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Animals Before People....this Is It.........


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Why would China want to build a manufacturing plant, here in the US, since they have all that cheap labor over there? And why would we let them? Can't be good.

It has to do with all of our money and debt of ours they hold.  Holding worthless money when it is going down in value and you are getting near zero interest is not a good idea.  So they are investing it in American real estate and other asset investments.  The foreign investors are all that is keeping the value of high priced real estate up including farm land.  America is becoming more and more owned by foreigners.


God bless,


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We should also remember that China is expecting the fall of America this century. Part of their planning for this is considering all Chinese in America to be colonizers. (In one report that came out during the Clinton presidency, China also expects Canada will fall and they consider Chinese there to be colonizers as well)


The Chinese expect Mexicans will be quick to grab up a big chunk of the American southwest so the Chinese have plans to quickly send military forces (to be followed by more colonizers) into several areas of America and Canada along the Pacific coast region.


Buying up properties and setting down more roots here would be a great investment towards that expected future.

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Sounds like the same nuts that went to California protesting over some little fish, getting OBama to order the military to turn off the framers water supply because of the fish. or was it the prime beautiful land they were after , and we can just buy our food from china right ?   

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The Reids have a deal with the Chinese about a solar plant - and it would seem that it's in the area of the Bundy ranch.  


As I said earlier, it's not over.  This video was shot yesterday - after the feds "left."



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I was just thinking.  Since Harry Reid is up for reelection in 2016 just maybe this whole fiasco was called off (way far in the background) by pressure from Reid.  Blood all over his hands from a Waco or Ruby Ridge type happening would not portend well for his reelection bid.  Just thinking . . . . not assuming. :popcorn:


God bless,


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I do think he was the one who gave the order to pull back - for now...I wasn't sure when he was up for re-election. I was thinking he was reelected in 2012, but it was 2010 that Angle messed things up and lost the election to him (of course, the NRA liked him at that point because he was pro-gun, but what he's been up to lately could change that - and that would hurt his re-election chances).


If his 2016 opponent played up the Bundy ranch and Reid's connection to it, as well as Reid's giving beaucoup bucks to his granddaughter - from his campaign funds.  I'm sure that's not even beginning to scrape the bowl of his wickedness, but it's a start.  In all actuality, I wish Nevada would recall him.

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