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What's a funny or interesting story from your childhood or youth that you'd like to share?

Pastor Matt

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Let's find out a little about each other here. What's a funny or interesting story from your childhood or youth that you'd like to share?

I once stopped an escalator in the mall because the button said "press to stop" and an older gentleman then fell down the escalator. My brother then put the fear of escalators in me because me told me that once I got to the top my pants would get stuck in the gears and pull my pants down. I never pushed the red button again and then always jumped when I to the last step because I was afraid my pants would get stuck.

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My mom used to tell my little brother to "use his head" when he was acting stupid. So, one day when he was seven years old, he was trying to hang a towel up on the stove, and it kept falling...to which my mother said, "Michael, use your head!" So, he picked up the towel, put it on his head and tried to hang it up that way! Believe it or not, it worked! ?

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I remember when I was around eight years old. I took my brothers guitar and went outside with it. A man drove by in a car and told me, I’ll buy that guitar from you. I think I sold it to him for four dollars. Guitar ? I survived. Another time, my cousin, open a can of house paint, and he painted my whole face. I just let him, I was told this happened to me. I was probably around five. ? 

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When I was a kid, we used to listen to this set of audio books on cassette all the time. One was a the story of John Bunyan and his arrest and committal to Bedford Jail. As a child, I thought it the book said 'bed for jail', and pictured him chained horizontally to a bed for 12 years. I was much relieved when I grew older and found that wasn't the case. :4_13_13:

Did anyone else have that set? It was The Bible in Drama, by Christian Educational Service, and had the full text of both Testaments, plus a bunch of Christian stories (Character Building Dramas) with stories like The Gift of the Magi, and The Strange Case of Moody, Watch & Spy. Came in this big white case.

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I went charging head first at my brother's friends pretending to a bull when I was only about 5 or 6.  One of them was standing in front of the steel trailer in the back yard.  I  hit the trailer head first.  I don't remember if I fell over or not, but walked away and then one of the guys said there was blood on my head. 

I looked at him and ignored him, didn't believe it.  Then mum saw me and got all worried and I was confused as to what was going on.. then she showed me the mirror.

I saw the blood.. put my hand on my head and bawled my eyes out.

True story.


I ended up with 6 stiches in the top of my head.. that was painful.

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9 hours ago, Salyan said:

When I was a kid, we used to listen to this set of audio books on cassette all the time. One was a the story of John Bunyan and his arrest and committal to Bedford Jail. As a child, I thought it the book said 'bed for jail', and pictured him chained horizontally to a bed for 12 years. I was much relieved when I grew older and found that wasn't the case. :4_13_13:

Did anyone else have that set? It was The Bible in Drama, by Christian Educational Service, and had the full text of both Testaments, plus a bunch of Christian stories (Character Building Dramas) with stories like The Gift of the Magi, and The Strange Case of Moody, Watch & Spy. Came in this big white case.

We had a set like that. Of course, I'm probably a bit older than you, and I listened to it with my much younger siblings. 

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Two stories that I don't personally remember but were told so often by my parents to embarrass me and my brother they have to be true...

1. When my older brother was around 3 my dad had just finished painting his bedroom. Well, my brother wanted to help out, so he got out the shoe polish and went to town..., helping my dad..., get very, very angry. The way it was told my brother was very thorough.

Not to be outdone in the artistry category:

2. My dad had just bought a brand new 1966 Olds Delta 88 (gold). A friend of mine and I decided we didn't like the color so we got some paint from the garage and voila! turquoise. I understand my dad got much more enjoyment out of the retelling than of the discovering. Funny; I remember the car well, but not this event. I would have been 5.


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When I was about 4, I got lost in the huge orange grove we lived next to. My parents had half the community out there looking for me and I don't remember anything about it but, obviously I was found and it must have been a traumatic experience for my parents.? So, my Dad built a fence around the back yard and as he was finishing up, my Mother says, I told him "I can still get out".

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