q. and philosophical beliefs if they conflict with the book anywhere !!!

Just know the righteousness of God with the book if we talk about being saved.

Believe it's 2 Corinthians 2:2 that says I determine to know nothing else but Christ and him crucified.

Well the grace only to be saved preachers think they got me up against the ropes now .

What about Romans 6:1, 15 ?

The conditional rule for grace is what ? Repentance !!

You don't finish with repentance cause atonement on the cross bailling you out .

Consider the model prayer of Jesus for man :

The part where it says, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Wow we need grace and a repented life all the time , is that right ?

Again not just grace but repentance all the time too !!

Was it Paul that said a part of him out to do evil all the time when the bigger part of him out to do right all the time ?

That bigger part of him yielding to the Holy Spirit while the carnal man springing up all the time at the same time ?

He said there's a war with 2 members in us all the time ?

Sound like we got a salvation batttle to win with both grace and repentance to make it.

I lost my mind in Christ and put on the mind of Christ when it's legalism to man to do so.

People will say they born again but they haven't given up any philosophical carnal beliefs at all.

They might of stopped a smoking habit and turn down a drinking bottle but that's really it.

They hip to saying they born again cause of this and the cross for our atonement and then their born again talk ends there.

Who real and not phony and shallow being a partial bible believer only ?

Being real don't mean you asking for perfect people just folks not phony and partial bible believers only.

Who really down with Jesus all the way ?

Being real don't mean you a bully and negative judgmental character.

Being real means you clicking with folks not phonies and partial bible believers only.

We got a click for an equal yoke in Christ ?

We agreeing with God on jewelry in 1 Peter 3:3 or am I messing with a phony and philosophical moralist only ?

Who agreeing with God and tired of phony clicks with folks bored and religious here only ?

Time for something real not just entertainment and time taken up like a child needing a video game and candy sucker.
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People rather be peaceful and phony to do meetings with each other in the name of Jesus.
Your called a bully and judgmental person if your really not a phony in the body of Christ today.
Your called a negative person if your not a phony in the body of Christ too.
Anybody tired of phony people and phony meetings in the name of Jesus?
Who hungry to be around real bible believers like David, Amos and Paul encouraged?
I'm tired of being around phony people just to be around a humble and nice peaceful person only.
Who hungry for a equal yoke with bible believers like David, Amos and Paul urged?
Who tired of being around phony people just to be around entertainment and social meetings only?
Who tired of being around phony people just to be ceremonial and occupied with time only?

Who tired of phony unity with folks that despise the heaven or hell message
about worldly hygiene, jewelry and costly array today? 1 Peter 3:3

Who tired of phony unity with folks that despise the teaching of Paul
on women preachers and women pastors today? 1 Timothy 2:9-14

Who tired of the philosophical phonies that despise the teaching of
Paul on heaven and hell with the preaching of Romans 7:2-3?

Who tired of the philosophies that despise the Sabbath teaching on
heaven and hell in Hebrews 4?

Who tired of the phonies that like unity on their philosophical terms
only? Psalms 133:1 Amos 3:3 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 Romans 10:2-3 Romans 14:1 Matthew 5:18-20

Who tired of self righteous legalists that won't bury their philosophical moralism that conflicts the moralism of
God in the bible ? Matthew 5:18-20 Romans 10:2-3

Who not waiting on a big shot to agree with God in the bible anywhere ? Matthew 15:14

Who tired of being around phonies that have a tolerance for jewelry, makeup and divorcees
remarrying different people while they say they a Christian going to heaven ? 1 Peter 3:3 Romans 7:2-3

Who tired of being around phonies that have a tolerance for those that despise the Sabbath
teaching while they say they a Christian going to heaven ? Hebrews 4

Who tired of being around phonies that have a tolerance for those that say you can be a
Christian going to heaven whether you water baptized or not ? John 3:5 Mark 16:16

Who ready for bible unity with people without the phonies to do it ? Psalms 133:1 Amos 3:3 2 Corinthians 6:14-17

I have a few questions.

On your first statement, what if they got the costly array at a thrift shop and are you implying that we not use proper hygiene? Please clarify
I don't believe that anyone here supports women preachers or women pastors. We do believe that women are called to be witness just as men are.
I understand your being upset with health and wealth gospel and many of the philosophies that are contrary to what the Bible teaches.
I am not sure what you are talking about the Sabbath teaching of heaven or hell.
Most people that believe the Bible understand legalism and strive to follow Jesus Christ and not a bunch of legalist rules.
It matters not what others think of the Bible. The Bible is the truth because God said it and that settles it.
Concerning divorce and remarriage, what is the only sin that God doesn't forgive? My Bible says that sin is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost not divorce or remarriage. I don't advocate either of these.
No where does in the Bible does it state if you are not baptized with water you will go to hell. If that were so why did Jesus tell the man on the cross that this day thou shalt be with me in paradise? He was never baptized with water.It does teach that we must be born again. Check out John 3
Scripture teaches us that there will be false teachers especially prior to His return for His Church. Praise Him that He has enabled you to know Him. Pray for the others.
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How about a poem that I found a long time ago - author unkown (it was not me)

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH ([bible]James 1:22[/bible])

You can know all the scriptures,
Have all the Bible you can reach,
But when push comes to shove
Do you practice what you preach?
Anyone can go to church
And colapse upon the floor
But when Judgement Day comes
Will you be at Heaven's door?
You can have the biggest of fits
And say the Holy Ghost passed through,
But is it really reflected
In the things that you do?
You can yell far and wide
Proclaiming your love for Christ,
But what have you given Him
When for you he gave His life?
You can lecture others
About the wrong things they do,
But before you look at others
You need to look at you.
You can damn all the sinners
Tell them they're headed south,
But what have you done lately
Besides run your mouth?
You can call yourself a Christian
Spend all your days at church,
But while you are praising His name,
Have you been doing the Lord's work?
You can boast of good deed
To show the Spirit is within
But why show it to us?
You should show it to him!
You can memorize your Bible
Know it from front to back,
But you don't use it to regulate others
Regulate how YOU act!
Take a good look at yourself
Not what others Do,
Because when He comes to get His children,
Will He be coming for you too?

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I have a few questions.

On your first statement, what if they got the costly array at a thrift shop and are you implying that we not use proper hygiene? Please clarify
I don't believe that anyone here supports women preachers or women pastors. We do believe that women are called to be witness just as men are.
I understand your being upset with health and wealth gospel and many of the philosophies that are contrary to what the Bible teaches.
I am not sure what you are talking about the Sabbath teaching of heaven or hell.
Most people that believe the Bible understand legalism and strive to follow Jesus Christ and not a bunch of legalist rules.
It matters not what others think of the Bible. The Bible is the truth because God said it and that settles it.
Concerning divorce and remarriage, what is the only sin that God doesn't forgive? My Bible says that sin is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost not divorce or remarriage. I don't advocate either of these.
No where does in the Bible does it state if you are not baptized with water you will go to hell. If that were so why did Jesus tell the man on the cross that this day thou shalt be with me in paradise? He was never baptized with water.It does teach that we must be born again. Check out John 3
Scripture teaches us that there will be false teachers especially prior to His return for His Church. Praise Him that He has enabled you to know Him. Pray for the others.

Well said...lettheredeemedsayso. :amen:

How about a poem that I found a long time ago - author unkown (it was not me)

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH ([bible]James 1:22[/bible])

You can know all the scriptures,
Have all the Bible you can reach,
But when push comes to shove
Do you practice what you preach?
Anyone can go to church
And colapse upon the floor
But when Judgement Day comes
Will you be at Heaven's door?
You can have the biggest of fits
And say the Holy Ghost passed through,
But is it really reflected
In the things that you do?
You can yell far and wide
Proclaiming your love for Christ,
But what have you given Him
When for you he gave His life?
You can lecture others
About the wrong things they do,
But before you look at others
You need to look at you.
You can damn all the sinners
Tell them they're headed south,
But what have you done lately
Besides run your mouth?
You can call yourself a Christian
Spend all your days at church,
But while you are praising His name,
Have you been doing the Lord's work?
You can boast of good deed
To show the Spirit is within
But why show it to us?
You should show it to him!
You can memorize your Bible
Know it from front to back,
But you don't use it to regulate others
Regulate how YOU act!
Take a good look at yourself
Not what others Do,
Because when He comes to get His children,
Will He be coming for you too?

:goodpost: IM4given. I have never heard that poem before. :thumb

Proverbs 16:19...Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide to spoil with the proud. KJV 1611 AV.

Matthew 26:41...Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. KJV 1611 AV.

Romans 5:8-10...8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

God bless you, tonytony. :Bible:
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Psa 45:13 The king's daughter is all glorious within; her clothing is trimmed with gold.
Psa 45:14 She shall be brought to the king in clothing of needlework; the virgins, her companions after her, shall be brought to You.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice and we will give glory to Him. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has prepared herself.
Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white. For the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.

Gen 24:53 And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave precious things to her brother and to her mother.

Isa 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah, my soul will be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the robes of salvation, He covered me with the robe of righteousness like a bridegroom adorns himself with ornaments, and like a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

So, God, who will adorn me in jewels and costly array as a bride prepared for the wedding, is going to send me to hell for what He has done?

Have you ever really read what it says in Peter my friend? Guess what's worse than philosophical morality? People that twist the scriptures to their own damnation.

I like the best response yet, smile and wave folks. Smile and wave. :wave:

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That may be true but what average person marrying people without jewelry and costly array? You saying 1 Peter 3:3 is not the righteousness of God ? All the bible is the righteousness of God according to 2 Timothy 3:16. The law of Moses with the ordinances is not the righteousness of God today according to Colossians 2:8. Otherwise all the bible is the righteousness of God according to Matthew 5:17.
What's not destroyed is either obsolute or currect doctrine in the book. God only wants to destroy philosophical doctrines that conflict the book according to Ephesians 4:14.
The biggest lie is saying the grace of Jesus on the cross is the righteousness of God only according to 2 Timothy 3:16. Sure big shots with theology degrees convince you it's so but no bible support enough on God's bible instructions on how to go to heaven. Sure the grace of God makes you have a mind to repent and be more Godly but grace has conditions in repentance to receive it according to Romans 6:1,15. They rather you retire and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only if you deal with Romans 7:2-3 and 1 Peter 3:3.
God is not a lier when he say you have to take your jewelry and costly array off to go to heaven according to Romans 3:3-4. Only a lier or children of the devil call him a lier and despise 1 Peter 3:3, etc. according to John 8:44. The devil likes to call some of the bible a philosophical book instead of calling it a law book from Genesis to Revelation.
The lier calls some of the bible a philosophical book by man. The lier says if you call all the bible a law book then your a child of the devil. That's according to Rev. 12:10. The lier rather throw 2 Timothy 3:16 under the rug by now and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only.


Many unbelievers don't wear jewelry or costly array. Consider the Amish' date=' Muslims, Buddhist monks, etc. That has nothing to do with the righteousness of God.[/quote']

That is a good point, John
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That may be true but what average person marrying people without jewelry and costly array? You saying 1 Peter 3:3 is not the righteousness of God ? All the bible is the righteousness of God according to 2 Timothy 3:16. The law of Moses with the ordinances is not the righteousness of God today according to Colossians 2:8. Otherwise all the bible is the righteousness of God according to Matthew 5:17.
What's not destroyed is either obsolute or currect doctrine in the book. God only wants to destroy philosophical doctrines that conflict the book according to Ephesians 4:14.
The biggest lie is saying the grace of Jesus on the cross is the righteousness of God only according to 2 Timothy 3:16. Sure big shots with theology degrees convince you it's so but no bible support enough on God's bible instructions on how to go to heaven. Sure the grace of God makes you have a mind to repent and be more Godly but grace has conditions in repentance to receive it according to Romans 6:1,15. They rather you retire and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only if you deal with Romans 7:2-3 and 1 Peter 3:3.
God is not a lier when he say you have to take your jewelry and costly array off to go to heaven according to Romans 3:3-4. Only a lier or children of the devil call him a lier and despise 1 Peter 3:3, etc. according to John 8:44. The devil likes to call some of the bible a philosophical book instead of calling it a law book from Genesis to Revelation.
The lier calls some of the bible a philosophical book by man. The lier says if you call all the bible a law book then your a child of the devil. That's according to Rev. 12:10. The lier rather throw 2 Timothy 3:16 under the rug by now and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only.


Many unbelievers don't wear jewelry or costly array. Consider the Amish' date=' Muslims, Buddhist monks, etc. That has nothing to do with the righteousness of God.[/quote']

That is a good point, John
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That may be true but what average person marrying people without jewelry and costly array? You saying 1 Peter 3:3 is not the righteousness of God ? All the bible is the righteousness of God according to 2 Timothy 3:16. The law of Moses with the ordinances is not the righteousness of God today according to Colossians 2:8. Otherwise all the bible is the righteousness of God according to Matthew 5:17.
What's not destroyed is either obsolute or currect doctrine in the book. God only wants to destroy philosophical doctrines that conflict the book according to Ephesians 4:14.
The biggest lie is saying the grace of Jesus on the cross is the righteousness of God only according to 2 Timothy 3:16. Sure big shots with theology degrees convince you it's so but no bible support enough on God's bible instructions on how to go to heaven. Sure the grace of God makes you have a mind to repent and be more Godly but grace has conditions in repentance to receive it according to Romans 6:1,15. They rather you retire and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only if you deal with Romans 7:2-3 and 1 Peter 3:3.
God is not a lier when he say you have to take your jewelry and costly array off to go to heaven according to Romans 3:3-4. Only a lier or children of the devil call him a lier and despise 1 Peter 3:3, etc. according to John 8:44. The devil likes to call some of the bible a philosophical book instead of calling it a law book from Genesis to Revelation.
The lier calls some of the bible a philosophical book by man. The lier says if you call all the bible a law book then your a child of the devil. That's according to Rev. 12:10. The lier rather throw 2 Timothy 3:16 under the rug by now and deal with Ephesians 2:8 only.


Sir, I wear a gold wedding band. It has some little diamonds in it. I NEVER take it off, it stays there, I barely ever notice it and no one else probably does either. Is that going to send me to Hell? My wife wears a gold band with a bigger "rock" on it. They are symbols of our love and commitment to each other. I also bought her a gold chain and some ear rings. The jewelry is there as ornaments. You will find neck chains, finger rings and such in the Word of God. They are not evil. What is evil is worshipping worldly goods and putting them before God. What matters is my wife and I fell on our knees, beleived on the Lord Jesus Christ, called on HIm in repentence and faith. We have been born again. She has the sweet spirit of God about her and that is the loveliest ornament you can wear.

Tts 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Man can do nothing...
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done"?
You can quit cussin' and drinkin', be baptized, take communion, cut your hair, read the Bible, abstain from eating pork, give all your worldly goods to the poor, go to church every time the doors are open.......
You can quit wearing all of your jewelry and still bust Hell wide open.

God does it ALL
"but according to his mercy he saved us"
Salvation is not a process, it is an event in time that takes only a split second. And once it happens, it is a done deal. Have you fallen before the mercy of a thrice Holy God and called on Him in Faith, asking Him to save you? At the same time did you recognize that you are a vile, wicked, ungodly sinner, deserving of Hell? It only takes a moment to do it.

HOW is it done?......
"by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"

Have you been regenerated? Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Does the Holy Ghost dwell inside you? Does Jesus live in yoru heart. Was there a change? Do you have the Spirit inside you which cries Abba Father? Do you understand any of these things? Have you ever had GOD move into your heart? If you ever do you will KNOW IT!!!!
See, if you are trusting in YOUR works, that is nothing but PRIDE. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. You must humble yourself before God and trust ONLY in JESUS for salvation or you will die in your sins.
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Your absolutely right. We can do all the do's and donts in the righteousness of God but we still need grace when we fall short of his glory eventually.
Their is an unforgiven sin called blaspheme of the Holy Spirit so if grace only was enough then we out easy obtaining salvation.
Mark 16:16 says what ? Repent and be baptized and thy shall be saved.
Repenting is really a daily thing with God if we modeling after the Lord's prayer praying.
If we praying for God to forgive our sins daily like Jesus told us to then we have failed God in some way all the time.
To say that salvation is grace only is to say that Romans 6:1,15 is the plan of God with salvation.
This Romans 6:1,15 doctrine says that repentance is also a condition for the grace of God to be achieved if we going to be saved.
In summary this saying that repentance + grace = salvation not grace only = salvation.
We have appropriate balance if we put Ephesians 2:8 and Ephesians 2:9 on the table like they hand and gloves fitting each other.
We have appropriate balance if we put Romans 3 and Mark 16:16 on the table like they head and hats fitting each other.
Unbalanced teaching with grace only is like having a dangerous gun you don't know who to use cause you make null and void 2 Timothy 3:16.
All mean everything acording to my understanding of the English dictionary.
All is stated in 2 Timothy 3:16 in regards to all the scripture of the bible.
All is stated in 2 Timothy 3:16 in regards to a correcting teaching on every bible verse by God only.
By God only cause all the bible is God inspired and God intrepreted only.
That confirms the doctrine of Paul and Jesus in Romans 3:3 if my memory serves correct.
Nothing in the bible is the doctrine of man.
Only philosophical views are the doctrine of man.
What doctrine you represent ?

Sir, I wear a gold wedding band. It has some little diamonds in it. I NEVER take it off, it stays there, I barely ever notice it and no one else probably does either. Is that going to send me to Hell? My wife wears a gold band with a bigger "rock" on it. They are symbols of our love and commitment to each other. I also bought her a gold chain and some ear rings. The jewelry is there as ornaments. You will find neck chains, finger rings and such in the Word of God. They are not evil. What is evil is worshipping worldly goods and putting them before God. What matters is my wife and I fell on our knees, beleived on the Lord Jesus Christ, called on HIm in repentence and faith. We have been born again. She has the sweet spirit of God about her and that is the loveliest ornament you can wear.

Tts 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Man can do nothing...
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done"?
You can quit cussin' and drinkin', be baptized, take communion, cut your hair, read the Bible, abstain from eating pork, give all your worldly goods to the poor, go to church every time the doors are open.......
You can quit wearing all of your jewelry and still bust Hell wide open.

God does it ALL
"but according to his mercy he saved us"
Salvation is not a process, it is an event in time that takes only a split second. And once it happens, it is a done deal. Have you fallen before the mercy of a thrice Holy God and called on Him in Faith, asking Him to save you? At the same time did you recognize that you are a vile, wicked, ungodly sinner, deserving of Hell? It only takes a moment to do it.

HOW is it done?......
"by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"

Have you been regenerated? Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Does the Holy Ghost dwell inside you? Does Jesus live in yoru heart. Was there a change? Do you have the Spirit inside you which cries Abba Father? Do you understand any of these things? Have you ever had GOD move into your heart? If you ever do you will KNOW IT!!!!
See, if you are trusting in YOUR works, that is nothing but PRIDE. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. You must humble yourself before God and trust ONLY in JESUS for salvation or you will die in your sins.
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Repenting is really a daily thing with God if we modeling after the Lord's prayer praying.
If we praying for God to forgive our sins daily like Jesus told us to then we have failed God in some way all the time.
To say that salvation is grace only is to say that Romans 6:1,15 is the plan of God with salvation.

A saved person is supposed to confess and forsake his sins when he commits so he can stay in fellowship with God, NOT to stay saved.

Sir, has there ever been a time, when you heard the Gospel, realized and admitted that you are a hopeless, helpless, vile, horribly wicked sinner, on your way to Hell and deserved to go there?..... and did you call on Jesus and ask Jesus to save you? Did you simply repeat a half-hearted prayer or did you call on him with all your heart? Religion will take a man all the way to Hell. You must put your trust in Jesus alone. You see, if you stake your life on DOING anything, like not wearing Jewelry, keeping the commandments, or even "constantly repenting" you are not trusting Jesus. You quoted Ephesians 2: 8-9.
It says........
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2: 8,9

"lest any man should boast"
You see, when I stand before God, I'm not going to be able to say, "I was a good man; I kept myself pure, I did not wear jewelry, I made it in because I repented every day......." NO FRIEND, all I will be able to say is JESUS PAID IT ALL...JESUS DID IT ALL It's all by faith in Him. What if my faith fails. The Bible says I am indwelled with the Holy Ghost, I am sealed by the Holy Ghost, it says I shall not be condemned, it says I have passed from death unto life. God does the saving God does the keeping. It's ALL HIM!
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