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We need more immigrant here 🇺🇸

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Repulican post found on the internet 

Why we need immigration. Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives.🇺🇸

What is the truth behind all this?  $ The love of money 💰

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14 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Repulican post found on the internet 

Why we need immigration. Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives.🇺🇸

What is the truth behind all this?  $ The love of money 💰

Hogwash!!! They're speaking of LEGAL immigration. Another post about money...not really about immigration at all. Eddie, aka TGL, needs to remember his people were immigrants somewhere in the past. 

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8 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Repulican post found on the internet 

Why we need immigration. Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives.🇺🇸

What is the truth behind all this?  $ The love of money 💰

My income hasn't risen. In fact, I just lost my 2nd job (something my father never had to worry about), there's no more bonuses at my first job and my rent increased more than my father was paying on the mortgage of his house.

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Posted (edited)

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (Jan. 11, 2024):

Illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain, meaning they receive more in government services than they pay in taxes. The fundamental reason that illegal immigrants are a net drain is that they have a low average education level, which results in low average earnings and tax payments. It also means a large share qualify for welfare programs, often receiving benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children. Like their less-educated and low-income U.S.-born counterparts, the tax payments of illegal immigrants do not come close to covering the cost they create.

  • Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs.
  • In addition to consuming welfare, illegal immigration makes significant use of public education. Based on average costs per student, the estimated 4 million children of illegal immigrants in public schools created $68.1 billion in costs in 2019.
  • Use of emergency medical services is another area in which illegal immigrants create significant fiscal costs. The costs of providing care to them likely totals some $7 billion annually.
  • Illegal immigrants do pay some taxes. We estimate that illegal immigrants in 2019 paid roughly $5.9 billion in federal income tax, $16.2 billion in Social Security tax and $3.8 billion in Medicaid taxes. However, as the net fiscal drain of $68,000 per person cited above indicates, these taxes are not nearly enough to cover the cost of the services they receive.
  • Illegal immigrants do add perhaps $321 billion to the nation’s GDP, but this is not a measure of their tax contributions or the benefits they create for the U.S.-born. Almost all the increase in economic activity goes to the illegal immigrants themselves in the form of wages.

You can find the entire study here: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to Taxpayers (house.gov)

A net fiscal drain of $68,000 PER PERSON! 

Legal immigration can be beneficial as a large portion of those immigrants are better educated and quickly find employment as medical scientists, software developers. college professors, engineers, mathematicians, nurses, doctors and dentists. (G.W. Bush Institute 2016).

These LEGAL immigrants provide near immediate social and fiscal benefits to their communities and the government, unlike their illegal counterparts.

Edited by Napsterdad
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I see that there is a big problem, who’s going to pick up the watermelon, vegetables and fruits. Who’s gonna do the irrigations, groundskeepers, roof installers, office cleaners, dishes?

Not us 🫤🇺🇸

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I see that there is a big problem, who’s going to pick up the watermelon, vegetables and fruits. Who’s gonna do the irrigations, groundskeepers, roof installers, office cleaners, dishes?

Not us 🫤🇺🇸

So having illegal aliens do these more menial jobs is worth the $68,000 per person fiscal drain. How about an alternative be work fare instead of welfare? If you are able (physically, mentally, etc.) in order to receive your welfare check you must work for it in one of the capacities you list above (or others). The farmers (etc.) would pay a smaller minimum wage (keeping food costs down for example) and that would be supplemented by a workfare check from the government. Perhaps that would motivate people to better themselves and get off the government dole.

Edited by Napsterdad
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8 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

That's all you ever seem to see... big problems. How refreshing it would be if every now and then you would offer up a positive solution.

Here is a solution for you 🙄

According to fwd.us, immigrants can benefit the U.S. economy in many ways, including:
  • Filling labor shortages 
    Immigrants can help fill positions in industries and states that have struggled to find workers. For example, New York State has a labor shortage in home health care, and the New York State Department of Labor has identified 39,456 jobs open to migrants and asylum seekers. 
  • Creating jobs 
    Immigrants can help create jobs and raise wages for everyone. 
  • Filling undesirable jobs 
    Immigrants often take low-paying jobs that most U.S.-born Americans won't, such as caring for the sick, elderly, and children. 
  • Boosting innovation 
    Immigrants are more likely to start their own businesses and obtain patents, which can boost the country's productivity and innovation. 
  • Playing important roles in key sectors 
    Immigrants play important roles in many sectors of the economy, including healthcare, food production, construction, and emerging fields like semiconductors and artificial intelligence. 
    Those that ❤️ AI will like this reply. 😁
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11 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Here is a solution for you 🙄

Those that ❤️ AI will like this reply. 😁

Several problems here. First, it appears that your question to the AI is based on legal immigration. I don't think anyone here has a problem with LEGAL immigration. The problem is ILLEGAL immigration.

Second: The problem with AI with regard to questions like this, however, is that it is slanted to the liberal woke crowd.

Third: My statistics came straight from the US Governments Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee. from January of this year. They show the lie of your AI answer when it is ILLEGAL immigration that is the focus of the discussion. ILLEGAL immigration is not good for America.

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11 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I see that there is a big problem, who’s going to pick up the watermelon, vegetables and fruits. Who’s gonna do the irrigations, groundskeepers, roof installers, office cleaners, dishes?

Not us 🫤🇺🇸

How do you know? There are people who would for sure do those jobs if they had the opportunity. Allowing illegals in creates big issues in the economy, solving absolutely nothing. Stop buying in to the lies that open borders people push.

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10 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

How do you know? There are people who would for sure do those jobs if they had the opportunity. Allowing illegals in creates big issues in the economy, solving absolutely nothing. Stop buying in to the lies that open borders people push.

This is not something new. This is happening all around the world, people want easy money and don’t want hard labor work. My wife is Dominican, the last time I was over there, the Haitians were doing all the work that was labor and low-paying jobs, those that the Dominicans don't want to do. Something similar to what we are happening here. 

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8 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

This is not something new. 

You are correct. Ever since Lucifer wanted to be like God this type of behavior has existed. People wanting something that is not rightfully theirs.

And not only do these illegal aliens try to be Americans without going through the proper channels they bring all their crime and diseases with them.

TGL, if these people are so great, why don't they stay in their own countries and try to stabilize and make them successful instead of coming here, straining our infrastructure, depleting our resources and adding to an already onerous debt and tax bill?

Here's an idea for all you ILLEGAL immigrant lovers. Open up your homes to one or two of their families. YOU pay for their lodging, their food, their schooling, their medical expenses and any other essentials they may need. In exchange you alone can reap the benefits that these ILLEGAL immigrants bring to the country and specifically to your home. I won't ask for a cent of the increase you are experiencing for your largesse to these ILLEGAL immigrants.

But don't ask me for a cent to help. The US Government stated themselves, Illegal immigration presents a net fiscal drain of $68,000 PER PERSON! 

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1 hour ago, Napsterdad said:

You are correct. Ever since Lucifer wanted to be like God this type of behavior has existed. People wanting something that is not rightfully theirs.

And not only do these illegal aliens try to be Americans without going through the proper channels they bring all their crime and diseases with them.

TGL, if these people are so great, why don't they stay in their own countries and try to stabilize and make them successful instead of coming here, straining our infrastructure, depleting our resources and adding to an already onerous debt and tax bill?

Here's an idea for all you ILLEGAL immigrant lovers. Open up your homes to one or two of their families. YOU pay for their lodging, their food, their schooling, their medical expenses and any other essentials they may need. In exchange you alone can reap the benefits that these ILLEGAL immigrants bring to the country and specifically to your home. I won't ask for a cent of the increase you are experiencing for your largesse to these ILLEGAL immigrants.

But don't ask me for a cent to help. The US Government stated themselves, Illegal immigration presents a net fiscal drain of $68,000 PER PERSON! 

I am not sure why they really want to come here to the USA because when I look at some reports of American leaving the US make me wonder.

What's happening? The U.S. government doesn't formally track how many Americans leave the U.S. but the most recent estimate puts the figure at nearly nine million. This figure represents a doubling of the 1999 figure, placed at 4.1 million.

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23 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I see that there is a big problem, who’s going to pick up the watermelon, vegetables and fruits. Who’s gonna do the irrigations, groundskeepers, roof installers, office cleaners, dishes?

Not us 🫤🇺🇸


12 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

How do you know? There are people who would for sure do those jobs if they had the opportunity. Allowing illegals in creates big issues in the economy, solving absolutely nothing. Stop buying in to the lies that open borders people push.

When I was a teenager, I worked in the cornfields, loaded hay and all that. I pulled the weeds, "turned" the vines, loaded watermelons on trailers and trucks, operated the forklift and tractors in a big local watermelon operation. While the melons were growing, we built a dock in the middle of this huge watermelon field. We loaded the melons in the field in big palletized boxes set on flatbed trailers and, when each trailer was loaded it was towed to the central location where the boxes were offloaded and loaded straight onto waiting semi trailers at the dock. All I remember seeing, out there, were mostly white guys and  blacks. There were no Mexicans/central Americans or girls out there. My tan was nearly as dark as a Mexican's. We took those jobs because it was available, and because our parents taught us to work. We were farm boys. But it seems few young folks want to work like that anymore, or even work at all. It could be because our farms have gotten larger and fewer so, kids are not raised up that way anymore. But, in my present line of business, I'm seeing people move into the area, buying 20, 30, 40 acres of land or more. Some still have young children and, from me, they are purchasing farm implements. Those kids will be taught to work.

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Posted (edited)

The new smartphones generation has a part of this problem, not all but the parents that are putting a smartphone in a five year old child's hands, is not helping. 

Edited by TheGloryLand
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