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Putin the man…

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LOL. Nothing like asking where one heard something and then snidely assuming an answer. Yeah, nothing is ever as it seems on the political stage and anyone with any sense knows that. I even know all that you mentioned, Sure, and I'm not even gonna be a snot and demand documentation (no, Tony, I'm not calling you a snot lol). And lest you get offended, you were being snotty with your "questioning" of me in regards to my statement with your little snipe at Fox News. A statement I made with full belief, whether or not Fox, CNN, or any other "news" organization agrees with it. It is my opinion, and one I stand by. I don't care if you think he can't pull it off or not. Maybe he can't, maybe he can. I still believe, his lying communistic statements to the contrary, that is his goal. And I don't have to apologize for that belief to you or anyone else. 

So maybe let's just move on and not snipe or try to incite anger, yes? Olive branch extended. ?

 I reiterate my earlier statement:  I don't care what the UN or NATO think about this invasion, nor what the media says. I believe we need to pray for the protection of the Ukrainian people, who don't deserve this, and especially for the Ukrainian Christians and missionaries over there. 

I would add Russia to that. Things are not good for Christians there, either.  

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1 hour ago, wretched said:

What Putin really wants

Believe it or not, even PBS can't control all their guest speakers, sometimes the truth gets out.

It's true that they can't control all of their speakers. But, I also know that I don't agree with all fo this point of view. Partial truth is still a lie. 

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On 3/14/2022 at 11:22 AM, BrotherTony said:

Do you have proof of your many assertions here? DOCUMENTED proof? I hate when people just throw out junk like this with no actual links to PROOF....I totally believe that Mr. KGB  (Putin) wants to bring back the glory of the USSR. He may be a demogogue, but why would he go and birng himself into a position of "President for Life" if he didn't believe he could dictate a New USSR into being. It's clear that he won't stop at just Ukraine. Putin's a deceiver...a chameleon. He presents as one thing while he's really another. 

You can start off with the documentary "Ukraine on Fire" by Oliver Stone. It was just yanked off of YouTube for "breaking terms of service" after being on there for years. The doc pretty much lays out how things got to the mess it is over there in Ukraine and America's role in it. It can be watched on Rumble.

Secondly, there's a documentary also about the largest Neo-Nazi music festival in the world that takes place in Ukraine. The Nazi's have political power in Ukraine. I knew this before this war broke out. They are not like here in America, a few disillusioned young guys goose-stepping around with megaphones, but are a force in the Ukraine.


All I can say is anything the MSM or DC tells you is garbage. They have been pathological liars for years now particularly since Obama took office and definitely since the George Soros Floyd Riots and the Plandemic. The fact that the Republicrats and Democans are 100% lockstep in blaming this all Putin and throwing around the "Putin is Hitler" card who wants to take over Europe should be one giant red flag that it's nothing of the sort. He can barely handle Ukraine with nearly half the country being pro-Russian. Going after all the old satellite states would be too much especially since most of them are part of NATO now. If we push him to World War 3 he may attempt to press into NATO if he doesn't just nuke us first.

What most likely will happen is Putin will dispose of Zelensky and the US puppet government and install his own puppet and occupy Ukraine until they are demilitarize. Military tribunals will be held to root out the far-right extremists and pro- NATO groups. Zelensky himself will probably end up in exile in Paris or NYC.

All the warmongering going on will get America, Russia and Europe turned into a skating rink.

By the way, I see Russia in the bible but not the United States.


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I don't see America specifically named in the Bible. I'm really not sure it is. The Bible speaks of "young lions" in the book of Revelation, and I've heard SOME Baptist preachers say that this is in reference to those nations that sprang out of the United Kingdom, but, I don't believe that this is the case. Others have also taught that it is the nations from Africa, Persia, the Middle East, and Europe that are anti-Israeli, who come to destroy Israel. I find this to be more likely what is being referred to. 

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On 3/14/2022 at 8:11 AM, SureWord said:

What makes you think he wants to recreate the USSR? Who told you that? FOX News?He's a demagogue but I doubt he thinks he can pull that off.

True, Putin is a thug like most world leaders but there's a lot more going on here meets the eye. 

Did you know that the Nazi party in Ukraine affiliated with Zelensky has been shelling the ethnic Russians in east Ukraine for the last 8 years (the War in Donbas). Or that there are 25 US funded "biolabs" on the Russian border with Ukraine. Or that the democratically elected  President of Ukraine (a Putin stooge) was violently overthrown for a pro UN/NATO stooge? Or that Biden signed a charter with Zelensky assuring they would become part of NATO. Experts warned back in the 90s expanding NATO to the Russian borders would eventually lead to world war especially if you plan on lining the Russian border with nukes and "biolabs". 

This proxy war has been in the planing since 2014. Hillary herself was on TV saying Ukraine would be basically the sacrificial lamb to "drain Russia" as she put it.


If you continually meddle with and poke a bear he will attack.

"The New World Order Worships Satan"- Putin



Any country or regime which would choose one of their wicked former KGB agents as their "president for life" can't be over their fond feelings for the glories of their beloved "Soviet Union". The same Putin who allowed his own countrymen to die a horrible death in a submarine at the bottom of the Barents Sea, didn't care enough about his people to develop a workable means to save them, and refused help from other countries who could, simply because he/they didn't want the West to learn any of their precious military secrets. He didn;t care about his own people's lives, why should he care about other countries?

And Chemical/biological weapons? My daughter-in-law, an ethnic Russian, was raised in a place called "Stepnogorsk"; Look it up. She moved here for a better life than what she had there. Putin said: 

The demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.

Supposedly, he said this because of all the ethnic Russians trapped in the satellite states after the breakup. Well, who made that mess, Mr. Putin? And if Ukraine....nevermind. What does the Book say? The love of money is the root of all evil?. Can't be happy, must take from others, either by deceit, force, or both. Putin has zero justification for his evil acts. smh
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On 8/4/2022 at 2:26 PM, heartstrings said:

Any country or regime which would choose one of their wicked former KGB agents as their "president for life" can't be over their fond feelings for the glories of their beloved "Soviet Union". The same Putin who allowed his own countrymen to die a horrible death in a submarine at the bottom of the Barents Sea, didn't care enough about his people to develop a workable means to save them, and refused help from other countries who could, simply because he/they didn't want the West to learn any of their precious military secrets. He didn;t care about his own people's lives, why should he care about other countries?

And Chemical/biological weapons? My daughter-in-law, an ethnic Russian, was raised in a place called "Stepnogorsk"; Look it up. She moved here for a better life than what she had there. Putin said: 

The demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.

Supposedly, he said this because of all the ethnic Russians trapped in the satellite states after the breakup. Well, who made that mess, Mr. Putin? And if Ukraine....nevermind. What does the Book say? The love of money is the root of all evil?. Can't be happy, must take from others, either by deceit, force, or both. Putin has zero justification for his evil acts. smh

Is Putin running out of time?

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Is Putin running out of time?

What would make you think he is? Doesn't he in fact have the presidency for the remainder of his lifetime, in effect making him a dictator?

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