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Saddam was no threat to America.

I'm sure the many hundreds injured and the families of the six who were killed in 1993 at the World Trade Center would disagree with you.

Eight Americans, including the daughter of a Baptist preacher, Abigail Litle - 14, were killed by Palestinian homocide bombers whose families were rewarded with checks from Saddam.

The family of Sergeant First Class Jackson wouldn't share that view either. Shortly after speaking with deported Iraqi diplomat Hisham al Hussein, Abu Sayyef's terror group in the Phillipines exploded a bomb that killed 3 and injured 23 more.

Abu Nidal sought refuge in Iraq, he killed over 20 Americans. That pervert Yasser Arafat personally killed two Americans, yet he was the most frequent visitor to the White House during the Clinton Presidency and a staunch ally of Saddam Hussein.

Remember Leon Klinghoffer? He was the wheelchair bound American thrown off the Achille Lauro to drown in the ocean by Abu Abbas, a terrorist who held an Iraqi diplomatic passport.

John, I hope this little post properly informs you about Saddam Hussein.
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I'm sure the many hundreds injured and the families of the six who were killed in 1993 at the World Trade Center would disagree with you.

Eight Americans, including the daughter of a Baptist preacher, Abigail Litle - 14, were killed by Palestinian homocide bombers whose families were rewarded with checks from Saddam.

The family of Sergeant First Class Jackson wouldn't share that view either. Shortly after speaking with deported Iraqi diplomat Hisham al Hussein, Abu Sayyef's terror group in the Phillipines exploded a bomb that killed 3 and injured 23 more.

Abu Nidal sought refuge in Iraq, he killed over 20 Americans. That pervert Yasser Arafat personally killed two Americans, yet he was the most frequent visitor to the White House during the Clinton Presidency and a staunch ally of Saddam Hussein.

Remember Leon Klinghoffer? He was the wheelchair bound American thrown off the Achille Lauro to drown in the ocean by Abu Abbas, a terrorist who held an Iraqi diplomatic passport.

John, I hope this little post properly informs you about Saddam Hussein.

Saddam was far less a threat to America than many other nations and he was no direct threat to America at all. Prior to the Iraq wars Saddam was working behind the scenes with the CIA. America has a long history of conducting such business. America knew Saddam was no threat to America or Saudi Arabia. The only ones who Saddam was a potential threat to were Iran, Israel and there were some issues with Syria. Iraq actually served as a buffer against Iran, between Iran and Syria.

China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and several other nations have been involved in the support of many terrorist groups that have killed Americans. Virtually every radical Muslim cleric in America, along with their mosques and schools, are supported (funded) by Saudi Arabia. China is working with tireless effort to undermine America with the aim of eclipsing America. China has made great inroads at turning Pakistan from being an unstable "ally" of America, to siding with China. Pakistan helped to hide Bin Laden and has worked against American efforts to target certain terrorists for years yet America still calls Pakistan an "ally". Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons, a country in a strategic area with ties to various terrorists and a growing relationship with China, a far greater potential threat to America and the region than Saddam could have ever hoped to be.

If one simply goes by numbers, America should be invading Mexico because more Americans have been killed directly by Mexicans than were ever killed by Saddam.
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Saddam was far less a threat to America than many other nations and he was no direct threat to America at all. Prior to the Iraq wars Saddam was working behind the scenes with the CIA. America has a long history of conducting such business. America knew Saddam was no threat to America or Saudi Arabia. The only ones who Saddam was a potential threat to were Iran, Israel and there were some issues with Syria. Iraq actually served as a buffer against Iran, between Iran and Syria.

China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and several other nations have been involved in the support of many terrorist groups that have killed Americans. Virtually every radical Muslim cleric in America, along with their mosques and schools, are supported (funded) by Saudi Arabia. China is working with tireless effort to undermine America with the aim of eclipsing America. China has made great inroads at turning Pakistan from being an unstable "ally" of America, to siding with China. Pakistan helped to hide Bin Laden and has worked against American efforts to target certain terrorists for years yet America still calls Pakistan an "ally". Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons, a country in a strategic area with ties to various terrorists and a growing relationship with China, a far greater potential threat to America and the region than Saddam could have ever hoped to be.

If one simply goes by numbers, America should be invading Mexico because more Americans have been killed directly by Mexicans than were ever killed by Saddam.

America has also supported terrorists like the IRA and Bin Laden.
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Saddam was far less a threat to America than many other nations and he was no direct threat to America at all.

So do you discount the evidence that Saddam and Al Queda worked together and provided boots on the ground in the 1993 attack on the WTC? Isn't that a direct attack and more than just a threat? Paying off the United Nations to curry various favors was not a direct threat to America's interests?

I'm well aware of his co-operation with the CIA, we do it with everybody unfortunately. Shouldn't our government practice separation? I wouldn't trade or give a Godless Communist country a nickel! Russia and China wouldn't exist had it not been for the Democrat Party, they and their Godless politicans and supporters are the worst enemies of liberty in the world. We should have never allowed them into public service. I'm starting to rant... Yes, those other countries are a terror to good works too. Bush wasn't going to attack them all. But that takes us off subject. The subject is whether Saddam Hussein was a threat to America or not and I believe I've proved the point that Yes he was.
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America has also supported terrorists like the IRA and Bin Laden.

America never directly or indirectly supported UBL. That was his lie to puff up his image with the Mujahadeen. He was a Johnny Come Lately, showed up after the game was over and took credit where none was due. Leftists have repeated this lie over and over again so now many think it's true. It's not.
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America never directly or indirectly supported UBL. That was his lie to puff up his image with the Mujahadeen. He was a Johnny Come Lately, showed up after the game was over and took credit where none was due. Leftists have repeated this lie over and over again so now many think it's true. It's not.

USA supplied him with arms, Saudi supplied him with cash.
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That's one of the lies now accepted as truth.

It seems that anything you don't like is a lie.

US was involved with socialist Libya in sending prisoners to Libya to be tortured. Under your definition of socialist, the US is just as much socialist as all the others.
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It seems that anything you don't like is a lie.

US was involved with socialist Libya in sending prisoners to Libya to be tortured. Under your definition of socialist, the US is just as much socialist as all the others.

Yes, it's a long known fact that America supplied UBL and other Islamists during the Afghan-Soviet war. It's also now established that America did send prisoners to Libya where they knew they would be tortured in ways illegal for Americans to do.

About the only despots America has not been involved with over the past several decades were those outrightly sided with the Soviets or otherwise aligned as enemies.

America is follow the same path as ancient Rome, which began as a Republic, became an empire, let the Republic fall away and ended up drowning in debt while trying to divert attention with foreign wars.

From 1980 to today look at the tremendous increase in debt that every president, Dem and Repub, has foisted upon us, our children and grandchildren. America has military bases in about 120 countries around the world and is continually involved in outright and covert war across the globe; all being paid for by debt borrowed mostly from China.

Our borders are insecure and for the sake of votes the politicians are allowing Mexico to in effect reclaim the American southwest, Islamists are gaining a strong foothold in the land, socialism permeates the government and the people clamor for more as most Americans walk contrary to the God of all.
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What you were calling lies above is actually well documented fact that has been admitted to by the American government agencies involved.

Did those admissions come after President Obama took office? Or does the information come from Marxists? I did an exhaustive study on this sometime during President Bush's first term and found no such admissions from the Feds. What I did find was that UBL made up the lie to bolster his image among the Mujahadeen and start Al Queda. Unless we're talking about two different events? UBL did not fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, he showed up too late.
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Did those admissions come after President Obama took office? Or does the information come from Marxists? I did an exhaustive study on this sometime during President Bush's first term and found no such admissions from the Feds. What I did find was that UBL made up the lie to bolster his image among the Mujahadeen and start Al Queda. Unless we're talking about two different events? UBL did not fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, he showed up too late.

It was reported widely, from US documents and sources shortly after 9-11.

At the time of the Afghan-Soviet war the US was arming just about anyone willing to use such arms to fight the Soviets; Bin Laden just happened to be one of them.

While there can be many arguments made about American intervention in such things and America yoking itself with nefarious folks and groups, it must be remembered, or considered, that during the time of the Afghan-Soviet war, no one could have predicted that Bin Laden would become the leader of a powerful terrorist organization determined to strike America 20-some years later.

In fact, from the evidence available, it seems that later American actions in the Middle East is what prompted Bin Laden to target America.

As to whether or not Bin Laden himself actually fought in Afganistan I don't recall, but those he was connected with were and he was a key player in this and the weapons aspect.
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You understand what Swath is saying right? Bin Laden wasn't at the party when the US was arming folks in Afghanistan. Thus, Bin Laden was never armed by the US. I don't know what is true but it's simple to understand.

While, I realize there are numerous and almost unending amount of things wrong with the United States. I know no other country that has more righteousness on it's resume. No, you don't have to love or defend your country to be a good Christian but it seems some folks on this board have never said even one thing remotely good about the U.S. Is there nothing good about the U.S.?

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I love my country even though I don't agree with all of its leaders and policies. It's not the fault of the US that she's in the shape she's in:. It's ours; the Christians. Pointing our fingers at the governemt will never solve America's problems. God has given us the solution and it starts with us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. "My people" does NOT mean America, nor any state or government, not even the earthly children of Abraham: It means only those that belong to Jesus.

Edited by heartstrings
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