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The Master Study Bible.


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I was given a "The Master Study Bible," KJV, with an, "Encyclopedia," Topical Concordance," and, "Other Study Materials," as a gift. Copyright by, "Cornerstone Bible Publishers" in Nashville, TN. Its leather bound. It has a "Bible Reading Plan," by Robert Murray. Besides having a nice "Bible Notes" section in the back it appears to have quite a selection of Bible maps. It is a Reference Bible with the references in the middle column.

Does anybody have any comments on it? Good or bad.

I have not have time to check any references as yet. Is there any references that anybody wants to bring to my attention?

Any comments, or specific things to look for, or background information on the Reference Bible authors is appreciated.

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As with you, until I received the Master Study Bible I had not heard of it. I did notice the Copyright was in 2001. But, I have not heard it discussed before. So, I wanted to ask my friends if they had any comments.


Edited by Alan
hear to heard
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On 1/8/2021 at 9:30 AM, Alan said:

I was given a "The Master Study Bible," KJV, with an, "Encyclopedia," Topical Concordance," and, "Other Study Materials," as a gift. Copyright by, "Cornerstone Bible Publishers" in Nashville, TN. Its leather bound. It has a "Bible Reading Plan," by Robert Murray. Besides having a nice "Bible Notes" section in the back it appears to have quite a selection of Bible maps. It is a Reference Bible with the references in the middle column.

Does anybody have any comments on it? Good or bad.

I have not have time to check any references as yet. Is there any references that anybody wants to bring to my attention?

Any comments, or specific things to look for, or background information on the Reference Bible authors is appreciated.

Alan, I remembered the study bible I was referring to its The Sure Word Reference Bible (no, I'm not joking). Apparently, it's the 1917 Scofield and The Subject Bible combined. It's no longer in print but I've heard it's well worth buying if you can find one. 

I found some info concerning your Master Study Bible:

It's similar to the Topical Study Bible, it was put out by the Southern Baptists and like 98% of study bibles it will be critical of the KJV in places but overall it was a well received study bible.



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My primary goal in this thread is to ascertain whether or not the center-column references in, “The Master Study Bible,” is a reliable system in order to properly ‘rightly divide the scriptures’ in order to learn biblical truth.

In my previous experience with Reference Bibles I noticed that passages are often referenced in the center-column that sometimes do not relate to the subject matter in question, or is not a proper passage to reference to in the context of the passage, and may have denominational or doctrinal bias.

So, I tend to look at center-column references carefully.

Lastly, whether a person agrees with the C. I. Scofield Reference Bible or not, it is probably the standard of Reference Bibles. So, I will give Scofield’s note on how to use his Reference Bible as it has not been improved on since he wrote it.

The Old Scofield Reference Bible - A Standard

The Scofield Scofield Reference Bible has a good reference system. To my knowledge, the C. I. Scofield Reference Bible referenced passages in the center-column are generally reliable. An individual can usually find other verses that explain the passage, or an reference to where the passage is quoted, within the context of the passage, without a denominational bias.

Also, on major subjects, Scofield referenced the subject matter in such a way that the reader can read the appropriate passages on a particular subject within the reference itself. Scofield’s system was ingenious and thus the reference system is referred to as, “a chain reference Bible.”

Scofield’s system, with an example and illustration, for “Subject References” is as follows,“How to use the Subject References. The subject references lead the reader from the first clear mention of a great truth to the last. The first and last references (in parenthesis) are repeated each time, so that wherever a reader comes upon a subject he may recur to the first reference and follow the subject, or turn at once to the Summary at the last reference. ILLUSTRATION (at Mark 1.1) b Gospel, vs.1,14,15; Mk 8.35 (Gen. 12:1-3, Rev.14:6). Here Gospel is the subject; vs.1, 14,15 show where it is at that particular place: Mk. 8.35 is the next reference in the chain, and the references in parenthesis are the first and the last.1

The Master Study Bible has no particular system of the references of passages as far as subject matter is concerned. The Master Study Bible system of the center-column references is as stated, “The Master Study Bible center-column reference system contains thousands of references to the King James text.” 2

In the days ahead I will be looking at various center-column references and give some examples of what I see. If there are any passages that anyone wants to see the differences in references let us know.

1 C., (Cyrus), I. Scofield, The Scofield Reference Bible, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1909, ed. 1945), p. 2.

2 The Master Study Bible, Introduction, (Nashville, TN, 2001), p. v.

Edited by Alan
added: referenced passages. 1999 to 2001.
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17 hours ago, Alan said:

My primary goal in this thread is to ascertain whether or not the center-column references in, “The Master Study Bible,” is a reliable system in order to properly ‘rightly divide the scriptures’ in order to learn biblical truth.

In my previous experience with Reference Bibles I noticed that passages are often referenced in the center-column that sometimes do not relate to the subject matter in question, or is not a proper passage to reference to in the context of the passage, and may have denominational or doctrinal bias.

So, I tend to look at center-column references carefully.

Lastly, whether a person agrees with the C. I. Scofield Reference Bible or not, it is probably the standard of Reference Bibles. So, I will give Scofield’s note on how to use his Reference Bible as it has not been improved on since he wrote it.

The Old Scofield Reference Bible - A Standard

The Scofield Scofield Reference Bible has a good reference system. To my knowledge, the C. I. Scofield Reference Bible referenced passages in the center-column are generally reliable. An individual can usually find other verses that explain the passage, or an reference to where the passage is quoted, within the context of the passage, without a denominational bias.

Also, on major subjects, Scofield referenced the subject matter in such a way that the reader can read the appropriate passages on a particular subject within the reference itself. Scofield’s system was ingenious and thus the reference system is referred to as, “a chain reference Bible.”

Scofield’s system, with an example and illustration, for “Subject References” is as follows,“How to use the Subject References. The subject references lead the reader from the first clear mention of a great truth to the last. The first and last references (in parenthesis) are repeated each time, so that wherever a reader comes upon a subject he may recur to the first reference and follow the subject, or turn at once to the Summary at the last reference. ILLUSTRATION (at Mark 1.1) b Gospel, vs.1,14,15; Mk 8.35 (Gen. 12:1-3, Rev.14:6). Here Gospel is the subject; vs.1, 14,15 show where it is at that particular place: Mk. 8.35 is the next reference in the chain, and the references in parenthesis are the first and the last.1

The Master Study Bible has no particular system of the references of passages as far as subject matter is concerned. The Master Study Bible system of the center-column references is as stated, “The Master Study Bible center-column reference system contains thousands of references to the King James text.” 2

In the days ahead I will be looking at various center-column references and give some examples of what I see. If there are any passages that anyone wants to see the differences in references let us know.

1 C., (Cyrus), I. Scofield, The Scofield Reference Bible, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1909, ed. 1945), p. 2.

2 The Master Study Bible, Introduction, (Nashville, TN, 2001), p. v.

It depends on the reference bible. Some are more topical or word study bibles. I think to find a study bible that rightly divides the scripture in a more detailed, systematic way you will need a study bible with notes, charts and outlines.

As far as finding a references bible that surpasses Scofield's I would highly recommend the Common Man's Reference bible. It is a combination of the references from different reference bibles including Scofield. Over 60,000 in all. Just like with Scofield you may not like all the notes but as far as references it's unsurpassed.

Edited by SureWord
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I, along with others, appreciate the information. As you mentioned, there are many Reference Bibles, with many other fine points; such as, a topical or a word study Bible. A couple of which I already own. And, in some areas, they do surpass the Scofield Reference Bible in some areas.

My point in this thread is to do a more complete study on some references on "The Master Study Bible" as that is the one I am not familiar with and I felt the folks here on Online Baptist might be interested in.

As almost most folks here on Online Baptist either have, or have had, a Scofield Reference Bible they are familiar with its usage and can follow along easily with my comparisons. And, more than likely they have a Scofield Reference Bible on their shelf so they can easily check my source without much trouble to double-check my reasoning.

As there are many Reference Bibles on the market I feel the need to limit our discussion. So, let  us try and limit our discussion of just 'The Master Study Bible' compared to the Scofield Reference Bible.


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On 1/11/2021 at 3:25 PM, Alan said:


I, along with others, appreciate the information. As you mentioned, there are many Reference Bibles, with many other fine points; such as, a topical or a word study Bible. A couple of which I already own. And, in some areas, they do surpass the Scofield Reference Bible in some areas.

My point in this thread is to do a more complete study on some references on "The Master Study Bible" as that is the one I am not familiar with and I felt the folks here on Online Baptist might be interested in.

As almost most folks here on Online Baptist either have, or have had, a Scofield Reference Bible they are familiar with its usage and can follow along easily with my comparisons. And, more than likely they have a Scofield Reference Bible on their shelf so they can easily check my source without much trouble to double-check my reasoning.

As there are many Reference Bibles on the market I feel the need to limit our discussion. So, let  us try and limit our discussion of just 'The Master Study Bible' compared to the Scofield Reference Bible.


Good grief.

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Here are a couple of examples of what I am checking.

A. In Genesis 1:1 the Master Study Bible reference's are: John 1:1-3 and Job 38:4. I consider both of these references are fine as they help the reader with appropriate passages to help in their understanding of Genesis 1:1.

B. In Genesis 1:2 the Master Study Bible references are: Jeremiah 4:23 and Isaiah 40:12. I think that the reference of Isaiah 40:12 is a good reference to help the understanding of the reader.

But I consider the reference to Jeremiah 4:23 does not help the understanding of Genesis 1:2 to the reader. In Genesis 1:2 the context is still in the creation week. But, in Jeremiah 4:23 the context is the desolation of the land of Israel after the judgment of God. In Jeremiah 4:19-31 the prophet Jeremiah is clearly mourning the desolation of the land of Israel after a time of war.

In verse 25 the men of the land were in captivity or dead and in the birds of the air were fled. "I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled." Jeremiah 4:24. In Jeremiah 4:25 the fruitful places were desolate due to the Lord's anger against Israel. Clearly, in Genesis 1:2, there were not birds nor fruit bearing trees. 

In verse 27 we understand that that the whole context of Jeremiah 4:19-31 is clearly the desolation of the land of Israel.

"For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate: yet will I make not a full end." Jeremiah 4:27

As I had brought out earlier in my, "Scientific Studies," the words, "without form and void" as used in Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23 is the same as the word, "desolate." Here is the link to the "Scientific Study" and the more detailed notes on the words, "without form and void" and "desolate."

In fact, if you check out "Note # 3," in the Scofield Reference Bible on Genesis 1:2 it is apparent that the Master Study bible is basically the same as Scofield. And, I consider the references is both Reference Bibles in error.


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By a careful examination, and the correct dividing of the Scriptures, one of the important doctrines of the Bible is the restoration of the nation of Israel, as promised by God to the patriarchs. Along with the restoration of the nation of Israel the Lord Jesus will reign as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS and David will be raised to reign as King over Israel.

In this lesson we will look at the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:24 and the references to, ‘David my servant shall be king over them;.’ The prophet Ezekiel prophesied, “And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.” Ezekiel 37:24

A. In Ezekiel 37:24 The Master Study Bible reference's for, ‘v David my servant shall be king over them;,’ are: “v Isa. 40:11; Luke 1:32.”1

B. In the Scofield Reference Bible we have the following references for, f David my servant shall be king over them;,’ are: “f Isa. 40.11, Jer. 23.5; 30:9; Ezek. 34.23,24; Hos. 3.5; Lk.1.32” 2

Both Reference Bibles have Isaiah 40:11 and Luke 1:32. In addition, below are the scripture references that Scofield adds:

Ezekiel 34:23-24, “And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant, David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.”

Jeremiah 23:5, “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.”

Jeremiah 30:9, “But they shall serve the LORD their God, and David their King, whom I will raise up unto them.”

Hosea 3:5, “Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their King; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.”

The Scofield Reference Bible correctly references the reader to the proper passages, Ezekiel 34:23-24, Jeremiah 23:5; 30:9, and Hosea 3:5. Whereas, ‘The Master Study Bible,” omits all of these extremely important four passages, Ezekiel 34:23-24, Jeremiah 23:5; 30:9, and Hosea 3:5, as references to David as king. In my opinion, the reader of the Scofield Reference Bible will gather the proper interpretation of Ezekiel 37:24.

1 The Master Study Bible, Ezekiel 37:24 – Reference Column Note, (Nashville, TN: Cornerstone Bible Publishers, 1999,) p. 627.

2 Scofield Reference Bible, Ezekiel 37:24 - Reference Column Note, ed., 1909, 1946 (New York, NY: Oxford University Press), p. 862.

Edited by Alan
added the correct Ezekiel 34:23-24 ref. any to all
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The Master Study Bible is published by Holman Press. I used the Holman crossreference for my sites, https://myOpenBible.org, https://phpBible.org and https://kjBible.org. (I also have the Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge crossreference, but it is massive, leaving me with the problem of having too many crossreference verses to fit in the margin). The verses you mention only partly match up the the Holman crossreference I have, so they may have changed it. 

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1 hour ago, Danny Carlton said:

The Master Study Bible is published by Holman Press. I used the Holman crossreference for my sites, https://myOpenBible.org, https://phpBible.org and https://kjBible.org. (I also have the Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge crossreference, but it is massive, leaving me with the problem of having too many crossreference verses to fit in the margin). The verses you mention only partly match up the the Holman crossreference I have, so they may have changed it. 

Thank you for giving us the link to your Bible site. I appreciate the following notice on the top of your site quote: "All text is from the King James Version also known as the Authorized Version."

As you stated, the subject matter, the cross references, the maps, and the other material in the Master Study Bible is massive. There are so many that a study of this size can only select a few. That is one of the reasons why I asked the question in the first post if anybody had any thoughts on the material within the References and material.

I appreciate your thoughts on the Master Study Bible. Keep up the good work on your website. May God Bless you and your work.

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