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King James Preferred

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For me it means that I believe that the KJV is the preserved word of God in the English language but that another translation that is as faithful to the TR as the KJV is, is just as valid. It means that I do not believe that God "breathed again" in 1611.

Other people will say that it means that I've looked everywhere for God's word but haven't found it in its entirety and so have settled for the KJV as the best translation so far and I would jump on another one as soon as it came along. That isn't true but that is what they'll say. :cool

I can't believe this hobby horse is being ridden again. :duh

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Giddy up!! :dead:

I think it all depends how you use the phrase. If you are KJV-preferred just because you like the KJV or use it more than you do other versions, then the position is worthless (other than to indicate your personal taste) - it isn't a stand for anything.

If you are KJV-preferred in English, believing that it is the only English version available now that is faithful to the underlying manuscripts - that is good. But many that have this view do refer to themselves as KJVonly - because that is the only version they read and use in English (in most cases, believing that the MVs are all corrupt in some way or another); whereas they might also be for sound TR-based translations in other languages (which is the position of the majority on these boards).

Though I would like to clearly affirm: it is not a preference, but a conviction.

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For me it means that I believe that the KJV is the preserved word of God in the English language but that another translation that is as faithful to the TR as the KJV is, is just as valid. It means that I do not believe that God "breathed again" in 1611.

Other people will say that it means that I've looked everywhere for God's word but haven't found it in its entirety and so have settled for the KJV as the best translation so far and I would jump on another one as soon as it came along. That isn't true but that is what they'll say. :cool

I can't believe this hobby horse is being ridden again. :duh

I agree.
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Online Baptist is a KJB board and we will not change. Regardless of what you think, we have studied this out and believe that God has preserved His words for the English speaking people in the King James Bible. We do not care to listen to your insults and sarcasm as it is a waste of our time.

KJV all the way! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
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What is wrong with the King James Preferred position on Bible translations?

I have never told anyone what bible version to use, but I was told I had to use the KJV on this board. I think that is what is wrong with that position. One reply even stated because I posted with the NIV that I wasn't even using the bible.

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I'm TR-Only, KJV Preferred, although I do reference other TR based translations.

:puzzled: :puzzled: :puzzled:

Will, you can't read Greek. How can you be TR only? In fact, brother, which "TR" are you referring to? C'mon brother, that means absolutely nada.

What you're saying then is, I am TR only as long as other men tell me what it says???

Brethren, there is no such animal on the face of the earth called "The" TR. It is a figment of the imagination!!

There is a family of texts called TR in a generic sort of way that do not agree amongst themselves 100% of the time.

Will, can you tell me where I can get a copy of your TR?

Truth be told, the KJB is a "TR" Bible. So are you KJB only? My Spanish Bible is "TR" as well. Am I Valera only??!!?? :puzzled:

Based on your quote above, you really have no final authority do you? Other than your own opinion??

:loco :loco :puzzled: :loco :puzzled:
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Calvary, you already know this but that is what we call TR only (as opposed to the texts the MVs came from). Your Spanish version is a TR Bible (not an MV text Bible). You use your Spanish version knowing that it is accurate, so how can you be KJVonly? If you were a French missionary, you would use the French Bible that is based on the same underlying text our KJV came from. Our English version is a TR Bible (not an MV text Bible).

There are many Bibles in other languages that are TR Bibles and they weren't translated from the KJV. What were they translated from? What are the college students studying when they take Greek and Hebrew in Bible college or Seminary? I know, you aren't big on Bible college or degrees. Nevertheless, they are studying something that is in agreement with the TR Bibles we use.

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I have never told anyone what bible version to use, but I was told I had to use the KJV on this board. I think that is what is wrong with that position.

You joined this board knowing we were KJVOnly - and yet you still complain! If you had a problem with that position, perhaps you shouldn't have joined. That's like a child asking for a particular piece of candy, then later griping because he knew he hated that kind (but still took it anyway)!
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I have never told anyone what bible version to use, but I was told I had to use the KJV on this board. Randy
And you still joined and post. If you agreed to it then why are you complaining about it?
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He said that's what he felt was wrong with the position, not the board. If his point were to rip on the board, his post would have read:

I have never told anyone what bible version to use, but I was told I had to use the KJV on this board. I think that is what is wrong with this board.

Anyway, I agree with his point- most people that aren't KJVO don't go around condemning all people who don't use their preferred translation. I see the love of Christ reflected much more in 'freedom readers' than I do KJVOs. They don't call KJVOs "children of Satan", or suggest that they don't have a real Bible, or say they are part of an Alexandrian Conspiracy, "Bible bashers", "Bible correctors", etc... And that's an observation coming from someone who reads almost exclusively from and prefers the KJV.

I think the the biggest thing that's wrong with the position of onlyism is the division it causes. KJVOs have this attitude that it's "us v. them", as if anyone who isn't KJVO is an enemy. Don't get me wrong, not everyone is like that. There are a few respectful people that are KJVO, but overall it seems most KJVOs feel that "if you aren't KJVO, you are an enemy of God, and therefor aren't one of us". But overall, I think this board maintains a respectful and moderate group of KJVO's. :cooldude:
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