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What would Hillary do…


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IMO, she would have instituted martial law by now. She is a hater of all things military (as well as all things constitutional and truly American), but would use them if she could. However, I do not think she would do the damage Harris will do once Joe is declared incompetent and she gets in. 

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4 minutes ago, Razor said:

This a hypothetical, unanswerable question. However, it does give people a chance to vent their hatred of her. 

It's far from "unanswerable". She's got a track record that proves out what many of us believe she'd do. Her family was in Illinois when I was there, and I've followed much of what she and the Rodhams believed in the media...and the beliefs of her husband, Bill. They both hate the military, have little respect for American's and the law, and they don't pull any punches when it comes to showing these facts.

Also, as a side not...I don't hate her, or her husband...I hate what they stand for and promote. There's a HUGE difference.

Edited by BrotherTony
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42 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

IMO, she would have instituted martial law by now. She is a hater of all things military (as well as all things constitutional and truly American), but would use them if she could. However, I do not think she would do the damage Harris will do once Joe is declared incompetent and she gets in. 

Swearing In Kamala Harris GIF by CBS News

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52 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

IMO, she would have instituted martial law by now. She is a hater of all things military (as well as all things constitutional and truly American), but would use them if she could. However, I do not think she would do the damage Harris will do once Joe is declared incompetent and she gets in. 

This is absolutely correct. I would like to see Kamala Harris removed from office as well. But, that would leave us with Pelosi....just as bad in my opinion. It's looking like a "no-win" situation.

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5 hours ago, Razor said:

This a hypothetical, unanswerable question. However, it does give people a chance to vent their hatred of her. 

Observation based on past history and actions is not hatred.

I see the word, "hatred" used more and more lately. Many who use this word incessantly either don't know what it means, or they think that any disagreement with a person or what they say is hatred. They use it as a label.

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I don't hate her. But I do hate every evil thing she stands for.  Which is a lot. Sadly, she was influenced by her youth "pastor." She was actually a "Goldwater Girl" when she was younger. But her socialist leaning youth pastor got hold of her and turned her into the evil woman she is today. (I'm not negating the influence of her parents, BroTony)

My brother was around, erm, FOBs (friends of Bill) for quite a while for his job. It was quite plain to anyone who had eyes that nobody liked her - even the progressives with which she allies herself - but they all liked him. HIs personality is more people-oriented, and that is one of the reasons he won the White House and she will never get there unless it is by some of the same fraud that propelled someone-else-who-shall-not-be-named-else-I-get-accused-of-hatred-and-rage. ? So, since I am a born-again Christian who understands the teachings of the Bible, I have no problem saying that I HATE THE EVIL SHE PROMOTES.

Call it rage - mayhap since God is ANGRY WITH THE WICKED EVERY DAY, rage isn't that bad a thing when it is toward evil. Call it hatred - God HATES EVIL, so I think I'm in good company. 

And look at that...I didn't even get mad, which I believe was the intent of Razor's post slamming folks who don't agree with her.


6 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

This is absolutely correct. I would like to see Kamala Harris removed from office as well. But, that would leave us with Pelosi....just as bad in my opinion. It's looking like a "no-win" situation.

Except that Pelosi is old...lol

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8 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

Observation based on past history and actions is not hatred.

I see the word, "hatred" used more and more lately. Many who use this word incessantly either don't know what it means, or they think that any disagreement with a person or what they say is hatred. They use it as a label.

Jim, I agree, the word is being used more and more. Having said that, just look at the conversations in our society. I have never seen the country so divided and acting so childish during my lifetime. There is no debate now. I believe part of this is we have had it too easy. People now expect everything their way and if it isn't to their liking they lash out. Just look at the attacks of irate people on stewardesses and stewards on airlines or the woman in Virginia who threatened to come back with guns loaded to a school board meeting. We have become a soft nation of "me first, you last" people. I believe social media and the media are largely responsible for this division and lack of cooperation that we see today. 

I have a theory, unproveable, but a theory on another part of this. The generation who went through the Great Depression and World War II knew from bitter experiences that people had to cooperate, even when the disagreed, to survive. That carried over into politics. Now, I fear most people do not believe that and it may well lead to our downfall from within. 

Abraham Lincoln was prophetic when he said in a speech:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The question was hypothetical, and in reality unanswerable, only opinions could be given. That leaves only opinions. Hillary stirs up hatred in many people. Sure she has a track record. However that does not mean anyone really knows what she would do in  our current situations. Asking what would FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, do now is as just as hypothetical and unanswerable.  

It saddens me to see radicals on both side of the aisle refusing to work together for the good of the country. 

Together we rise or together we fall. 

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15 hours ago, E Morales said:

If she was president…

Usa Shrug GIF by Hillary Clinton

She would pick up where she left off.  She was pining for war with North Korea and would continue to plunder Ukraine and other former Soviet bloc nations.  Bill would still by flying around on the Lolita Express with Jeffrey Epstein too.  

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22 minutes ago, swathdiver said:

She would pick up where she left off.  She was pining for war with North Korea and would continue to plunder Ukraine and other former Soviet bloc nations.  Bill would still by flying around on the Lolita Express with Jeffrey Epstein too.  

We all know that Slick Willie wouldn't be flying around with Jeffrey Epstein...remember? He allegedly hung himself in his cell...and  if you believe that, I've got a bridge to the Atlantic from Murfreesboro, TN I'd like to sell you! LOL ? He'd PROBABLY OWN the Lolita Express now! 

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