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The Suit and Tie

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Hello, I noticed that not many people use suit anymore, suits look great and I have no problem with those that wear them. In black churches, they dressed in suits and hats, the way many of us used to dress, around 70 years ago. I remember someone said to me, dressing up the way you would dress if you were going to court. I thought that was pretty good. I don’t believe in dressing down or going to church or in shorts with slippers. lately I seen many preachers preaching with an expensive T-shirt and a jacket over it. When going to the house of the Lord to worship and hear his word preach, you’re going to a wedding in my opinion. Enjoy and look good for the Lord, and friends.


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3 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Hello, I noticed that not many people use suit anymore, suits look great and I have no problem with those that wear them. In black churches, they dressed in suits and hats, the way many of us used to dress, around 70 years ago. I remember someone said to me, dressing up the way you would dress if you were going to court. I thought that was pretty good. I don’t believe in dressing down or going to church or in shorts with slippers. lately I seen many preachers preaching with an expensive T-shirt and a jacket over it. When going to the house of the Lord to worship and hear his word preach, you’re going to a wedding in my opinion. Enjoy and look good for the Lord, and friends.


Those are your opinions and choices. Not everyone has a suit, and many women don't have dresses. My personal PREFERENCE for pastors is for them to be wearing a collared shirt and jacket....but again, that's my preference. I also would prefer that the pastors wife wear a knee-length dress or skirt. I've seen far too many of them wearing leggings or shorter dresses. I was raised (and so were you) in a day where pastors "dressed to the nines" and looked professional. But, I have gone to services where the pastor is wearing a collarless shirt or T-shirt and jeans, and we KNEW that the Holy Spirit was moving in the assembly. So, we're pretty much in agreement on what we would like to see pastors in. 😉🤠

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22 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Those are your opinions and choices. Not everyone has a suit, and many women don't have dresses. My personal PREFERENCE for pastors is for them to be wearing a collared shirt and jacket....but again, that's my preference. I also would prefer that the pastors wife wear a knee-length dress or skirt. I've seen far too many of them wearing leggings or shorter dresses. I was raised (and so were you) in a day where pastors "dressed to the nines" and looked professional. But, I have gone to services where the pastor is wearing a collarless shirt or T-shirt and jeans, and we KNEW that the Holy Spirit was moving in the assembly. So, we're pretty much in agreement on what we would like to see pastors in. 😉🤠

Really: Copy and Paste back to you. 😂

Those are your opinions and choices. Not everyone has a suit, and many women don't have dresses. 👗

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16 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Really: Copy and Paste back to you. 😂

Those are your opinions and choices. Not everyone has a suit, and many women don't have dresses. 👗

As I clearly stated later in that post it was my preference, not a requirement. You truly need to work on your comprehension of the English language and etiquette skills as well. That's NOT just an opinion, but an honest observation. Have a nice day.

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I do not have any dress requirements for people in our church, except for those who are singing or preaching. Some people have left our church because they felt they had to dress a certain way, even though they admitted that nothing was ever said or preached about it. Years later, they confessed that it was something they had made up in their minds to justify leaving. It got them thinking because when they visited another church with a suit on, they were told that they didn't have to wear that here. They realized that some of the come as you are church is only come as they are. lol

I have personal convictions on this, and they are just that. Also, nice dress is defined differently in different cultures. 

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On 6/8/2024 at 11:52 AM, Pastor Matt said:

I do not have any dress requirements for people in our church, except for those who are singing or preaching. Some people have left our church because they felt they had to dress a certain way, even though they admitted that nothing was ever said or preached about it. Years later, they confessed that it was something they had made up in their minds to justify leaving. It got them thinking because when they visited another church with a suit on, they were told that they didn't have to wear that here. They realized that some of the come as you are church is only come as they are. lol

I have personal convictions on this, and they are just that. Also, nice dress is defined differently in different cultures. 

And that is the core and crux.

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Posted (edited)

In Samoa, people dress up for church.  Not sure about now, but in the 80s.. the majority of people went to a church service on a Sunday and wore white.  But this was then usually a more formal type of lava lava. 

I don't know how it is now, but they do a very similar thing in Fiji and Tonga

Edited by MikeWatson1
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I have to chuckle because this subject has come up in conversation the last couple of days for reasons I'll explain below. I will first state that we are very like Pastor Matt. IOW, hubs wears suit and tie, and those who teach/preach from the pulpit are so required. Ushers are required to wear a dress shirt/tie (or a sports shirt since many of them look like a dress shirt). Jacket not required for them.  Hubs has not preached that men must dress thusly and women must dress thusly. Rather, his focus is on holiness. We have seen many changes - including dress - as the Holy Spirit has worked on folks in regards to holiness.

(explanation:) That said, I found something interesting Sunday afternoon. Photos of William and Catherine (the British royals) and their oldest son and their daughter were taken as they arrived at different events (his in Germany, hers in England). William and his son (and all the men around them) were in suit and tie. Throughout the entire game. Catherine and her daughter were in dresses. 

I mentioned to my husband how interesting it is that they attended SPORTS events dressed like that - and were comfortable doing so, as pictures made obvious - and yet here in America, a broo-haw-haw is made about folks wearing what has always been termed "dress" or "church" clothes to church. (now, I understand that not everyone can afford fancy duds, and I am not advocating that...I'm sure William's suits cost more than my hubs' and I know Catherine's dresses cost more than mine lol) Now in our culture folks that WANT to dress nicely (you know, not in ripped jeans, tee shirts, mini-skirts, shorts, etc) are reviled. My husband was told by a gentleman who attended for a while that he needed to stop wearing suits because it would make people feel unwelcome...my hubs told him he dresses the way he believes God would have him do, and he doesn't tell anyone else how to dress (unless involved in ministry). 

Many folks I know like to throw around the words "pharisee" and "legalist" when talking about folks that wear traditional church clothing. Regardless of whether or not those folks try to force/guilt/manipulate others to dress the same. IOW, so many folks who stand against suits/ties and dresses are actually hypocritical. They want to wear whatever they want yet don't extend that grace to others. Could it be that seeing folks dressed "traditionally" brings conviction and instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit they attack to justify their own desires? Not saying it's always the case, but I do have to wonder.  

I know that a suit and tie do not make a man holy. Nor does a dress make a woman so. I think it's legitimate to bring to light that there are churches that teach (or at least SEEM to) that holiness only comes if you dress just so. That is a product of the 1970s, when churches began really pushing dresses on girls and short hair on guys. Don't get me wrong...long hair on guys is unbiblical for sure. But when the external became the basis for holiness, true holiness didn't happen. And I think we're seeing the fruit of that today.

Ugh. Wrote more than I intended, and I'm tired, recuperating from several days of sickness. So I don't know if this even makes sense. Hope it does.

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I have been battling with this subject for about the last 8 years. It was at that time that a pastor I had at that time asked me to read some verses on stage with him. Now I always loved to dress up. Suit, Tie, Collar clips,, dress up as much as possible. That was me. He said "I know I don't have to tell you this, but I require any one speaking to wear a suit." Now that statement was not going to change how I dressed. I loved to dress up. Now why am I starting with this? Because it lays the ground work that it was not a change in my life that bothered me, but a extra biblical requirement if I was to serve God. Now I will try to explain what I am trying to get to. But first a example of what I see as a problem, not a real story. A pastor has been communicating with 2 young missionaries. Brother Jones, and Brother Smith. He has never met either of these men. In his correspondence with Brother Jones, every question is answered exactly the way the pastor would want to hear. Bible verses to back up every answer. He can feel a great zeal for God as well as a great knowledge of the scriptures. He is super impressed and asks him to come speak to the church.  Now with Brother Smith, he answers the questions good, but no where near as good. He does not give the verses to back himself up. He does not feel the same zeal, but again, with the good answers, he goes ahead and schedules him to come speak to the church at the same conference. The 2 men arrive at the same time, Brother Smith in a 3 piece suit, Brother Jones though has on the best pair of overalls he owns, but not a suit and tie. Now what is the pastor going to do? Is he going to allow the one he felt such a zeal for God from to speak, or is he going to tell him to set down and attend services, while Brother Smith speaks? Now look at James 2. You are showing respect to Brother Smith because of his fine suit, but refusing Brother Jones because his clothes do not meet your expectations. And James says this is a sin. Now you could argue that in James 2 neither were speaking, but can you show me any place that there is a clothing requirement to speak in the church of God? Do you realize that if Elisha or John the Baptist came to speak, you would refuse them, but would be glad to accept the Pharisee with his broad phylacteries, and there enlarged boarders of their garments (Matt 23:5). My point in that is the places I find in scripture that is not speaking of the high priest or the priest, those who want for the fancy clothing are not those who should be respected, but rather those who were in the modest, work clothes. Now on the priest, yes they did dress different. The high priest wore a very fancy outfit. Christ is our high priest, therefore we do not need to try to dress up in that way. As to the other priests, if I made me a outfit to match theirs, I would be laughed out of church and told to follow Det 22:5, as it had a skirt. But we base our requirement on a business suit. An article of clothing that was to make sure the important business men were not confused with the lower working class men.

Now I will conclude that it makes me sad. I have seen my son growing up ask to do things other boys his age were doing in the church be told he could ask later when he was wearing a coat and tie. I have seen ladies step back from serving God because they were more comfortable in slacks, but told they would have to have a dress, even though the pastors wife wore slacks outside of church. I have came to the point that I HATE dressing up. I feel I am putting on an idol. You see, if I told my son to go get gas because the lawn mower had ran out, and as he was heading to go get it someone stopped him.They told him the clothes he had on, that I had not said anything against, were not appropriate and that he had to go change first, would they not be stepping in between me and what I had told my son to do? and if he obeyed them first, and then went and got the gas, who was my son putting first? My order, or their order? Did he not put their command as more important than mine? We should not put things in front of God's command to serve him. We should not tell men that they cannot serve God if they do not put on what WE say has to be there. When we do we make idols in front of God.

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59 minutes ago, rancher824 said:

I have been battling with this subject for about the last 8 years. It was at that time that a pastor I had at that time asked me to read some verses on stage with him. Now I always loved to dress up. Suit, Tie, Collar clips,, dress up as much as possible. That was me. He said "I know I don't have to tell you this, but I require any one speaking to wear a suit." Now that statement was not going to change how I dressed. I loved to dress up. Now why am I starting with this? Because it lays the ground work that it was not a change in my life that bothered me, but a extra biblical requirement if I was to serve God. Now I will try to explain what I am trying to get to. But first a example of what I see as a problem, not a real story. A pastor has been communicating with 2 young missionaries. Brother Jones, and Brother Smith. He has never met either of these men. In his correspondence with Brother Jones, every question is answered exactly the way the pastor would want to hear. Bible verses to back up every answer. He can feel a great zeal for God as well as a great knowledge of the scriptures. He is super impressed and asks him to come speak to the church.  Now with Brother Smith, he answers the questions good, but no where near as good. He does not give the verses to back himself up. He does not feel the same zeal, but again, with the good answers, he goes ahead and schedules him to come speak to the church at the same conference. The 2 men arrive at the same time, Brother Smith in a 3 piece suit, Brother Jones though has on the best pair of overalls he owns, but not a suit and tie. Now what is the pastor going to do? Is he going to allow the one he felt such a zeal for God from to speak, or is he going to tell him to set down and attend services, while Brother Smith speaks? Now look at James 2. You are showing respect to Brother Smith because of his fine suit, but refusing Brother Jones because his clothes do not meet your expectations. And James says this is a sin. Now you could argue that in James 2 neither were speaking, but can you show me any place that there is a clothing requirement to speak in the church of God? Do you realize that if Elisha or John the Baptist came to speak, you would refuse them, but would be glad to accept the Pharisee with his broad phylacteries, and there enlarged boarders of their garments (Matt 23:5). My point in that is the places I find in scripture that is not speaking of the high priest or the priest, those who want for the fancy clothing are not those who should be respected, but rather those who were in the modest, work clothes. Now on the priest, yes they did dress different. The high priest wore a very fancy outfit. Christ is our high priest, therefore we do not need to try to dress up in that way. As to the other priests, if I made me a outfit to match theirs, I would be laughed out of church and told to follow Det 22:5, as it had a skirt. But we base our requirement on a business suit. An article of clothing that was to make sure the important business men were not confused with the lower working class men.

Now I will conclude that it makes me sad. I have seen my son growing up ask to do things other boys his age were doing in the church be told he could ask later when he was wearing a coat and tie. I have seen ladies step back from serving God because they were more comfortable in slacks, but told they would have to have a dress, even though the pastors wife wore slacks outside of church. I have came to the point that I HATE dressing up. I feel I am putting on an idol. You see, if I told my son to go get gas because the lawn mower had ran out, and as he was heading to go get it someone stopped him.They told him the clothes he had on, that I had not said anything against, were not appropriate and that he had to go change first, would they not be stepping in between me and what I had told my son to do? and if he obeyed them first, and then went and got the gas, who was my son putting first? My order, or their order? Did he not put their command as more important than mine? We should not put things in front of God's command to serve him. We should not tell men that they cannot serve God if they do not put on what WE say has to be there. When we do we make idols in front of God.

My dad and mom moved to Connecticut in the 50s. In those days, people wore, suits and ties when they left home. Never in a teeshirt, and my parents did not have much money. They purchase coth on credit or layaway. Time has changed, and this is no longer required, except in high positions in business and politics. But even in these areas, they are just using jackets. The old time traditions in our churches must be adjusted or they will not be able to bring the more to visit. In the ways we dress to serve the Lord and the ways we worship. Keeping the old ways for those that preferred to, don't make them any better. Now when it comes to replacing the KJB, in a church, this should be never done. All Bibles are not the same, for English is English. I'm Spanish but understand clearly the authority of the King James Bible. Those who did it translation did it with fear and respect. Not for money like they do today. Fame is also present, and they are trying to help God.

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3 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

My dad and mom moved to Connecticut in the 50s. In those days, people wore, suits and ties when they left home. Never in a teeshirt, and my parents did not have much money. They purchase coth on credit or layaway. Time has changed, and this is no longer required, except in high positions in business and politics. But even in these areas, they are just using jackets. The old time traditions in our churches must be adjusted or they will not be able to bring the more to visit. In the ways we dress to serve the Lord and the ways we worship. Keeping the old ways for those that preferred to, don't make them any better. Now when it comes to replacing the KJB, in a church, this should be never done. All Bibles are not the same, for English is English. I'm Spanish but understand clearly the authority of the King James Bible. Those who did it translation did it with fear and respect. Not for money like they do today. Fame is also present, and they are trying to help God.

My Dad surrendered to preach in the 50s. He says in our area from that time for many years the small country  churches he would preach in, he would be the only one wearing a suit. The farmers that were the leaders in the church would wear their best overalls. That’s the reason I used the overalls for the first missionary in my example. A lot of Godly men in overalls. Lol. 

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On 8/28/2024 at 9:59 AM, rancher824 said:

My Dad surrendered to preach in the 50s. He says in our area from that time for many years the small country  churches he would preach in, he would be the only one wearing a suit. The farmers that were the leaders in the church would wear their best overalls. That’s the reason I used the overalls for the first missionary in my example. A lot of Godly men in overalls. Lol. 

The Cowboy Church that my wife and I associate with is one where NOBODY wears suits and ties but overalls, jeans, and an acceptable shirt...no $300 dress shoes, but work boots and not always clean as most have already been working on the farm. The squabbling among Christians over what we wear is nothing more than a preference based argument that is dividing and interfering with our mission. 

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