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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

Meet the new COVID-19 variant, CAL.20C


Doctor Nurse GIF by himHallows


If getting "the jab" makes you feel safer...go for it! it truly doesn't equate to being brave in my estimation. The ore these shots are given, the more new variants will continue to show up...it's only common sense to know that when something is introduced into the body to fight a virus or disease that the virus or disease will mutate! 

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35 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

If getting "the jab" makes you feel safer...go for it! it truly doesn't equate to being brave in my estimation. The ore these shots are given, the more new variants will continue to show up...it's only common sense to know that when something is introduced into the body to fight a virus or disease that the virus or disease will mutate! 

Why won’t Christian get vaccinated interesting view


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3 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Why won’t Christian get vaccinated interesting view


From just the little I read of this article, it is written from a "world view" and not the view of the Christian community. It's dishonest in it's assumptions about why people won't get the vaccine, and is dishonest in that it states that the "scientists have addressed" the concerns of people who won't take it because long term side-effects aren't known...and this is the truth...they AREN'T known, and the "scientific community" couldn't address something that hasn't been around long enough to give an HONEST, ESTABLISHED opinion. I have a feeling you are posting these things to inflame more than to cause discussion, Morales. I don't think my opinion is going to change about that. You seem to do this quite often, and it's really a tiresome exercise.

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It is not Christians that are feeding the fear factor, but rather people and officials like Collins that try to "guilt" others into being vaccinated. Then when those that gave in to the guilt get vaccinated and this creates more variants, they still point to the un-vaccinated as the reasons why the variants appear, instead of the vaccines causing the variants.

It has long been known in the medical community that once any remedy is even a little bit successful, the disease mutates. This article is nothing more than perpetuating the guilt and fear factor surrounding Covid-19.

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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

From just the little I read of this article, it is written from a "world view" and not the view of the Christian community. It's dishonest in it's assumptions about why people won't get the vaccine, and is dishonest in that it states that the "scientists have addressed" the concerns of people who won't take it because long term side-effects aren't known...and this is the truth...they AREN'T known, and the "scientific community" couldn't address something that hasn't been around long enough to give an HONEST, ESTABLISHED opinion. I have a feeling you are posting these things to inflame more than to cause discussion, Morales. I don't think my opinion is going to change about that. You seem to do this quite often, and it's really a tiresome exercise.

I’m sorry if you’re getting tired, but you do have the option not replying to my post. There is a chance that you Guys might be wrong on COVID-19 

We might be looking at another lock down, by the end of this year.

Edited by E Morales
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10 hours ago, E Morales said:

I’m sorry if you’re getting tired, but you do have the option not replying to my post. There is a chance that you Guys might be wrong on COVID-19 

We might be looking at another lock down, by the end of this year.

There's little chance of that. The only reason we would be looking at another lockdown this year is because of the government trying to instill fear into people over a virus that has a 99% recovery rate. As far as reading and replying to your posts, it is an open thread. I still believe you're posting these things to try and inflame, and somebody needs to refute the alleged Christians who are fearmongering or trying to guilt people into "taking the jab!" 

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6 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

There's little chance of that. The only reason we would be looking at another lockdown this year is because of the government trying to instill fear into people over a virus that has a 99% recovery rate. As far as reading and replying to your posts, it is an open thread. I still believe you're posting these things to try and inflame, and somebody needs to refute the alleged Christians who are fearmongering or trying to guilt people into "taking the jab!" 

I am not trying to make anyone get the vaccine, or start troubles here like you think I am. I don’t support getting the booster either. I do believe everyone should make their own decision. If you get very sick with this virus, it’s too late to get the Jab.

For all, and everyone, believers and nonbelievers.

Be Safe

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34 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I am not trying to make anyone get the vaccine, or start troubles here like you think I am. I don’t support getting the booster either. I do believe everyone should make their own decision. If you get very sick with this virus, it’s too late to get the Jab.

For all, and everyone, believers and nonbelievers.

Be Safe

I've had the virus twice, as has my wife. The first time was just like the flu for both of us. That was December of 2019...the second time I got my confirmation on August 30th of this year, and my wife got hers a few days later. I was very ill and ended up in the ER because I couldnt breath, and my BP had dropped significantly...so significantly that I passed out in our kitchen and ended up waking up on the floor. The doctor wanted to admit me because I was severely dehydrated and weak. He basically said he couldn't treat me because I hadn't had the vaccination....UGH...the political horse puckey that goes on around that "worshipped" vaccine. At any rate...though I have complications from the virus, I feel far safer without the vaccine. Several in our family have taken it and have had significant health issues since. They made their choice, and I have made mine. We don't argue about it, as we all know where we stand on it, and it's a personal choice. I don't pay for their choice, and they don't pay for mine!

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44 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I've had the virus twice, as has my wife. The first time was just like the flu for both of us. That was December of 2019...the second time I got my confirmation on August 30th of this year, and my wife got hers a few days later. I was very ill and ended up in the ER because I couldnt breath, and my BP had dropped significantly...so significantly that I passed out in our kitchen and ended up waking up on the floor. The doctor wanted to admit me because I was severely dehydrated and weak. He basically said he couldn't treat me because I hadn't had the vaccination....UGH...the political horse puckey that goes on around that "worshipped" vaccine. At any rate...though I have complications from the virus, I feel far safer without the vaccine. Several in our family have taken it and have had significant health issues since. They made their choice, and I have made mine. We don't argue about it, as we all know where we stand on it, and it's a personal choice. I don't pay for their choice, and they don't pay for mine!

I can understand that it did not help you at all, the vaccine. But very few have this same experience, this would make me angry too. We got to go by the whole percentage, like a person having heart surgery, a low percentage will not make it. Should you have it done? You are not ready to be a moderator here yet. You seem to want to put a X on topic you don’t like, to quickly, and the person. 

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6 hours ago, E Morales said:

I can understand that it did not help you at all, the vaccine. But very few have this same experience, this would make me angry too. We got to go by the whole percentage, like a person having heart surgery, a low percentage will not make it. Should you have it done? You are not ready to be a moderator here yet. You seem to want to put a X on topic you don’t like, to quickly, and the person. 

I don't have anything to say about the posts, but I'm free to voice my opinion. You don't have to like that, Morales. As far as the people who don't get the vaccines, most of them live. You're giving the impression that they don't. Just because a person has heart problems (I do) doesn't mean they won't make it if they contract the virus. You're giving a totally false narrative here, and people have the right and duty to call you on it whether you like it or not! I've not got anything against you personally...would be hard to do considering I don't know you. If you're so sensitive about people disagreeing with you it might be helpful to post only things where people will echo your viewpoints. 

I just wanted to add this last bit of information for Morales...I haven't asked, nor do I aspire to be a moderator here. If I was asked, I'd have to pray about it...I've had my own boards, and I don't relish the thought of having that situation in my life again. Have a nice night, Morales. 

Edited by BrotherTony
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I have a question, but first I need to give the general situation. A friend of mine texted me today. His roommate was tested recently at a public place where they do free tests. Supposedly he tested positive for Covid - but is not sick or showing any symptoms (as far as I understand our conversation via texting). Then "Fraser Health" contacted my friend by phone and basically stated he is under doctors orders to quarantine.

So they are both quarantining starting within the last couple of days - but they have to move in one week (before the end of November).

My question is would doctors have even contacted my friend (ie. the roommate of the person exposed) to give him instructions/orders? Is that not against doctor/patient policies? My friend said it showed up as spam on his call display - but if it was government health, usually government numbers list their names in your call display (at least in British Columbia). Also, I can see his family doctor perhaps having his roommates' info on file as an emergency contact, but can't see a random testing site having that info (or the roommate giving that specific info out - unless they are required to give out all info for people in the same house - I don't know).

Either way, the person testing positive should have been contacted by the doctor or testing facility, not his roommate (my friend, who did not go for a test). It would have been up to the roommate to tell others in his household of the doctor's requirements. Has anyone else heard of a health organization or doctor contacting someone else about Covid requirements like quarantine?

To me it seems like someone playing God and deliberately trying to interfere with the lives of others (whether out of fear or otherwise). What probably happened is the roommate told one of his other friends or associates and they decided to do this. But in light of other things going on, including the required move in a week, this seems demonic and an attempt to throw a Christian off track or make them stumble. My friend was off work due to being sick for a week or two before this (not covid), but then this comes up - that means if he follows the "quarantine" he will be out of work for a month, during a time he is required to move. A lot of stress - and it does sound like it is taking its toll on my friend.

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1 hour ago, Jerry said:

I have a question, but first I need to give the general situation. A friend of mine texted me today. His roommate was tested recently at a public place where they do free tests. Supposedly he tested positive for Covid - but is not sick or showing any symptoms (as far as I understand our conversation via texting). Then "Fraser Health" contacted my friend by phone and basically stated he is under doctors orders to quarantine.

So they are both quarantining starting within the last couple of days - but they have to move in one week (before the end of November).

My question is would doctors have even contacted my friend (ie. the roommate of the person exposed) to give him instructions/orders? Is that not against doctor/patient policies? My friend said it showed up as spam on his call display - but if it was government health, usually government numbers list their names in your call display (at least in British Columbia). Also, I can see his family doctor perhaps having his roommates' info on file as an emergency contact, but can't see a random testing site having that info (or the roommate giving that specific info out - unless they are required to give out all info for people in the same house - I don't know).

Either way, the person testing positive should have been contacted by the doctor or testing facility, not his roommate (my friend, who did not go for a test). It would have been up to the roommate to tell others in his household of the doctor's requirements. Has anyone else heard of a health organization or doctor contacting someone else about Covid requirements like quarantine?

To me it seems like someone playing God and deliberately trying to interfere with the lives of others (whether out of fear or otherwise). What probably happened is the roommate told one of his other friends or associates and they decided to do this. But in light of other things going on, including the required move in a week, this seems demonic and an attempt to throw a Christian off track or make them stumble. My friend was off work due to being sick for a week or two before this (not covid), but then this comes up - that means if he follows the "quarantine" he will be out of work for a month, during a time he is required to move. A lot of stress - and it does sound like it is taking its toll on my friend.

I know here in Tennessee there have been people contacted if the primary person has tested positive. They will, if given the information, contact the second person. I know when I went to the E R here, the E R physician told me that I needed to tell my wife she had to be tested. The Health Dept would have contacted her if she wouldn't have gone to them and had her test done. Even AFTER we both tested positive, they called and tried to "contact trace" for several weeks, but, we refused to participate. If they show no symptoms of the virus, they can have a second test within ten days. At least that's the proceedure here! They need to talk with their doctors and local officials.

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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

I don't have anything to say about the posts, but I'm free to voice my opinion. You don't have to like that, Morales. As far as the people who don't get the vaccines, most of them live. You're giving the impression that they don't. Just because a person has heart problems (I do) doesn't mean they won't make it if they contract the virus. You're giving a totally false narrative here, and people have the right and duty to call you on it whether you like it or not! I've not got anything against you personally...would be hard to do considering I don't know you. If you're so sensitive about people disagreeing with you it might be helpful to post only things where people will echo your viewpoints. 

I just wanted to add this last bit of information for Morales...I haven't asked, nor do I aspire to be a moderator here. If I was asked, I'd have to pray about it...I've had my own boards, and I don't relish the thought of having that situation in my life again. Have a nice night, Morales. 

Thank you, have a good night keep warm.

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18 hours ago, Jerry said:

I have a question, but first I need to give the general situation. A friend of mine texted me today. His roommate was tested recently at a public place where they do free tests. Supposedly he tested positive for Covid - but is not sick or showing any symptoms (as far as I understand our conversation via texting). Then "Fraser Health" contacted my friend by phone and basically stated he is under doctors orders to quarantine.

So they are both quarantining starting within the last couple of days - but they have to move in one week (before the end of November).

My question is would doctors have even contacted my friend (ie. the roommate of the person exposed) to give him instructions/orders? Is that not against doctor/patient policies? My friend said it showed up as spam on his call display - but if it was government health, usually government numbers list their names in your call display (at least in British Columbia). Also, I can see his family doctor perhaps having his roommates' info on file as an emergency contact, but can't see a random testing site having that info (or the roommate giving that specific info out - unless they are required to give out all info for people in the same house - I don't know).

Either way, the person testing positive should have been contacted by the doctor or testing facility, not his roommate (my friend, who did not go for a test). It would have been up to the roommate to tell others in his household of the doctor's requirements. Has anyone else heard of a health organization or doctor contacting someone else about Covid requirements like quarantine?

To me it seems like someone playing God and deliberately trying to interfere with the lives of others (whether out of fear or otherwise). What probably happened is the roommate told one of his other friends or associates and they decided to do this. But in light of other things going on, including the required move in a week, this seems demonic and an attempt to throw a Christian off track or make them stumble. My friend was off work due to being sick for a week or two before this (not covid), but then this comes up - that means if he follows the "quarantine" he will be out of work for a month, during a time he is required to move. A lot of stress - and it does sound like it is taking its toll on my friend.

I’m a little confused on who told who what, but in Alberta, if you test positive, you will absolutely be contacted by phone to inform you of the positive test. 

if he can make the move privately,  without exposing people (other than any friends who knowingly choose to help), it might be worth the risk. Just don’t change any addresses on paperwork until after the quarantine period (and keep the same phone number). Border agencies are very good about following up (don’t mess with them!), but health agencies don’t seem to - at least in this province. 

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