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Why is it that people think we just believe just what we are taught?

Pastor Matt

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On 3/18/2022 at 7:03 AM, E Morales said:

The only problem I can see with the independent fundamental Baptist and all other denominations, is that we fall into a routine traditional ways of given a church service. Music to start, Announcements, more music, Love offering, preaching, more singing. Prayer or invitation . Many churches, not all, fall into a routine that never changes. How about singing, Preaching, more singing and prayer, then love offering or tithes, end the service. What is wrong with this, nothing at all. Try changing the service just a little bit, nobody’s gonna get hurt. Enjoy 


1 hour ago, E Morales said:

Weekly services that never change?

I understand there must be order, but what I don’t understand is that some are just to boring.

1. 11:00 Praise to open the service

2. 11:15 welcome and announcements that are already on the bulletin they give out

3. 11:20 more praise music

4. 11:30 tithes and offerings

5. 11:40 Pastor comes to preach

6. 12:30 service is over

is this written in stone, in the early days, were the services so organized that it would not go over a certain time or order. 


How do you think the order of service will be in the New Heaven and the New Earth? Do you have scriptural references for examples of how they're worshipping in God's presence now? Maybe you have some suggestions of how worship in glory should be conducted.

Edited by 1Timothy115
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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

is this written in stone, in the early days, were the services so organized that it would not go over a certain time or order. 

First, the "traditional" order of service is certainly NOT "written in stone," or even more importantly is NOT written in God's Word.  Therefore, if a church does not follow the "traditional" order of service, that church is not necessarily breaking a requirement of God's Word and is thus not necessarily committing sin against the Lord God.  On the other hand, since this order of service is also not forbidden in God's Word, a church that follows such an order of service is also NOT necessarily breaking a prohibition of God's Word and is thus not necessarily committing sin against the Lord God.  Indeed, Romans 14:4 states, "who art thou that judgest another man's servant?  To his own master he standeth or falleth.  Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."  To this Romans 14:10 adds, "But why dost thou judge thy brother?  Or why dost thou set at nought thy brother?  For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ."  

1 hour ago, E Morales said:

I understand there must be order, but what I don’t understand is that some are just to boring.

1. 11:00 Praise to open the service

2. 11:15 welcome and announcements that are already on the bulletin they give out

3. 11:20 more praise music

4. 11:30 tithes and offerings

5. 11:40 Pastor comes to preach

6. 12:30 service is over

Second, according to the order of service that you have presented above, there is approximately 20 minutes of singing praises unto the Lord our God (in which we believers as a congregation are commanded to do) and approximately 50 minutes of the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  Now, if the singing of praises unto the Lord God is truly that of godly, righteous singing, then the spiritually minded individual will NOT find this practice to be boring.  Furthermore, if the preaching and teaching of God's Word is truly that of Biblically faithful preaching and teaching, then the spiritually minded individual will certainly NOT find this reality to be boring.  Indeed, if these matters truly are godly and Biblical, then if an individual finds them to be boring, this is not evidence that there is something wrong with the "order of service," but that there is something wrong with the heart of the individual.

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1 hour ago, 1Timothy115 said:


How do you think the order of service will be in the New Heaven and the New Earth? Do you have scriptural references for examples of how they're worshipping in God's presence now? Maybe you have some suggestions of how worship in glory should be conducted.

Everything or way is fine, just change the order once in while will be a change. So it doesn’t feel like you are clocking in and clocking out.

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1 hour ago, Pastor Scott Markle said:

First, the "traditional" order of service is certainly NOT "written in stone," or even more importantly is NOT written in God's Word.  Therefore, if a church does not follow the "traditional" order of service, that church is not necessarily breaking a requirement of God's Word and is thus not necessarily committing sin against the Lord God.  On the other hand, since this order of service is also not forbidden in God's Word, a church that follows such an order of service is also NOT necessarily breaking a prohibition of God's Word and is thus not necessarily committing sin against the Lord God.  Indeed, Romans 14:4 states, "who art thou that judgest another man's servant?  To his own master he standeth or falleth.  Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."  To this Romans 14:10 adds, "But why dost thou judge thy brother?  Or why dost thou set at nought thy brother?  For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ."  

Second, according to the order of service that you have presented above, there is approximately 20 minutes of singing praises unto the Lord our God (in which we believers as a congregation are commanded to do) and approximately 50 minutes of the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  Now, if the singing of praises unto the Lord God is truly that of godly, righteous singing, then the spiritually minded individual will NOT find this practice to be boring.  Furthermore, if the preaching and teaching of God's Word is truly that of Biblically faithful preaching and teaching, then the spiritually minded individual will certainly NOT find this reality to be boring.  Indeed, if these matters truly are godly and Biblical, then if an individual finds them to be boring, this is not evidence that there is something wrong with the "order of service," but that there is something wrong with the heart of the individual.

The preaching is never boring my friend, thank you for serving.

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2 hours ago, E Morales said:

Everything or way is fine, just change the order once in while will be a change. So it doesn’t feel like you are clocking in and clocking out.

If the Lord God has guided a particular church to do their service a particular way, then there is no reason to do it another way (until and if the Lord does so guide). If a visitor or member finds a particular church service boring, then there may be a problem with them and their walk with the Lord.

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23 minutes ago, Jerry said:

If the Lord God has guided a particular church to do their service a particular way, then there is no reason to do it another way (until and if the Lord does so guide). If a visitor or member finds a particular church service boring, then there may be a problem with them and their walk with the Lord.

That was mentioned earlier, surprise the church service, If you took the offering at the beginning will this confuse the church so much that they would panic?

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Who do you think the Lord is going to guide? The visitor who is "bored" and personally wants to change things up because they are carnal, or the shepherd/pastor who oversees the church?

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4 hours ago, E Morales said:

Everything or way is fine, just change the order once in while will be a change. So it doesn’t feel like you are clocking in and clocking out.

I don't know of many pastors who feel like it's "clocking in and clocking out." I truly don't understand your negativity concerning the Baptists. You want really structured services? Go visit a Presbyterian church....one full of wealthy congregants. That will give you an idea of "structured." 

1 hour ago, E Morales said:

That was mentioned earlier, surprise the church service, If you took the offering at the beginning will this confuse the church so much that they would panic?

Why take the offering at all? Why not just have the congregants make their contributions through an internet program, or have a box in the foyer like so many churches are doing since the pandemic began? These are very minor things you're trying to "complain" about...and yes, to some of us it does seem like you're complaining. Is there a reason for it? 

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1 hour ago, Jerry said:

Who do you think the Lord is going to guide? The visitor who is "bored" and personally wants to change things up because they are carnal, or the shepherd/pastor who oversees the church?

The pastor and the preaching is just fine. Is he in charge of the lineup of the service ?

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51 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I don't know of many pastors who feel like it's "clocking in and clocking out." I truly don't understand your negativity concerning the Baptists. You want really structured services? Go visit a Presbyterian church....one full of wealthy congregants. That will give you an idea of "structured." 

Why take the offering at all? Why not just have the congregants make their contributions through an internet program, or have a box in the foyer like so many churches are doing since the pandemic began? These are very minor things you're trying to "complain" about...and yes, to some of us it does seem like you're complaining. Is there a reason for it? 

From the beginning I did not mention Baptist churches also I’m not complaining about everything, what  we do is just fine. I’m curious why the menu or the order of the service never change. Why not sing a couple more songs after the preaching, anything to make a slight difference. I shouldn’t say I’ll go to church at 11:30 that’s when the preaching starts.

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2 hours ago, E Morales said:

From the beginning I did not mention Baptist churches also I’m not complaining about everything, what  we do is just fine. I’m curious why the menu or the order of the service never change. Why not sing a couple more songs after the preaching, anything to make a slight difference. I shouldn’t say I’ll go to church at 11:30 that’s when the preaching starts.

If I can get just some to think about it, I have accomplished what I was trying to do. Enjoy each service 

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16 hours ago, E Morales said:

I shouldn’t say I’ll go to church at 11:30 that’s when the preaching starts.

If you or anyone else is actually saying "I’ll go to church at 11:30 that’s when the preaching starts" then the problem is yours/theirs, not the church's or pastor's. If saved, you should want to be in church whenever the doors are open. Christian fellowship is not just being fed the word; worship and praise and fellowshipping with other Christians is just as much a part. 

Do a search or the phrase "in order" and you will find a plethora of verses (many in Leviticus) where God specifically set things "in order" with regards to what goes where and when in the tabernacle and associated services. The New Testament is also filled with references to how things are to be done "in order". It is clear that God likes things to be "in order". If this is an issue for you, then I suggest the problem is yours, not the pastor's. The pastor (or church) in question seems to be following the direction God has laid forth by God since the very beginning. What are you following?

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1 minute ago, Napsterdad said:

If you or anyone else is actually saying "I’ll go to church at 11:30 that’s when the preaching starts" then the problem is yours/theirs, not the church's or pastor's. If saved, you should want to be in church whenever the doors are open. Christian fellowship is not just being fed the word; worship and praise and fellowshipping with other Christians is just as much a part. 

Do a search or the phrase "in order" and you will find a plethora of verses (many in Leviticus) where God specifically set things "in order" with regards to what goes where and when in the tabernacle and associated services. The New Testament is also filled with references to how things are to be done "in order". It is clear that God likes things to be "in order". If this is an issue for you, then I suggest the problem is yours, not the pastor's. The pastor (or church) in question seems to be following the direction God has laid forth by God since the very beginning. What are you following?

I understand with you, that the order of a service should never change. They can sing so many songs and preaching must finish on time. That’s okay too.

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4 hours ago, E Morales said:

I understand with you, that the order of a service should never change. They can sing so many songs and preaching must finish on time. That’s okay too.

No one is saying there should never be a change - BUT IF THE REASON SOMEONE WANTS THE CHURCH SERVICE TO CHANGE IS BECAUSE THEY ARE BORED or not getting much out of it (assuming we are referring to a sound church), THEN THE PROBLEM IS WITH THAT CARNAL BELIEVER or lost person.

Being involved with preaching for years, and being an usher for more years, I know that it is stressful to just up and change the order of the church service. (And churches do occasionally change the service when there are special meetings or guest preachers.) Assuming that a pastor sought the Lord diligently when choosing how to direct the church service (overall), someone coming along later and questioning it is simply being presumptuous. The pastor is the one God gave the authority to guide and shepherd the church, not a discontented church member or visitor.

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4 hours ago, E Morales said:

I understand with you, that the order of a service should never change. They can sing so many songs and preaching must finish on time. That’s okay too.

I know of very few churches where the preaching MUST END ON TIME! @E Morales, you do seem to be speaking for all churches, Baptist or not. I truly believe it shows a frustration on your part...or at least the way you present these kinds of posts does. Again, if you're truly not frustrated or disgruntled, maybe you should try a different approach in your presentation of subject matter. Just a suggestion. I think it would be much more beneficial to you, and to us as well. 

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