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Cowboy Churches


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There have long been bike clubs; most being groups of friends, friends and family, early on many were made up of veterans. Outlaw biker clubs have tarnished the idea but they didn't start it.


In this area there are still several bike clubs; more than one veterans biker club, some senior biker clubs, bike enthusiasts clubs, classic bike club, church biker clubs, Christian biker clubs, etc.


I've not seen any outlaw biker clubs in this area for years, decades in fact. The one that used to have a couple chapters in the area lost a national war with the Hell's Angels. That outlaw biker club absorbed the members who wanted to join with them and the rest had to burn their colors.


Our church doesn't have a bikers club, but we do have many members who ride motorcycles so once every spring we have a "biker Sunday". All that means is those members who want to ride their motorcycles to church are welcome to and after church they all go on a scenic ride, have a meal at a restaurant, ride some more, have another meal and head home.

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I don't know; the skeleton was holding a sign about repenting and being saved or burning in Hell....don't remember exactly how it was worded. As far as a dead church, all I know is that the people were loving and kind to us.. I'm not so sure about the biker thing because it seems like "conforming to the world" in my own judgment. To me, a dead church can be one with all spirit but no truth, or all "truth" but no spirit.


1And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 2Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.


We actually passed a church sigh, once, named SARDIS Baptist Church...I'm not kidding.

About 115 mi W of you (Pensacola) is a First Corinthians Baptist (mind you, not just a Corinthians BC but a FIRST Corinthians BC!!!!!!!)


And in Altha (between Marianna and Blountstown) is Saint Mary's Baptist

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I don't know; the skeleton was holding a sign about repenting and being saved or burning in Hell....don't remember exactly how it was worded. As far as a dead church, all I know is that the people were loving and kind to us.. I'm not so sure about the biker thing because it seems like "conforming to the world" in my own judgment. To me, a dead church can be one with all spirit but no truth, or all "truth" but no spirit.


1And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 2Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.


We actually passed a church sigh, once, named SARDIS Baptist Church...I'm not kidding.

it seems like "conforming to the world"  Totally agree: Old Satan is surely a sly old fox.

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We've had gigs at two biker churches...The oil drum, in front of me, is the 'pulpit' and just off camera to your right, is a chair with a real skeleton. Nobody brought their bikes inside though.



do you all see that reformation flag in the back ground.  This is the flag of ecumenicalism.

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I can't wait to see a "Steampunk" church I would go just to see all the gadgetry and stuff.


Can you imagine to get your AV Bible "Steampunked"!  That would be a cool looking Bible covering.  Maybe I will do one, just to be the first to have one.  I might get quite a few bucks for it online from one of those Steampunk collectors.


That just might be a way to fill a church with a lot of lost people and give'im the word of God straight from the old AV steampunk Bible

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About 115 mi W of you (Pensacola) is a First Corinthians Baptist (mind you, not just a Corinthians BC but a FIRST Corinthians BC!!!!!!!)


And in Altha (between Marianna and Blountstown) is Saint Mary's Baptist

I always wondered why any one would want to name their church after one of the most worldly churches in Scripture?

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and what is steampunked?

It is whee they make up gadgetry out of old stuff it is kind of a sci-fi looking stuff with an old western / victorian look to it. 


Wild wild West had a lot of what would be called steampunk inventions that Artimus Gordon was always inventing.


go to www.steampunkworkshop.com take a look at what I am talking about

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I will check out website. Thanks!

I updaed that one the other was not so inclusive visit steampunkworkshop.com it has a lot of examples of steampunk designs and stuff.  You see a lot of it in movies.  Like jackie chan's around the world in 80 days, Sherlock holmes the new movies, Hugo (a cute movie) etc

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About 115 mi W of you (Pensacola) is a First Corinthians Baptist (mind you, not just a Corinthians BC but a FIRST Corinthians BC!!!!!!!)


And in Altha (between Marianna and Blountstown) is Saint Mary's Baptist

Wow! Unbelievable. "First Corinthians":....OUCH!  My Wife once went to school in Altha; little spot in the road.

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