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Blaming the government for everything…


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I know the government is not perfect and they are not always truthful, but I believe sometimes they are trying to do their best for its citizens. I don’t go saying or blaming the government for everything. That if something is going wrong it is the government fault, it’s not their fault all the time, in my opinion. People need to be fair, and do there own part.

Kevin Mccarthy Government GIF by Election 2020

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Sorry, but I can't buy your theory. I believe the government is partially to blame for the way our country is today. They have excessive spending through pork-barrel project, diverting of money to thing that most American's don't wish their tax dollars being spent on, and the like. The citizens who vote for those who do these things are just as culpible in the acts of government because they continue to put irresponsible people back into office. Seems like many NEVER learn. Eight of the scariest words here in America are "I'm from the government. I'm here to help!" 

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1 hour ago, Razor said:

Blaming the government for everything is simply a way of avoid personal responsibility. One result is giving power to those you are blaming.


There also are those that are blind to only one party. Good or bad, this  is why I am a independent voter. Not blinded, to vote on one side party only. 

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27 minutes ago, E Morales said:

There also are those that are blind to only one party. Good or bad, this  is why I am a independent voter. Not blinded, to vote on one side party only. 

My wife and I have been moderate Indendents since the Republican party left us by having George Herbert Walker Bush as the nominee for POTUS after Ronald Reagan. I couldn't stomach this weak-kneed RINO sitting in the Oval Office, but I did vote for him because of the Independent candidate dropping out of the race. He, too was wishy-washy. UGH! Outside of Reagan and Trump, we haven't really had a POTUS that was worth their weight in cowpies!

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Will there ever be a president Christian in office, that does not support abortion, the LGBTQ movement, gay marriages, false religious movements, non racist. 
You will have to be part liberal to be in office again, and excepting the immorality ways, if you want to win.

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7 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Will there ever be a president Christian in office, that does not support abortion, the LGBTQ movement, gay marriages, false religious movements, non racist. 
You will have to be part liberal to be in office again, and excepting the immorality ways, if you want to win.

Who says that a person will have to support all those positions to gain office? Though there is a high probability that this is true, I don't believe it's an absolute. It's possible that a Christian will make it into office, but not probable. It seems that this country has gone too far left in the last two to three years and are comfortable with the sin that is rearing it's ugly head.

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20 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Who says that a person will have to support all those positions to gain office? Though there is a high probability that this is true, I don't believe it's an absolute. It's possible that a Christian will make it into office, but not probable. It seems that this country has gone too far left in the last two to three years and are comfortable with the sin that is rearing it's ugly head.

Today you have a better chance to be the next president as a transgender, than being a Christian this is sad. I really do not know where all the support is coming from, it’s not coming from the Christians but possible from their children. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

My wife and I have been moderate Indendents since the Republican party left us by having George Herbert Walker Bush as the nominee for POTUS after Ronald Reagan. I couldn't stomach this weak-kneed RINO sitting in the Oval Office, but I did vote for him because of the Independent candidate dropping out of the race. He, too was wishy-washy. UGH! Outside of Reagan and Trump, we haven't really had a POTUS that was worth their weight in cowpies!

I was a Republican until Nixon adopted his Southern Policy turning the GOP into a racist party.

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This post shows pretty much that you don't understand what the American governance system is supposed to be, E. Rather than going in to great detail, I would suggest you read: the Magna Carta, the Bloudy Tenent (Roger Williams, you can google it), the Declaration of Independence (read it concurrently with I Samuel 8-15), the Constitution of the United States, your state constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers. 

Then go on Hillsdale College's site and take some of their free courses that will teach you much more than any thread on this forum could. 

Government is a deadly master, which is why our founders gave us Rex Lex - our law, as denoted in the US Constitution, is king...As long as said law is in line with the Constitution. If it is not, our founders very plainly stated that it is our duty to nullify it - even if SCOTUS says it's an ok law.

Not only is Rex Lex, but We the People are kings in this country - Ceasar, if you will. NOT some group of power-seeking public servants who have made themselves lords over us and deciders of our lives. 


And knock off calling the GOP a racist party. I'm so sick of people labeling everything racist or homophobe or sexist or whatever simply because it sounds so "intelligent."  

Who were the racists when Herman Cain ran on the GOP ticket? The liberals, NOT the GOP. Who put Colin Powell (who was really not a good guy) into office as Sec State? Bush, a GOP. Who put Condaleeza Rice in as Sec. State? Another Bush, also a GOP. There are MANY persons of color who have run successfully for office on the GOP ticket. Read Candace Owens book Blackout to be educated on which party is the real "racist" party. Stop believing all  the lies the mainstream media spews in order to create division in this country. Christians ought to be ashamed for falling for garbage like that.

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22 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

This post shows pretty much that you don't understand what the American governance system is supposed to be, E. Rather than going in to great detail, I would suggest you read: the Magna Carta, the Bloudy Tenent (Roger Williams, you can google it), the Declaration of Independence (read it concurrently with I Samuel 8-15), the Constitution of the United States, your state constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers. 

Then go on Hillsdale College's site and take some of their free courses that will teach you much more than any thread on this forum could. 

Government is a deadly master, which is why our founders gave us Rex Lex - our law, as denoted in the US Constitution, is king...As long as said law is in line with the Constitution. If it is not, our founders very plainly stated that it is our duty to nullify it - even if SCOTUS says it's an ok law.

Not only is Rex Lex, but We the People are kings in this country - Ceasar, if you will. NOT some group of power-seeking public servants who have made themselves lords over us and deciders of our lives. 


And knock off calling the GOP a racist party. I'm so sick of people labeling everything racist or homophobe or sexist or whatever simply because it sounds so "intelligent."  

Who were the racists when Herman Cain ran on the GOP ticket? The liberals, NOT the GOP. Who put Colin Powell (who was really not a good guy) into office as Sec State? Bush, a GOP. Who put Condaleeza Rice in as Sec. State? Another Bush, also a GOP. There are MANY persons of color who have run successfully for office on the GOP ticket. Read Candace Owens book Blackout to be educated on which party is the real "racist" party. Stop believing all  the lies the mainstream media spews in order to create division in this country. Christians ought to be ashamed for falling for garbage like that.

Nixon knew it what he was doing. Do you remember Lee Atwater's infamous statement?

Nixon's Southern Policy:

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=In American politics%2C the Southern,to racism against African Americans.

The South previously to the passage of the Civil Rightrs Bill was the Solid South for the Democrats. With the passage of the Civil Rights Bill the Republicans saw a chance to capture the South through racism, playing on the fears of we Southern white folk. 



In his 1991 book, One of Us: Richard Nixon and the American Dream, New York Times columnist Tom Wicker captures the political two-step that Nixon danced as he sought to govern and to carry out a strategy to turn the South into a Republican-dominated region as it had been a “solid Democratic South’’ for much of the twentieth century. Wicker gave Nixon credit for “a spectacular advance in desegregation’’ in 1970. “Perhaps the most significant achievement of his administration’s domestic actions,” Wicker wrote, came as “the Nixon administration had appeared in retreat from desegregation, while actively courting the white vote.”

Indeed, in his 1968 campaign and afterward, Nixon used coded language, political symbolism and court interventions as signals to southern white voters. In the aftermath of city riots in 1967 and 1968, as well as Vietnam War protests, Nixon said he was for “law and order.’’ His administration went to court to slow down school desegregation. Nixon tried to install two so-called strict-constructionist conservatives, Clement F. Haynesworth Jr. of South Carolina and G. Harrold Carswell of Florida, on the Supreme Court, but the Senate turned down both nominees.

By his political calculation to capitalize on the racial and cultural divisions of his day, Nixon opened the gate to the political polarization of the United States in 2018. While President Donald Trump hardly emulates the furtive and nuanced Nixon, there is a direct line that runs from the Nixonian “southern strategy’’ to the Trump presidency.



This lays out why I, a Southerner, had to leave the Republican Party. 

Edited by Razor
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3 hours ago, E Morales said:

Today you have a better chance to be the next president as a transgender, than being a Christian this is sad. I really do not know where all the support is coming from, it’s not coming from the Christians but possible from their children. 

I don't believe this at all. I don't think most Americans would vote for a transgender to be POTUS at this point. Maybe 10 to 15 years down the road...

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18 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

This post shows pretty much that you don't understand what the American governance system is supposed to be, E. Rather than going in to great detail, I would suggest you read: the Magna Carta, the Bloudy Tenent (Roger Williams, you can google it), the Declaration of Independence (read it concurrently with I Samuel 8-15), the Constitution of the United States, your state constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers. 

Then go on Hillsdale College's site and take some of their free courses that will teach you much more than any thread on this forum could. 

Government is a deadly master, which is why our founders gave us Rex Lex - our law, as denoted in the US Constitution, is king...As long as said law is in line with the Constitution. If it is not, our founders very plainly stated that it is our duty to nullify it - even if SCOTUS says it's an ok law.

Not only is Rex Lex, but We the People are kings in this country - Ceasar, if you will. NOT some group of power-seeking public servants who have made themselves lords over us and deciders of our lives. 


And knock off calling the GOP a racist party. I'm so sick of people labeling everything racist or homophobe or sexist or whatever simply because it sounds so "intelligent."  

Who were the racists when Herman Cain ran on the GOP ticket? The liberals, NOT the GOP. Who put Colin Powell (who was really not a good guy) into office as Sec State? Bush, a GOP. Who put Condaleeza Rice in as Sec. State? Another Bush, also a GOP. There are MANY persons of color who have run successfully for office on the GOP ticket. Read Candace Owens book Blackout to be educated on which party is the real "racist" party. Stop believing all  the lies the mainstream media spews in order to create division in this country. Christians ought to be ashamed for falling for garbage like that.

So, glad I waited to wade into this post. Also read American History in Black and White by David Barton. The truth about the very real racist actions of the democratic party is spelled out very well.

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