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In Glasgow a Muslim shopkeeper has been murdered for wishing his Christian customers "Happy Easter" on facebook.  He also said he loved our beloved Christian country,  Another muslim has been arrested for the murder.

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"As He said!"

This Sunday we will be having a sunrise service. The first in about 27 years. We're looking forward to it - although it's going to be an early morning, as it takes over 30 minutes to get to the church.

We'll be having breakfast at church afterward, and then the regular services. It's going to be a good day.

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Our small town used to have a community sunrise service which all the pastors attended. Each year a different pastor would give the sunrise sermon. Those sermons were always an affirmation of the resurrection and a presentation of the Gospel. This all ended when a new Methodist pastor decided he wouldn't present such a sermon, but instead chose to give a message of the resurrection as being symbolic only. His sermon was in opposition to Scripture.

Our pastor spoke up against this false sermon. Most supported our pastor for speaking up, yet there were many who were offended he did so.

That was the last year our pastor participated, and eventually one of the other pastors found the intestinal fortitude to remove himself from the event. There was only one more "community" sunrise service after that, with very low attendance, and that ended.

Since that time the Methodist church has gone through at least three major splits and some smaller ones. Two of the other churches no longer exist in town. We now have four churches, ours, the Methodist church which is a shell of its former self, the Christian church and a church that was formed from one of the Methodist splits.

Sad after so many years of the community coming together once a year to hear of the resurrection of Christ and hear the Gospel, to stand together in affirmation of our Saviour, that it all went bad in an instant and was so quickly ruined.

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Some towns near here carry crosses on so called "Good Friday" to the centre of the town where they hold a service.  I saw the Archbishop of Canterbury on TV yesterday in Sittingbourne a town about 20 miles from here, walking through the town with someone carrying a cross.  


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1 hour ago, Invicta said:

Why sunrise when Jesus was resurrected at dusk at the end of the Sabbath?

We're not going to bring that discussion to this thread....but I will answer the why sunrise: because the Bible tells us the women came to the grave very early in the morning. Sunrise service isn't so much about the time of His resurrection as it is holding a service near the time of day in which Christ began to show Himself having been resurrected. 

So, why not sunrise. Or any time of day on Sunday. :clap:

Interesting, isn't it, that folks think carrying a literal cross does something for them.

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42 minutes ago, Invicta said:

They also came while it was yet dark.

Depending upon the specific sunrise service, those who come to those also often come while it is still dark. For each location the actual timing is often more a matter of tradition, or even convenience, than an actual set time. I know of some sunrise services that actually take place up to a couple hours after actual sunrise.

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CHRIST is risen! Hallelujah!
risen our victorious head!
Sing His praises! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen from the dead.
Gratefully our hearts adore Him
as His light once more appears,
bowing down in joy before Him,
rising up from grief and tears.

Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
risen our victorious Head!
Sing His praises! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen from the dead.

2 Christ is risen! all the sadness
of His earthly life is o’er;
through the open gates of gladness
He returns to life once more;
death and hell before Him bending,
He is risen, the victor now,
angels on His steps attending,
glory round His wounded brow.

3 Christ is risen! henceforth never
death or hell shall us enthral;
we are Christ’s, in Him for ever
we have triumphed over all;
all the doubting and dejection
of our trembling hearts have ceased;
’tis His day of resurrection,
let us rise and keep the feast.

John Samuel Bewley Monsell, 1811-75

Edited by Invicta
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