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Baked chicken, rice and gravy, and peas for dinner last evening! I was going to try and make biscuits, but, thanks to the power outage caused by an electrical storm in the area the oven needed to remain closed to keep the heat in and finish baking the chicken. 

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13 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

My brother is making dinner tonight. Elk chili. It smells SO nummy. Problem is I can't have any - stomach issues acting up and I can't take a chance with the wedding being Friday. The spices are actually upsetting my stomach. lol...that tells me it is gonna taste great!

HC, like you. my stomach wouldn't take all that hot stuff and tomato. too acidy for me. That, and unlike most people, I don't like chili. It seems to me that most people that like chili will always say how good it is by how hot it is.

At church we have a chili cook off once per year and a bit of a contest to see who made the best chili, invariably it is the hottest.

I would think that flavor would be the determining factor, but over the years ii just seems to me that spicy-hot is most peoples determining factor. But, what do I know? The guy that doesn't even like it.

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4 minutes ago, Jim_Alaska said:

HC, like you. my stomach wouldn't take all that hot stuff and tomato. too acidy for me. That, and unlike most people, I don't like chili. It seems to me that most people that like chili will always say how good it is by how hot it is.

At church we have a chili cook off once per year and a bit of a contest to see who made the best chili, invariably it is the hottest.

I would think that flavor would be the determining factor, but over the years ii just seems to me that spicy-hot is most peoples determining factor. But, what do I know? The guy that doesn't even like it.

I do love the flavor of it, though. And I like spicy, but the older I get the more I lean toward the flavor, especially since I can't handle the spice and tomato. Ugh, getting old is not for sissies! lol. My brother said it wasn't spicy, but both my mom and hubs said it was. Hubs had two bowls, though, so it had to be tasty.

We have a Chili and a Movie afternoon on the Sunday after New Year's Day. There are usually several pots of chili from which to sample and it ranges from the mildest to quite spicy (our son and another man in the church LOVE ghost peppers...). We did a competition the first year, but since then have just had the chili dinner.

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Tonight, since it's still 97 degrees here (heat index 112), we're having sandwiches, chips, and pork and beans. I'm not going to heat up the oven for anything. We had meatloaf last night, with green beans, and field peas, and then chocolate ice cream for dessert. Bailey got a raspberry flavored popsicle. ? He loves anything that's icy! 

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Me, too, @Jim_Alaska Vivian said something about me making a macaroni salad today. I will probably do just that. It's going to be another 95+ degree day....Thankfully, tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler, somewhere in the mid 80s. We're facing some severe storms here this afternoon, so I'll probably make the macaroni salad this morning. At 2 AM, when we got up, it was still 81 degrees. It's 76 now w/ 94% humidity. 

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I totally understand about not feeling well HappyChristian. It was overly hot again today, but a severe thunderstom rolled through and it relieved us of the heat for about two hours. Now it's back up to 90 with 60% humidity. I felt sorry for our pastor, who had come out to mow our lawn since I no longer a able to do so. I took him a gatorade before he got his weed eater. So, we're going to once again have sandwiches (sarnies)  as some of my friends from the UK call them. My wife didn't want me to cook. She gets like that sometimes and just wants sandwiches or soup. It's almost five o'clock here, and she's just now leaving work over an hour away. 65+ miles one way, so an hour to two hours depending on the traffic. 


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Tonight we'll be having hot dogs, pork & beans, and potato chips. This is one of my wife's longer days where she usually doesn't get home until after 6:30 pm. We'll probably finish up with an ice cream sandwich. Bailey, of course, will be getting his daily popsicle. He loves these on the really hot days. ?


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Tonight will be our second evening of cabbage and kielbasa, with potatoes, onions, celery, and peppers, along with a large piece of cornbread! ? YUM! For dessert, we'll be having a small bowl of chocolate ice cream...especially since it's 90 degrees here with 72% humidity! Bailey will be having an icesicle! He's always ready for one at 8 PM. 


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Mom and I went shopping today, so we stopped and had a late lunch. She got a philly cheese sandwich (made with prime rib - and it's tasty!) and I got a taco salad. Was only able to eat half, so the other half is in the fridge. Hubs asked me to pick him up some tacos from Taco Bell, so I did. 


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Last night we had hamburger steaks, baked beans, and bbq potato chips. Tonight we're probably going to have ribeye steak, potato and a salad. It depends on whether or not we get everything else we need to get done today finished and have time to cook. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice today, so we're hoping we can get it all done. 

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Well, things change...and quite quickly, too! We went to check out a possible mate for Bailey yesterday in Tullahoma, TN. We thought we'd be back in time to have the steak and potatoes, but we visited with the breeders. We fell in love with a 10 week old Chocolate lab and a 10 week old black lab puppy. The breeders said that they were going to cut off a couple of hundres dollars if we wanted to get two. So, we did! We got them both. They were so small compared to Bailey at that age. The chocolate female we named Hailey Sue Lanius, and the black lab we named Pepper Anne Lanius. Both are so small, but very beautiful puppies. 

So, when we got back home, after spending time with these wonderful pups, we had a bologa and cheese sandwich and chips. We finished up the last of he vanilla ice cream with some hot fudge on it. Since it was 98 degrees yesterday, we needed something cold!  ? Tonight we'll be having baked chicken breasts, green beans, rice and gravy, and homemaid biscuits! YUM!

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