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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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Looks like Pfizer vaccine is made using aborted fetus cells. I knew this already. All four of the major ones are (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astrazeneca).


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8 hours ago, SureWord said:

Looks like Pfizer vaccine is made using aborted fetus cells. I knew this already. All four of the major ones are (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astrazeneca).


I seen this on your web link. 

“HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry,” Dormitzer said.

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I heard on NPR, This morning that there was a well known Colombian preacher in Tennessee, who died of Covid. 
I believe the protestant preachers and pastors are looking at what happened to Job,when he was tempted by the devil and ask permission to God, but God told him you cannot take his life. I am not saying that this pastor preach this but it goes through my mind sometimes that it is possible that man will say God will protect me and will not let me be harmed by this virus. God permitted also that there will be doctors and medication to help us live longer, now if this is true it’s all up to you. 

My wife and I are vaccinated, I know who cares.


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48 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I heard on NPR, This morning that there was a well known Colombian preacher in Tennessee, who died of Covid. 
I believe the protestant preachers and pastors are looking at what happened to Job,when he was tempted by the devil and ask permission to God, but God told him you cannot take his life. I am not saying that this pastor preach this but it goes through my mind sometimes that it is possible that man will say God will protect me and will not let me be harmed by this virus. God permitted also that there will be doctors and medication to help us live longer, now if this is true it’s all up to you. 

My wife and I are vaccinated, I know who cares.


Not at all, @E Morales, If you and your wife believed you needed the vaccine, I say more power to you for getting it. My wife and I haven't been vaccinated, and we've had Covid 2x now. The last time was just last month. We're both still alive. My wife's case was quite mild. Mine, on the other hand, was quite challenging. I ended up in the local ER with problems breathing, dehydration, and exhaustion! It's been over a month and I'm nowhere near fully recovered. But, it hasn't changed our minds on the vaccine. Some here say the virus isn't real. Well, believe me, it is. Many in our family have had it, and a couple have passed away with the virus as a contributing factor. 

Let me add. I heard the reports about this preacher. I don't recall ever hearing that he preached what you said it was possible he preached. He could have, but it's never been reported that way to my knowledge. I've heard very few preachers say that God would protect them 100% from the virus. It's just not feasible for them to say such a thing, and if they did, it was quite foolish on their part!

Edited by BrotherTony
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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

I seen this on your web link. 

“HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry,” Dormitzer said.

I wouldn't expect anything else from the Papacy.

So then to be clear nobody has any problem with aborted fetal tissue being used to make a vaccine?


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9 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I wouldn't expect anything else from the Papacy.

So then to be clear nobody has any problem with aborted fetal tissue being used to make a vaccine?


Did anyone here say they DIDN'T have a problem with it? I haven't seen anyone say that yet. I know you posed it as a question, but I'll give a direct answer. That is one of the many reasons I won't take the shot. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Did anyone here say they DIDN'T have a problem with it? I haven't seen anyone say that yet. I know you posed it as a question, but I'll give a direct answer. That is one of the many reasons I won't take the shot. 

Quote: " I say more power to you for getting it"

That sounded like you were OK with it.


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37 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Quote: " I say more power to you for getting it"

That sounded like you were OK with it.


Not at all. It just means that it's THEIR decision. I can't stop someone from getting the jab, and I don't have to pay the consequences for their decisions, nor they for mine. 

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4 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I wonder if the Jehovah witnesses are getting the vaccine or jabs like you guys call it. They are against modern medications too.

Mitch Mcconnell Vaccine GIF by GIPHY News


I know many who have. And as far as Mitch McConnell goes, he's a loser! A sellout of the Republican party. I've never liked or trusted him, and believe he is a poor choice to be the Republican leader in the Senate. I'll be glad when he's out of office, and I know the Republicans will be, too!

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5 hours ago, E Morales said:

I wonder if the Jehovah witnesses are getting the vaccine or jabs like you guys call it. They are against modern medications too.

That's a misrepresentation. No one here is against 'modern medications.'  There are plenty of people - even prestigious doctors - who are against this particular vaccine although they are not anti-vaccine in general.  Anything like this for which the government lies about the death rate, runs a comprehensive marketing campaign, and begs, bribes or coerces people into participating in is not to be trusted.  Get it if you want - but see through their lies and divisiveness.  They're seeking to remove our liberties, and turning the people against each other. It's a very effective tool of preventing us from turning against them. 

That is a good question about the JWs. They refuse blood transfusions, so if they're being consistent, they should likely refuse this. Maybe in 20 years they'll be the only ones left alive.... 
(j/k... kinda)

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1 hour ago, Salyan said:

That's a misrepresentation. No one here is against 'modern medications.'  There are plenty of people - even prestigious doctors - who are against this particular vaccine although they are not anti-vaccine in general.  Anything like this for which the government lies about the death rate, runs a comprehensive marketing campaign, and begs, bribes or coerces people into participating in is not to be trusted.  Get it if you want - but see through their lies and divisiveness.  They're seeking to remove our liberties, and turning the people against each other. It's a very effective tool of preventing us from turning against them. 

That is a good question about the JWs. They refuse blood transfusions, so if they're being consistent, they should likely refuse this. Maybe in 20 years they'll be the only ones left alive.... 
(j/k... kinda)

Or left behind, just saying.

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Moderna Vaccine is being banned all across Europe because of problems with heart inflamation! Oh, yeah! These "vaccines" (They're NOT vaccines...they're just shots) are so safe that many people have finally come to the realization that they're harming people! They ARE NOT safe...never have been!



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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Cells from aborted fetuses used in the Pfizer vaccines? This report says it is, and the representative of the Pfizer company ran away when asked about it!


Yup, I mentioned this before. I don't know how any Christian can take that death jab with a clear conscience but God only knows.

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