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If memory serves one of our members' family still attends an IFB church in the Syracuse area where they were born and raised. I will check and get back to ya.

There is one outside of Syracuse in the town of Baldwinsville. I really can't think of any other than that little one I mentioned in another forum that was located in the downtown. I doubt it's that one being it's located in a pretty rough area and not really a "family church reaching the hearts of the community" as the cliche goes.
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Last Sunday...N.J. for a public 9-11 memorium at a public facility...there were 3 pastors holding this public meeting...opened with prayer in Jesus name, closed with prayer in Jesus name, and frequently invoked the the Lord Jesus Christ to heal this nation during the memorium. One of the pastors was from my son's church. This was refreshing news especially since it was N.J., a more "liberal" state.

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Well, I never did any door knocking in Germany. For one, I don't speak German and two...we were not allowed to do it on base. Our Pastor did it for the longest time but after 9/11 they started "arresting" him and said it wasn't allowed. We had to resign to handing out tracts in the mailboxes and if you saw someone and they asked what you were doing it opened a door.

So, since I've arrived back in the states is the first time I've really gone door knocking. So far, so good but my Pastor tells me it's not always the way it's been (people have been quite cordial). I've been nervous but not really looking forward to that one person who is extremely mean about the ministry. We did have one old lady run into her garage and hide in the dark. lol

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Well, I never did any door knocking in Germany. For one, I don't speak German and two...we were not allowed to do it on base. Our Pastor did it for the longest time but after 9/11 they started "arresting" him and said it wasn't allowed. We had to resign to handing out tracts in the mailboxes and if you saw someone and they asked what you were doing it opened a door.

So, since I've arrived back in the states is the first time I've really gone door knocking. So far, so good but my Pastor tells me it's not always the way it's been (people have been quite cordial). I've been nervous but not really looking forward to that one person who is extremely mean about the ministry. We did have one old lady run into her garage and hide in the dark. lol

My daughter used to go door knocking with her church in London. They went in pairs. One day a naked man opened the door, and they did not know what to say,.
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There is one outside of Syracuse in the town of Baldwinsville. I really can't think of any other than that little one I mentioned in another forum that was located in the downtown. I doubt it's that one being it's located in a pretty rough area and not really a "family church reaching the hearts of the community" as the cliche goes.

Sorry, my memory was wrong! He comes from the little town of Latham, NY; just north of Albany and west of Troy. Latham Bible Baptist Church.
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