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America and Americans High on Weed

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Can we truly say from the heart, God bless America. Between the use of Pot and all the Abortions, the LGBTQX movement, Killings, Leaders not standing for normal morality, and lifestyles. Where killing your pet, you can be stone to death. Seniors citizens being sent to nursing homes, because they are in the way. I know, that God is in control. Yes, this is a true negative post. Sadly 


Edited by TheGloryLand
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The use of medical marijuana has proven to be beneficial in many situations...not everyone who uses marijuana is "getting high." With that said I pray every day that God will bless our country for the sake of those who ARE serving Christ. I just can't seem to continually post things negative about the country I live in, the God I serve, the churches I go to, the pastor I sit under, the woman I've married, or anything else. There's far too much to be thankful for. Does this mean we shouldn't be aware of the many evil things going on in this country? No. I'm aware of much of the evil that's going on in our country. Yet, I take time to remember that this isn't my final home, but, just a place I'm in to represent the Lord Jesus Christ as an ambassador toward others.  It's truly a wonderful thing to get to represent our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and to present him to others.   

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On 4/21/2023 at 10:07 PM, HappyChristian said:

I'd love to see God bless America with revival.  "Too much freedom" does not bring chaos. What brings chaos is when freedom turns to licentiousness. Which is what is happening in America.

Too much freedom, brought the LGBTQX movement, and abortion rights. 

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29 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Too much freedom, brought the LGBTQX movement, and abortion rights. 

The Bill of Rights were intended for a righteous people who could govern themselves. Or at least it grew out of such a people. Today it's just an alibi for more wickedness.

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On 4/21/2023 at 9:01 PM, BrotherTony said:

The use of medical marijuana has proven to be beneficial in many situations...not everyone who uses marijuana is "getting high." With that said I pray every day that God will bless our country for the sake of those who ARE serving Christ. I just can't seem to continually post things negative about the country I live in, the God I serve, the churches I go to, the pastor I sit under, the woman I've married, or anything else. There's far too much to be thankful for. Does this mean we shouldn't be aware of the many evil things going on in this country? No. I'm aware of much of the evil that's going on in our country. Yet, I take time to remember that this isn't my final home, but, just a place I'm in to represent the Lord Jesus Christ as an ambassador toward others.  It's truly a wonderful thing to get to represent our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and to present him to others.   

All the states start with the medical use ONLY, but within one year, or two they’re  recreational and all over, the smoke shops. There may be more smoke shops, than 7-Eleven’s gas stations, here in Florida. ?. ? 

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6 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Too much freedom, brought the LGBTQX movement, and abortion rights. 

No, it didn't. SIN brought that on. Freedom has nothing to do with it. The lack of understanding as to what is freedom and liberty does, though.  Freedom has  never and never will breed chaos. Licentiousness has. Licentiousness is going beyond the constraints that freedom has. 

John Adams made it clear when he said that our Constitution - which was written to guarantee our freedoms and keep government in line - is for a moral and religious people. When Christ is put aside, as has been done in this country, morality is also shelved (even if it takes a while) as religion becomes a thing of mockery.  THAT is why the vile sins we see becoming commonplace are happening.  It is called going from freedom into bondage. 

Think of it this way:  Our Constitutions and our laws based on those documents are a fence. Inside that fence we are free to do as we please. However, if, in the name of "freedom," we decide that we want to go BEYOND that fence, we are outside freedom in licentiousness and chaos. 

As Christians, the Bible is our fence. We are free to do whatever within the bounds of that fence. However, breaking through the fence of God's Word in the name of "freedom" simply puts us back into the bondage of licentiousness and chaos. 

There is no such thing as too much freedom. There is, however, such a thing as abuse of freedom, and re-naming licentiousness and calling it freedom.

5 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

All the states start with the medical use ONLY, but within one year, or two they’re  recreational and all over, the smoke shops. There may be more smoke shops, than 7-Eleven’s gas stations, here in Florida. ?. ? 

Yes, WA legalized medical and recreational (I can't remember if it was the same time, but if not it was very closely done). Pot shops are all over the place now.

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5 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

All the states start with the medical use ONLY, but within one year, or two they’re  recreational and all over, the smoke shops. There may be more smoke shops, than 7-Eleven’s gas stations, here in Florida. ?. ? 

Better check Georgia out then. They've had medical marijuana for a few years now and they're not doing it recreationally. My sister uses medical marijuana for her MS.

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3 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

No, it didn't. SIN brought that on. Freedom has nothing to do with it. The lack of understanding as to what is freedom and liberty does, though.  Freedom has  never and never will breed chaos. Licentiousness has. Licentiousness is going beyond the constraints that freedom has. 

John Adams made it clear when he said that our Constitution - which was written to guarantee our freedoms and keep government in line - is for a moral and religious people. When Christ is put aside, as has been done in this country, morality is also shelved (even if it takes a while) as religion becomes a thing of mockery.  THAT is why the vile sins we see becoming commonplace are happening.  It is called going from freedom into bondage. 

Think of it this way:  Our Constitutions and our laws based on those documents are a fence. Inside that fence we are free to do as we please. However, if, in the name of "freedom," we decide that we want to go BEYOND that fence, we are outside freedom in licentiousness and chaos. 

As Christians, the Bible is our fence. We are free to do whatever within the bounds of that fence. However, breaking through the fence of God's Word in the name of "freedom" simply puts us back into the bondage of licentiousness and chaos. 

There is no such thing as too much freedom. There is, however, such a thing as abuse of freedom, and re-naming licentiousness and calling it freedom.

Yes, WA legalized medical and recreational (I can't remember if it was the same time, but if not it was very closely done). Pot shops are all over the place now.

Abuse of freedom, is a type of to much freedom. This is where the elected governor, or president, needs to step up and kick him.

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Abuse of freedom, is a type of to much freedom. This is where the elected governor, or president, needs to step up and kick him.

Wrong. Abuse of freedom is abuse of freedom. Period.  Abuse of something is not because there's too much of it. It is because of a perversion of whatever is being abused. The ELECTED are SERVANTS, not lords. We the People need to step up and stop the nonsense. Anything else is tyranny. 

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I don't see the problem with what Gloryland is saying. There can be too much freedom if it is handed to an unjust and immoral people. Under Saddam Hussein's iron fist Christians in Iraq had freedom of worship but now that we "liberated" them and "brought freedom of democracy" the Christians there have been mostly murdered, raped or forced to convert and it is almost non-existent there now.

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21 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I don't see the problem with what Gloryland is saying. There can be too much freedom if it is handed to an unjust and immoral people. Under Saddam Hussein's iron fist Christians in Iraq had freedom of worship but now that we "liberated" them and "brought freedom of democracy" the Christians there have been mostly murdered, raped or forced to convert and it is almost non-existent there now.

That's not "too much freedom." That was just a shift in the components in control of it. 

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