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Does your church have a Palm Sunday Service

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We have a service every sunday. We don't have one where we specifically observe Palm Sunday (and not sure why someone would feel the need to observe that random day in the life of Christ...), but we have preached on the events of Christ's life many times, including Him coming to Jerusalem in the final week (and the events of that week) before going to the cross.

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8 hours ago, Jerry said:

We have a service every sunday. We don't have one where we specifically observe Palm Sunday (and not sure why someone would feel the need to observe that random day in the life of Christ...), but we have preached on the events of Christ's life many times, including Him coming to Jerusalem in the final week (and the events of that week) before going to the cross.

I have a palm tree small, and will be donating some of its leaves. Memorial message on His entrance. Sounds catholic don’t it. 

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16 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I have a palm tree small, and will be donating some of its leaves. Memorial message on His entrance. Sounds catholic don’t it. 

No...it doesn't necessarily sound Catholic....there are many churches of all denominations that celebrate the last week of the life of Christ. There is no Biblical command to do so, but many believe it brings them into a more spiritual mindset and helps them to appreciate more tha sacrifice by Jesus Christ for our salvation.

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Donating the leaves for what? I didn't say it was evil or Catholic - just that I don't see the need for it or understand it. I see preaching about Jesus coming into Jerusalem for His final week as He went to the cross and the events of that week for sermon themes, but observing the day in some sense, I don't. At least not as a regular thing every year. If some church decided to do a series of meetings about Jesus going to the cross and being our Messiah who fulfilled all OT prophecies so far about His first coming, then I can see a purpose for that - but not as an day to be observed. In the sense I mentioned above, I could see observing it in that sense as a believer or a church may occasionally observe the Passover - as an opportunity to preach and fellowship over what our Saviour has done.

And this is my opinion - I am not saying it is wrong, just that I don't see or understand the purpose of it. We should do all to glorify the Lord and edify the true believers in our local church. What is the reason you or your church observes the day? And is it something they observe every year?

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2 hours ago, Jerry said:

Donating the leaves for what? I didn't say it was evil or Catholic - just that I don't see the need for it or understand it. I see preaching about Jesus coming into Jerusalem for His final week as He went to the cross and the events of that week for sermon themes, but observing the day in some sense, I don't. At least not as a regular thing every year. If some church decided to do a series of meetings about Jesus going to the cross and being our Messiah who fulfilled all OT prophecies so far about His first coming, then I can see a purpose for that - but not as an day to be observed. In the sense I mentioned above, I could see observing it in that sense as a believer or a church may occasionally observe the Passover - as an opportunity to preach and fellowship over what our Saviour has done.

And this is my opinion - I am not saying it is wrong, just that I don't see or understand the purpose of it. We should do all to glorify the Lord and edify the true believers in our local church. What is the reason you or your church observes the day? And is it something they observe every year?

This might be a problem, if it’s being practice every year. Tradition of man and becoming a ritual. I agree 

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17 minutes ago, E Morales said:

This might be a problem, if it’s being practice every year. Tradition of man and becoming a ritual. I agree 

Tradition IS a ritual, Morales. Nothing wrong with church rituals if they're not unscriptural in practice,, and once again, spreading the palm leaves is not. It's up to each individual church to make that decision on whether or not to reinact or practice this ritual every year.

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Romans 14:5   One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

I personally disregard the ecclesiastical calendar.

Romans 14:6   He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

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