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God is not in all his thoughts.


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The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. [Psalms 10:4]


Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values. – Max More (1990)

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” [Romans 1:22-23]

Transhumanism is just another attempt to avert God and build a "better" human. Fromr the little I've read it appears to be a global movement. I sure would like to have a list of their membership. It might help me understand some of our politicians actions and activities. Anyone else looked into 'transhumanism?

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17 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. [Psalms 10:4]


Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values. – Max More (1990)

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” [Romans 1:22-23]

Transhumanism is just another attempt to avert God and build a "better" human. Fromr the little I've read it appears to be a global movement. I sure would like to have a list of their membership. It might help me understand some of our politicians actions and activities. Anyone else looked into 'transhumanism?

Man has been seeking this since the fall. Look at the old myths with humans mating with gods and becoming demigods and humans who were punished being changed into animals or plants. And despite what our position might be concerning "the sons of God" of Genesis 6 (i.e. fallen angels or the godly line of Seth) the stories about interbreeding of the heavenly with the earthly were greatly debated since the time of the so-called Church Fathers even hundreds of years before that amongst the Jews. I'm presently reading the Book of Enoch (yes, I know it's a fraud) but the legends were still there and that book still dates from 200 BC to 200 AD.

If falling angels showed up today saying they are aliens from another galaxy who have arrived to help us "evolve" you know millions would look to cross breed with them and anyone who opposed will be labeled an "alienphobe". 

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23 hours ago, SureWord said:

Man has been seeking this since the fall. Look at the old myths with humans mating with gods and becoming demigods and humans who were punished being changed into animals or plants.


20 hours ago, Hugh_Flower said:

It all has one agenda - the removal of God in an Institute of belief, practice, and or language.

Men, I agree with both of your statements. Mankind is deceived by Satan to attempt to 'build a better man' and relieve himselves from the guilt of sin. "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." [Psalms 53:1] Then, when man's endeavors backfire there is Satan to pick up the pieces... "And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." [Matthew 4:9] But, I'm still interested to know who these people are that are involved in this 'fool's errand.'

"What makes the transhumanist movement so seductive is that it promises to restore, through science, the transcendent hopes that science itself has obliterated. Transhumanists do not believe in the existence of a soul," 

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14 hours ago, Hugh_Flower said:

Timothy I believe all this stuff is rooted in occultic pracitce, and I know that modern stuff is mostly stemmed from "theosophy". 

I do not know if I can recommened going into that rabbit hole. But it may be of your edification. 

Sincerely Hugh

I don't want to know more about the philosophy behind transhumanism. I want to know who is involved particularly "in high places" [Ephesians 6:12] both secular and non-secular. Caution noted and not without consideration, thanks for your concern. 

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On 3/6/2021 at 12:18 PM, SureWord said:

Man has been seeking this since the fall. Look at the old myths with humans mating with gods and becoming demigods and humans who were punished being changed into animals or plants. And despite what our position might be concerning "the sons of God" of Genesis 6 (i.e. fallen angels or the godly line of Seth) the stories about interbreeding of the heavenly with the earthly were greatly debated since the time of the so-called Church Fathers even hundreds of years before that amongst the Jews. I'm presently reading the Book of Enoch (yes, I know it's a fraud) but the legends were still there and that book still dates from 200 BC to 200 AD.

If falling angels showed up today saying they are aliens from another galaxy who have arrived to help us "evolve" you know millions would look to cross breed with them and anyone who opposed will be labeled an "alienphobe". 

I have always disagreed with the way the whole 'sons of God with the daughters of men' thing has been popularly interpreted, particularly because God created everything after its kind, including humans and angels, meaning there is an implied impossibility to crossbreed, even if fallen angels, ie, devils, could take physical form, (which there is no biblical precedent for to be found), there is nothing to say they even have the capability to breed at all, since they were not created to breed in the first place. 

No matter what we do to ourselves, we will always just be human-no matter the number of implants, microchips, or false limbs, no matter what we cut off, or sew on, we are what we are: humans, male and female, as created-all we can manage to do is mutilate and graffiti that which God has created, and one day, we will all stand before God and be judged for what we are: His creation, subject to His justice, like it or not.

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1 hour ago, Ukulelemike said:

I have always disagreed with the way the whole 'sons of God with the daughters of men' thing has been popularly interpreted, particularly because God created everything after its kind, including humans and angels, meaning there is an implied impossibility to crossbreed, even if fallen angels, ie, devils, could take physical form, (which there is no biblical precedent for to be found), there is nothing to say they even have the capability to breed at all, since they were not created to breed in the first place. 

No matter what we do to ourselves, we will always just be human-no matter the number of implants, microchips, or false limbs, no matter what we cut off, or sew on, we are what we are: humans, male and female, as created-all we can manage to do is mutilate and graffiti that which God has created, and one day, we will all stand before God and be judged for what we are: His creation, subject to His justice, like it or not.

You have a good point. Would angels even be able to crossbreed with another kind, i.e. human women? Or as I often thought; If all angels seem to be male why were they even given the ability to procreate? These are the "rabbit holes" that Brother Flower warned about.

My point wasn't really to argue for or against the sons of God being angels just that the stories of it happening in various legends among different cultures in one form or another are there going way back. This suggests that mankind has always looked to become "transhuman" in some form or another and all the modern day blather about it is nothing new other than dressing it up in more scientific language.


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2 hours ago, Ukulelemike said:

I have always disagreed with the way the whole 'sons of God with the daughters of men' thing has been popularly interpreted, particularly because God created everything after its kind, including humans and angels, meaning there is an implied impossibility to crossbreed, even if fallen angels, ie, devils, could take physical form, (which there is no biblical precedent for to be found), there is nothing to say they even have the capability to breed at all, since they were not created to breed in the first place. 

No matter what we do to ourselves, we will always just be human-no matter the number of implants, microchips, or false limbs, no matter what we cut off, or sew on, we are what we are: humans, male and female, as created-all we can manage to do is mutilate and graffiti that which God has created, and one day, we will all stand before God and be judged for what we are: His creation, subject to His justice, like it or not.

I disagree. Hell is a literal physical place first created for these devils. Which implies that yes devils may have a physical form just as much as an angel may. 


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In order to keep this thread on topic, for those who want more "Biblical Insight" on the topic of "Transhumanism" and the "fallen angels" coupled with the ability for angels to appear on this earth in the form of man, and to procreate as man, I would like to reference the thread started by John Young, called, The Sons of God are not Angels." Here is the link:



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1 hour ago, Alan said:

In order to keep this thread on topic, for those who want more "Biblical Insight" on the topic of "Transhumanism" and the "fallen angels" coupled with the ability for angels to appear on this earth in the form of man, and to procreate as man, I would like to reference the thread started by John Young, called, The Sons of God are not Angels." Here is the link:



Seems fairly on topic to me. 

Brother, it seems to me whenever you don't like a topic or something discuss you say "thread off topic" and then Jim Alaska gives you a hearty thumbs up. You wouldn't even make any comment if it stayed on topic yet you jump right on a thread with any little diversion at all. Yet, in another thread which has been going on since 2009 and has been all over the place with all kinds of heretical Seventh Day Adventist nonsense you haven't made a peep. What's up with this?

On 3/7/2021 at 5:23 PM, Hugh_Flower said:

Timothy I believe all this stuff is rooted in occultic pracitce, and I know that modern stuff is mostly stemmed from "theosophy". 

I do not know if I can recommened going into that rabbit hole. But it may be of your edification. 

Sincerely Hugh

I'm amazed how much math and science has roots in the occult. Men like Pythagoras and Newton were steeped in the occult and developed many of their theories from such.

Edited by SureWord
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41 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Seems fairly on topic to me. 

Brother, it seems to me whenever you don't like a topic or something discuss you say "thread off topic" and then Jim Alaska gives you a hearty thumbs up. You wouldn't even make any comment if it stayed on topic yet you jump right on a thread with any little diversion at all. Yet, in another thread which has been going on since 2009 and has been all over the place with all kinds of heretical Seventh Day Adventist nonsense you haven't made a peep. What's up with this?



I presume when you mentioned "yet another thread which has been going on since 2009 ... heretical Seventh Day Adventist nonsense" is a reference to the, "Mark 16:9" thread started by rstrats.

One. To  quote a proverb, " A good general picks his battles." I came to the conclusion a long time ago that rstrats is not looking for truth but is just on Online Baptist to arouse dissension among us. The battle of teaching the truth to rstrats is a lost cause and only causes ill will. So, I will continue to not comment on his thread. You mentioned one time in your comments that the Mark 16:9 thread should be "locked." I agree with you.

Two. A search of Seventh Day Adventist material here on Online Baptist will probably bring up several threads that I have commented on the errors (there are many errors), of the Seventh Day Adventist. I will give you one link:

Also, I think that the John Young topic on Angels is a excellent thread for the reasons that I suggested.

Also, I want to publicly thank JimAlaska for his "like." I appreciate it very much. I guess because Jim and I agree on just  about everything we "like" each other a lot.

Again, I pick my verbal 'battles' and discussions very carefully. So, I do not comment on a lot of threads if you check my posts.

Edited by Alan
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I think the topic of angels is related and a good thread. But It does not change what I say. I will stand by what I said as "Sons of Man" being men of God has always been what I thought. But angels and demons may take a literal physical form. ( as I see heaven and hell as literal and physical ).


I believe transhuminism has always been around -  as a "way" (lie) to become Gods. I believe the deceit in the Garden would fall into this category, and I would also suggest this entire philosophy is occultic in nature - knowledge provided by devils and Satan him self. It is the way of the world, unfortunately. 

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22 hours ago, Hugh_Flower said:

I disagree. Hell is a literal physical place first created for these devils. Which implies that yes devils may have a physical form just as much as an angel may. 


Why would you assume hell is a physical place? Only spirits are in hell, the body isn't joined back to it till the second resurrection, and then they are cast into the lake of fire, a different place, with apparently a physical aspect to it. At that point, perhaps God gives them a physical form for eternity. But angels are most definitely NOT physical, and only take human form, or at least appear to, when in their service as messengers from God to man. That would imply to me that it must be mandated from the Lord-we never once see an instance of a devil taking human form, outside of possession of a human being. So I disagree with you because scripture simply doesn't support that view.

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19 minutes ago, Ukulelemike said:

Why would you assume hell is a physical place? Only spirits are in hell, the body isn't joined back to it till the second resurrection, and then they are cast into the lake of fire, a different place, with apparently a physical aspect to it. At that point, perhaps God gives them a physical form for eternity. But angels are most definitely NOT physical, and only take human form, or at least appear to, when in their service as messengers from God to man. That would imply to me that it must be mandated from the Lord-we never once see an instance of a devil taking human form, outside of possession of a human being. So I disagree with you because scripture simply doesn't support that view.

Do you believe Heaven is a physical realm? 

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