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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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Check it out. I heard some suggest the virus could be passed on by the PCR test now John Hopkins admits the vaccine can be passed on by swab. My guess is the government test kits are vaccinations.


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On 2/12/2022 at 6:24 PM, Napsterdad said:

Fortunately, because of my asthma and COVID mandates at work, my company is allowing me to work from home until I retire (another 5-6 years). This is what is allowing me to move to Tennessee this year. For those times when I absolutely have to be there (maybe a total of 10 days/ year tops) they have given me a private office with an air purifier.

I have had asthma for 50 years now but amazingly it did not flare up one time when I had Covid. I didn't even produce mucus with my pneumonia but I did have crazy fits of coughing and hypoxia.

I think the one med I take, Montelukast, saved my life. Apparently, it was used by some doctors who actually treated their Covid patients ( there were a few that did but most took their marching orders from the CDC) and reduced mortality.

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Not sure if this is the proper thread but it is about Covid.

Has anyone noticed that since the Russia/Ukraine war that Covid has basically disappeared overnight? Even on the school bus I drive we no longer have to wear a mask. Also, mandates/passports are being dropped everywhere.

Who feels like this is the "Mass Formation Psychosis" that Dr. Robert Malone spoke of. Now it's on to the next media driven crisis with everyone now being led into warmongering. From "vax or die" to "let's go to war with Russia" over a nation most probably couldn't find on a map (the majority of Democrats want war with Russia).

After Putin disposes of our puppet in Ukraine and puts his own puppet in then there will be another media led neurosis sweeping America.

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I think that's pretty accurate. It's also that midterms are coming up and the Dems don't want to lose. LOL...it is mostly Blue areas that still had mandates/masks, etc. Our area is still under masking -until Mar. 21, even though the CDC greatly loosened their recommends. Our governor, though, just has to flex his virtue-signaling muscles. And interestingly enough, the two counties we are in (we are in one, our church in the other) that are under control of one woman ("health" officer) are seeing cases on the rise - because she escaped a court case by promising to lift the passport mandate for restaurants IF things were getting better by Mar. 11.

Any more, I believe just about everything we hear on the news is some kind of attempt at control via fear and confusion.

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So the Queen of England came down with Covid though she was triple vaxxed and lives in isolation. On the news story about it they showed she was being given Stromecol which is Europe's brand name for Ivermectin. My brother's wife ordered the medicine online from Europe.

Anyway, here comes the "fact checkers" from Reuters who said that shot of video was wrong and mistakenly added to the story. Of course, the chairman of Reuters is on the board of Pfizer.

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I'm sorry to hear that she has covid. At her age, it could be deadly. But since she is getting Ivermectin, there is hope of recovery. That is what brought us out of it, although we are suffering the lingering exhaustion still. It is getting a bit better, but it is frustrating to be always tired. lol

Our virtue-signaling governor has decided to grant us some freedom by moving the cessation of the indoor-mask-mandate to March 12, rather than the 21st. Funnily enough, that's the day after the legislative session ends...I'm just wondering if our progressive legislature has a little surprise waiting for us on the 11th. Ugh.

I laugh when I think about  the indoor-mask-mandate...the only place I've worn a mask indoors is to the doctor, and that is only because I or my mom or hubs had to see them and you cannot get in the door without a mask and your temp taken. Of course, senior residences and medical places will not be under the cessation...masks still required there. How absolutely stupid people can be.

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32 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Anyone see the list of side effects from the Pfizer vax that the FDA was forced to release? 1,290 side effects including nice things like "brain stem embolism" and "stillbirth".

Not a peep from the MSM about it.

Got a link to any evidence of this list of side effects? I've heard a lot of this stuff before, but would like more than just one person's statement. Not saying anyone is giving misinformation, but would like more tangible proof of the same.

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5 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Got a link to any evidence of this list of side effects? I've heard a lot of this stuff before, but would like more than just one person's statement. Not saying anyone is giving misinformation, but would like more tangible proof of the same.


There's a link within this to the actual report. You can find it easily on the internet it's all over the place and shouldn't be buried by Google since we've moved on to the next world crisis with Russia 


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Will a "Social Credit System" be coming to the United States, following the lead of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau's lead after the truckers convoy in that country against the Covid 19 mandates for vaccination? The United States government has been trying pretty hard over the past year to get into  our bank accounts and our personal lives through mandates....If it happens, we'll "own nothing and like it." Sound familiar? 


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