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UFO sightings, preparing for the second coming.

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I remember, listening to preaching where during the second coming, the rapture of the Saints. Christians are removed from this earth, the nonbelievers, saying that it was the UFOs. The balloon activities we are seeing now, are having people think, and search for UFOs again. The lost preparation, for the removal of the Saints.

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I'm not confused that was me rolling my eyes.  The lost preparing for my departure?  Really?  I don't think so.  

The balloons are part of the political game called, "wag the dog".  

They want the citizens attention to focus on that and not the cloud of chemicals over Ohio and Pennsylvania, the admission that we essentially declared war on Russia and hurt Europe by blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline and sending Ukraine armored vehicles and military aircraft and probably some other devious activities.

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Morales, though I agree that this subject could be used by the lost after the "rapture" of the church, I don't believe it's a preparation of anything. That premise is being used far too often for many things that are happening, ie, the shots were a precursor to  or WAS the "Mark of the Beast." There's no solid evidence of this. It's an interesting theory, though. 

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I agree that people are awfully quick to say that this or that technology or event is a prophetic event when it's not. That being said, I do think that the preponderance on sci fi (aliens, abduction, offworld creatures), with eastern religious influence (think Stargate and ascending [i.e. moving to another level of existence]), mixed with New Age foretelling (spirit guides purporting to be aliens come to help humankind to a better stage of existence, who say that the conservative/religious/non-new-age folk are putting out bad vibes that keep everyone else from ascending) are fairly likely to be Satan trying to condition the world to be pleased rather than alarmed when the Christians disappear.  

Have any of y'all ever read Alien Intrusion, by Gary Bates? Excellent read.

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The part I found most interesting was the story of a couple of alien abduction researchers who noted that so-called abductions occurred to all sorts of people - across cultural, racial and religious lines - except for the group that called themselves born-again Christians. So being slightly more scientific than idealistic, they decided to investigate why this group was exempt. During that research, they found that some people in this group had experiences that mirrored the beginning of described abductions (floating out of body, experiments). However, any of these believers that called on the Name of Jesus - even silently - during the experience found the event to instantly cease, sometimes with the feeling that their attacker was in pain. The researchers ended up getting saved.

The Bible says that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, and I believe that's just so evident in the experiences so-called abductees have had.  

It's also interesting that the history of observed UFO/alien technology (if you will) mimics the known developed technology d(or science fiction inventions) of the observers. Satan is not creative - he copies. 

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The first couple to claim alien abduction, the interracial couple, I forget their name, were members of the Communist Party USA.  They were liars and their story was revealed to be just that by investigators way back when but still the media ran with it.

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I had a wild dream a while back where UFOs arrived to help mankind but it turned out to be Satan and his angels. I could hear screaming from people being tortured and killed. Me and some other guy broke into a boarded up home to look for weapons to defend ourselves. Then I woke up.

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3 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I had a wild dream a while back where UFOs arrived to help mankind but it turned out to be Satan and his angels. I could hear screaming from people being tortured and killed. Me and some other guy broke into a boarded up home to look for weapons to defend ourselves. Then I woke up.

And what did you eat before you went to bed? 

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