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Is the King James Bible perfect?

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I think the only time we can consider any scripture to be perfect was when it was originally written by those who wrote it. There will always be slight deviations from one Bible to the next because of the differences in translation and the fact that it was hand copied for over a thousand years. I think what is important though is that the general meaning is still preserved in all Bibles, except for maybe JW and Mormon Bibles, because they are not Christian.

If my bible isn't perfect, and I can't get one that is (since all the autographs are gone), why can't I just write my own book? As long as it says 'be nice to each other', then the meaning should be OK, right?

If every word in my bible isn't true, then John 3:16 isn't necessarily true either.
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I just want to say I agree with the fact that the King James is perfect. God said he would preserve his word, not partially preserve it, not try to save as much as he could of it, but preserve it. As it is said in the post at the beginning of this section of the forums, people have been trying to spread the idea that the Bible isn't perfect for years, thousands of years. What John has said is nothing new, what he is doing is nothing new, and what he is going to say to this, or any of the other posts in this particular topic or any others is nothing new. The fact is is that when you are holding the King James Bible, you are holding the Word of God, perfectly preserved by God's own hand.

John, I pray for you... because you are on a slippery slope when you begin denying God's word. What you do when you are denying God's ability to use men to perfectly preserve His words, is you are taking away from God's Word. Beware the warning in Revelation.

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." -Revelation 22:19

That is serious stuff...

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I just want to say I agree with the fact that the King James is perfect. God said he would preserve his word, not partially preserve it, not try to save as much as he could of it, but preserve it. As it is said in the post at the beginning of this section of the forums, people have been trying to spread the idea that the Bible isn't perfect for years, thousands of years. What John has said is nothing new, what he is doing is nothing new, and what he is going to say to this, or any of the other posts in this particular topic or any others is nothing new. The fact is is that when you are holding the King James Bible, you are holding the Word of God, perfectly preserved by God's own hand.

John, I pray for you... because you are on a slippery slope when you begin denying God's word. What you do when you are denying God's ability to use men to perfectly preserve His words, is you are taking away from God's Word. Beware the warning in Revelation.

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." -Revelation 22:19

That is serious stuff...

Very true, UC, and good posting too.

I work with high-voltage, high-amperage, and sometimes high-frequency electricity all the time in my work. That stuff is so incredibly dangerous, that we cannot relax for even an instant. Voltages up in the range of 72,000 volts will leap out to you, and you don't even have to touch it. As dangerous as that stuff is, it is as nothing as compared to the awesome power of God. I've heard story after story of men that have tampered with the Word of God by adding to it and/or taking away from it, and every one of them is suffering some sort of serious tragedy to this very day. Some have lost their voice completely, and others have serious speech impediments from which there is no cure or remedy.
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I think what is important though is that the general meaning is still preserved in all Bibles, except for maybe JW and Mormon Bibles, because they are not Christian.

God did not promise to preserve the meaning - but the words themselves - yes, even the jots and tittles.
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God did not promise to preserve the meaning - but the words themselves - yes, even the jots and tittles.

Wait a second, I'm confused. What do you mean God promised to preserve the words themselves? As in the Greek words or the English words or the Greek words and whatever they were translated into? Any English language Bible is not going to be exactly word for word according to the Greek because it would be fragmented in English. *trying not to get into a debate* :peek:
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Wait a second, I'm confused. What do you mean God promised to preserve the words themselves? As in the Greek words or the English words or the Greek words and whatever they were translated into? Any English language Bible is not going to be exactly word for word according to the Greek because it would be fragmented in English. *trying not to get into a debate* :peek:

I'll answer this one since it's so easy. :wink

Psalm 12:6-7

6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
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Well no matter what language He preserved them in, He preserved His words.

I think about it this way. God created language, so He knows every language on Earth. He spoke His words to the men who penned them originally, in the originals. Then they were eventually translated into our language but they are still His words. God guided the translators to correctly translate His words from one language to the next. It takes faith to believe it, logic can't explain it, but that's what happened.

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So basically, God preserved His Words in different forms. Therefore, it would be safe to say that when God preserved each word in the Greek, it is preserved in English through a group of words, or idea. So they are still God's Words but in a different form. Are we on the same page? :wink

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Well no matter what language He preserved them in, He preserved His words.

I think about it this way. God created language, so He knows every language on Earth. He spoke His words to the men who penned them originally, in the originals. Then they were eventually translated into our language but they are still His words. God guided the translators to correctly translate His words from one language to the next. It takes faith to believe it, logic can't explain it, but that's what happened.

...and that's a fact worthy of note. :thumb

Isn't it interesting that God picked the early 1600s to have His Pure and Holy Words translated into English. Most definitely He knew that the English language was at its peak of power and expressiveness at that time. It has never been so before that time nor after it. He also knew full well that in a short time the British Empire would be so huge and wide-spread that it would be said that,

"The sun never sets on the British Empire."

Not only that, but He knew that great and wonderful revivals would be coming forth from that region, and most definitely they would need Bibles.
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...and that's a fact worthy of note. :thumb

Isn't it interesting that God picked the early 1600s to have His Pure and Holy Words translated into English. Most definitely He knew that the English language was at its peak of power and expressiveness at that time. It has never been so before that time nor after it. He also knew full well that in a short time the British Empire would be so huge and wide-spread that it would be said that,

"The sun never sets on the British Empire."

Not only that, but He knew that great and wonderful revivals would be coming forth from that region, and most definitely they would need Bibles.

Exactly!! I love the history of the King James Bible and how English was at its most perfect form at that time. The timing and the way it was done all fits so perfectly together, and it's so obvious God's hand was in it. :amen:
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Any English language Bible is not going to be exactly word for word according to the Greek because it would be fragmented in English. *trying not to get into a debate* :peek:

That's why the King James uses italics - words that were added to make the translation readable in english.
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