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In God We Trust

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I didn't see the "Hobby" forum listed anymore so I'm posting here.

I needed a hydraulic press to install the bearings in the CNC foam cutter project I'm working on. I could have taken them to a machine shop and paid to have them installed but Harbor Freight had the presses on sale and it was an excuse to buy a new toy. Unfortunately, ;) while browsing YouTube to learn how to use the thing, I found folks were using them to make rings out of silver coins and I needed about three more tools to do it.  I had to try it. The first attempt was a 1959 silver quarter which I ruined. The second is this 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar. It's a little bulky and I may have curved the surface a tad too much but, after stretching it to a size 15, it fits pretty good. I decided to make it with the "One Dollar", "United States of America" and "in God We trust" on the outside. Got it done just in time for the 4th too.  BTW, it is legal to do this with this particular coin and a number of others; I checked.


Edited by heartstrings
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The Supreme Court ruled that "In God We Trust" is a secular motto with no attachment to any particular religion or God/gods.

In other words, they ruled this motto to be generic and meaningless.

Reminds me of a wedding I went to in a registry office some time ago.  They were allowed to choose a couple of CDs to play during parts of the service or they could  bring their own.  No religious music was allowed, One of the supplied CDs they chose was Amazing Grace.  

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Reminds me of a wedding I went to in a registry office some time ago.  They were allowed to choose a couple of CDs to play during parts of the service or they could  bring their own.  No religious music was allowed, One of the supplied CDs they chose was Amazing Grace.  

Maybe Amazing Grace falls under the historic songs category!

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Maybe Amazing Grace falls under the historic songs category!

It was a pop song a few years ago, bhy one of the army bands a few years ago.

Perhaps they don't know the words.

To get back the original post, I don't think any nation trusts in God.  Only individual believers trust in Him.

Even Hitler said, "God is with us."

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It was a pop song a few years ago, bhy one of the army bands a few years ago.

Perhaps they don't know the words.

To get back the original post, I don't think any nation trusts in God.  Only individual believers trust in Him.

Even Hitler said, "God is with us."


But evidently it meant something to someone powerful enough, in government, to begin including the motto on coins way back in 1864. Then it was made official in 1956. We, as Christians, don't always trust God consistently.  But I'm glad it's still on our coins and paper. I doubt it will be for much longer.

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England used to be known as the Land of the Book, but not any more.

 Baptists used to be People of the Book, but now?

Our former foster son and his wife and family live in a small village and attend the village Baptist Church.  It has a woman pastor.  He came over on Monday to do some work for me and I had a good chat to him about church matters.  He knows a woman pastor is wrong but neither of them are working and they cannot afford to travel out of the village.  He knows the Charismatic movement is wrong and he is worried about his sister who is in a church which believes that if you don't speak in tongues, you can't be a christian.  He said that at his church they have been asked to pray for two "prophesies" regarding their church.  The first was a number of multi coloured ribbons coming into the church which was supposed to signify that many new people would come into the church.  The second was a slag heap with a rose on top which signified new life in the church. I said it could also signify that the church would turn into a slag heap.  I told him that all modern prophecies  were all false and that we have just been reading Jeremiah and there is chapter upon chapter condemning prophets who prophesied in the name of the Lord when the Lord had not sent them.

I also gave him this scripture.

    Hebrews 1:1 ¶  God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2  Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, 

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15 was maximum size for my rig ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/RING-MANDREL-STEEL-SOLID-GRADUATED-1-15-METAL-WIRE-WRAPPING-JEWELRY-SIZING-TOOL-/191465642655?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c943dda9f These are the other tools I used to make this one ring.... :)

I used a set of digital calipers to find the exact center of the silver dollar....http://www.harborfreight.com/6-inch-digital-caliper-47257.html

Used the 1/2'' punch and a 20 ton hydraulic press to take out the center ... http://www.harborfreight.com/9-piece-punch-and-die-set-95547.html

A 38.5mm doming punch, a doming block, and the hydraulic press were used to force the coin into the beginnings of  a "cone" shape http://www.ebay.com/itm/25-pc-Piece-Set-Precision-Jewelry-Shaping-Dapping-Punch-Set-Doming-Block-/151691005103?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23517d0caf

A propane torch loaded with MAPP gas was necessary to "anneal" the coin, after each step, to prevent the coin from cracking or splitting due to the force. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bernzomatic-Trigger-Start-Torch-Propane-Gas-Lp-Brass-Tip-Solder-Melt-Fire-Flame-/331206761474?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d1d761c02

Used a leather covered wood mallet to hammer the coin down the steel sizing mandrel to the desired size and to flatten it into a perfectly round ring shape..

Then cupped the edges of the coin (now ring) to bow them out with the hydraulic press and the doming block. then hammered it down the mandrel again to tweak the size. This is the press. http://www.harborfreight.com/20-ton-h-frame-industrial-heavy-duty-floor-shop-press-60603.html As you can see it took several tools to make......... I have a very sweet and understanding wife. :)



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15 was maximum size for my rig ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/RING-MANDREL-STEEL-SOLID-GRADUATED-1-15-METAL-WIRE-WRAPPING-JEWELRY-SIZING-TOOL-/191465642655?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c943dda9f These are the other tools I used to make this one ring.... :)

I used a set of digital calipers to find the exact center of the silver dollar....http://www.harborfreight.com/6-inch-digital-caliper-47257.html

Used the 1/2'' punch and a 20 ton hydraulic press to take out the center ... http://www.harborfreight.com/9-piece-punch-and-die-set-95547.html

A 38.5mm doming punch, a doming block, and the hydraulic press were used to force the coin into the beginnings of  a "cone" shape http://www.ebay.com/itm/25-pc-Piece-Set-Precision-Jewelry-Shaping-Dapping-Punch-Set-Doming-Block-/151691005103?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23517d0caf

A propane torch loaded with MAPP gas was necessary to "anneal" the coin, after each step, to prevent the coin from cracking or splitting due to the force. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bernzomatic-Trigger-Start-Torch-Propane-Gas-Lp-Brass-Tip-Solder-Melt-Fire-Flame-/331206761474?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d1d761c02

Used a leather covered wood mallet to hammer the coin down the steel sizing mandrel to the desired size and to flatten it into a perfectly round ring shape..

Then cupped the edges of the coin (now ring) to bow them out with the hydraulic press and the doming block. then hammered it down the mandrel again to tweak the size. This is the press. http://www.harborfreight.com/20-ton-h-frame-industrial-heavy-duty-floor-shop-press-60603.html As you can see it took several tools to make......... I have a very sweet and understanding wife. :)



That is all beyond me, I wasn't all that good at metal work at school.

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