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The Chosen


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1 hour ago, SureWord said:

I've never heard of it but I know by now not to waste my time with any Hollywood version of the life of Christ. Even the well intentioned.

Jerry, said it's an independent group not associated with Hollywood. I'll have to learn more myself.

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1 hour ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Jerry, said it's an independent group not associated with Hollywood. I'll have to learn more myself.

It's a group of Christians and non-Christians alike who are supporting this venture. Kirk Cameron did an interview with the creator of the program, and it was quite an interesting thing. It was quite informative. I think it could lean more towards the Biblical truth and less of the humanistic ideology of what happened, but overall, I can handle the program. It's not my favorite one, and I deleted the app from my computer and phone, and I've not watched any of the third season. I probably won't. I get more from the Bible than I do from the program.

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6 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

It's a group of Christians and non-Christians alike who are supporting this venture. Kirk Cameron did an interview with the creator of the program, and it was quite an interesting thing. It was quite informative. I think it could lean more towards the Biblical truth and less of the humanistic ideology of what happened, but overall, I can handle the program. It's not my favorite one, and I deleted the app from my computer and phone, and I've not watched any of the third season. I probably won't. I get more from the Bible than I do from the program.

Thanks Bro. Tony... P.S. I remembered you and your wife in prayer today.

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Here is an excellent article by Berean Call that points out various issues with this series. I think it is worth reading and considering so am passing it on. If you dislike the article, that's your discretion, but don't get mad at me because you have issues with what Tom McMahon is saying.


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1 hour ago, Jerry said:

Here is an excellent article by Berean Call that points out various issues with this series. I think it is worth reading and considering so am passing it on. If you dislike the article, that's your discretion, but don't get mad at me because you have issues with what Tom McMahon is saying.


I'll look at it...you're just a messenger not the message. ?

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On 2/22/2022 at 11:52 AM, 1Timothy115 said:

Jerry, said it's an independent group not associated with Hollywood. I'll have to learn more myself.

I was using the term as a generic expression for the movies. Most movies aren't even made in Hollywood anymore and many are independent also.

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I've read the article...and??? It was about what I thought it would be...the typical blather from someone who sees only the negative. I find this all too typical of IFB people. Ever heard of "take the meat, leave the bone"? 

Edited by BrotherTony
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5 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

I've read the article...and??? It was about what I thought it would be...the typical blather from someone who sees only the negative. I find this all too typical of IFB people. Ever heard of "take the meat, leave the bone"? 

I've also read that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Error is insidious that way.

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20 minutes ago, Jim_Alaska said:

I've also read that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Error is insidious that way.

This is true. The point is to know what one can tolerate and what one can't. I'm NOT a fan of The Chosen, nor will I be. I only watched it because it was gifted to me by a former classmate from high school. As stated, I've since deleted it from my phone and laptop. I don't recommend it, but I won't criticize someone for watching it because it's a clean program. ?

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I've viewed some of the episodes and read the critique from Berean Call. It is my decision based on what I understand from God's word to avoid the Chosen.

There are a lot of good productions of films based on every day (present day) Christian experiences. I can watch these which don't depict Biblical characters while adding or embedding images and text which don't need to occupy my thoughts. Possible thought, "I wonder if Mary Magdalene really did go back to the bar and steep herself in alcohol after becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ?" Personally, I can't imagine that. I don't care what one of Christ's attributes the Chosen was attempting to display.

Then, too, Matthew was guiding Christ when He prepared to teach during the Sermon on the Mount! Straight out WRONG! 


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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

As stated, I've since deleted it from my phone and laptop. I don't recommend it, but I won't criticize someone for watching it because it's a clean program.

No one in this thread criticized ANYONE else for watching it - they presented possible things to be wary of and whether it is dangerous to watch.

Separation from sin, error, false teachings, from the world and its philosophies, and even separation from false Christs and false gospels, is still in the Bible. A thread like this gives people something to consider - and even looks at whether this may or may not be a tv series that is from God or according to His Word. Too many people get offended and mad at the people who expose sin and error, when they should be looking at what they are saying and see if their critique lines up with God's Word and gauge what they are critiquing (in this case the tv series and those involved in all aspects of its production) in light of God's Word.

1 John 4:1-3 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

And for the sake of clarification, is the Jesus in the series the true Jesus that the Bible teaches? Yes, the show presents Jesus in the flesh - but in light of all the Mormonism involved, does it present GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH? Mormons believe Jesus is God, but they believe He was a man who became God, not God who became a man.

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

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3 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

I've viewed some of the episodes and read the critique from Berean Call. It is my decision based on what I understand from God's word to avoid the Chosen.

Yes, so have I - after checking out two episodes and the prologue. I watched about 5-10 episodes of the third episode before getting the critique from my friend - and I was put off by the way it started: Jesus crying and wailing for the Father to give Him His glory (or share His glory with Him - I had trouble trying to turn on subtitles so didn't catch every word as I watched it). And then He meets a couple of children and the scene is all about joking with them. I know He cared for children, but the Bible presents Him as someone serious on His way to the cross, not someone making jokes and quick witted comments whenever He could. The second episode also had a sexually suggestive joke, which I felt had no place in light of what this series is about.

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Plainly and simply, God warns us to avoid sin...when Christ is portrayed in the manner in which He is in something like The Chosen, one needs to ask oneself: what will my mind absorb about the christ portrayed in this series? Will my mind latch on only to the "good," or will it - more likely, since we are all flesh - accept in my subconscious the unbiblical portrayal?

To castigate someone for pointing out error is simply not biblical, either.  We are to exhort and edify one another, not pamper each other and say, "well, a little poison won't kill you as long as you know it's there..."

Thank you, 1Tim, for bringing this subject up for all of us to look at the pros and cons. I think your decision is a wise one. ?

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On 2/22/2022 at 11:52 AM, 1Timothy115 said:

Jerry, said it's an independent group not associated with Hollywood. I'll have to learn more myself.

It is independent in the sense that the entire production has been funded by individual donors as opposed to some Hollywood film company fronting the money. They say it has been the largest film of it's kind paid for in that way.

The director is Dallas Jenkins. The son of Jerry Jenkins who wrote the Left Behind with Tim LaHaye.

I just recently watched the first two seasons. At least thus far I haven't felt like the character portrayed is necessarily dishonoring our Lord, but the film does take some liberties adding context to the scripture. Like mentioned earlier in the thread they very purposely made Mary Magdalene a central part of the film from the first episode. I get the feeling that they are purposely making her almost the woman equivalent of Peter among the disciples and followers.

The Mary Magdalene character becomes concerning when you consider that in the end credits they put a HUGE thank you to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) for providing the costumes and scene props. While the director may not be purposely adding LDS beliefs about Jesus to the story it does cause me some pause knowing that more than a few LDS leaders have claimed Mary Magdalene was a plural wife of Jesus.

I suppose what gives me the most concern is that thousands of people who aren't willing to spend anytime reading their own Bibles will watch it and assume the show is equivalent to what the inspired texts says.

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