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What are You Thankful for?


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I am three days behind, so here are the three things I am thankful for. I am thankful my husband and I get to go to NE for Thanksgiving/Christmas. I am thankful my husband lived to be another year older yesterday, and I am thankful for the delicious food we had yesterday at my husband's families Thanksgiving.

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I am thankful that we can share our blessings. Even little things that normally we don't look at as blessings can come to mean so much more to us if we just stop and think about how God has worked in our lives.

The Bible tells us "IN everything give thanks..." That doesn't mean I have to be thankful that my Dad has cancer and may go home earlier than we want him to...but there are so many things IN this trial for which we can be thankful. I went out there for 2 weeks in July after the diagnosis, and got to spend the entire time helping my Grandmother. And then Oct 1 my Grandma died unexpectedly. I don't have to be thankful FOR that, but I can find so much to be thankful IN that. I can look back and see how good God was to use my Dad's cancer as a way for me to spend that time with my Grandma...time I was planning on spending this November, but God knew she wouldn't be there...

God is good, all the time. And I am so thankful for that. I hope each and every one has a wonderful day tomorrow (I know our friends who are not in America don't have this day set aside, but I still hope you have a wonderful day :flip: ).

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I'm thankful that as blessed as I am this Thanksgiving Day, one day I will be blessed to be with Jesus forever.

My son just SKYPED me from Nevada, as his daughters wanted to wish us Happy Thanksgiving. I had not realised that it was Thanksgiving, so I wish all here a Happy Thnksgiving.

God Bless

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I am thankful that I survived another Black Friday at Walmart! (Come on, you want to laugh with me!)

This year we bought something that we have been needing for a long time: a chest freezer ($159 - 7.0 cu ft). God is good (all the time)! Praise God! Praise God!

Edited by brosmith
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