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Persecution Is Heating Up....in America


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Why not one that you marry only those that are members of your church, that's what I would do, I would never refuse to marry members of our church.

This was referring to doing banners or other work for a wedding, not the ceremony.

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As far as I know you can not be compelled to testify against yourself, and without you actually saying why, they would have a hard time proving the reason.

But yes, they will try it, and the laws will probably change to make it easier for them.......



You do not have to testify against your self nor you spouse.

5th amendment rights are applicable in CRIMINAL cases, but in CIVIL cases (lawsuits) your silence or refusal to answer questions (even incriminating in natural) CAN be legally used against you. Same with 4th amendment rights, in a CIVIL case you can be demanded to release ALL records and objects without reasonable cause.

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What about marrying church members who had been divorced?

For that matter, churches are already facing male and female members who want to marry others of their same sex. Only a few churches these days seem willing to view such as a matter for church discipline.

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What about marrying church members who had been divorced?


The only way I would is if their spouse has died.


Ro 7:2 For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

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Fifth Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination


No, you cannot be forced to testify against your self.

in a CRIMINAL case, civil suits are different.

Criminal - proof beyond reasonable doubt       Civil - preponderance of evidence

Criminal - 4th amendment protection applies   Civil - no 4th amendment protection

Criminal - 5th amendment protection applies   Civil - no 5th amendment protection

Criminal - right to jury trial                                Civil - limited jury trials rights (most handled by judged)

Criminal - right to counsel                                Civil - no right to counsel UNLESS you pay for counsel


Hopefully you never get sued to learn that CIVIL court (which isn't too civil) has different rules, regulations and standards. That is why someone can be found NOT GUILTY in a CRIMINAL case yet found liable in a CIVIL one and why that doesn't constitute double jeopardy. It is also why there can be a lack of evidence (concluding investigation) to bring charges (CRIMINAL) yet a CIVIL lawsuit be brought and awarded.


From the link you provided (font change mine):The Constitution grants this right quite simply: “[No person]…shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself…”

At a criminal trial, it is not only the defendant who enjoys the Fifth Amendment right 

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If you plead the 5th in criminal proceedings it cannot be held against you, if you plead the 5th in civil proceedings it CAN be held against you as already established as legal precedent by the Supreme Court over 35 yrs ago:: Second, although in a criminal procedure, the court must instruct the jury that it cannot draw an inference of guilt from a defendant’s failure to testify about facts relevant to his case, Griffin v. California, 380 U.S. 609 (1965), in civil cases, “the Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.” Baxter v. Palmigiano, 425 U.S. 308, 318 (1976).


Now if there's CASE# to the contrary, I'd be more than happy to see it.


I wouldn't be so insistent except that MANY people have had to find out the hard way, especially if they can't afford legal counsel (not provided for you in a civil case).

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We are to count it all joy when we are found worthy of suffering for Christ. That's totally contrary to our natural, and especially our American way of thinking.


What little persecution we currently face or might face in the near future pales in comparison to that which followers of Christ face in scores of nations around the world. In other nations followers of Christ are disowned by their own families, kicked out into the streets and treated as if dead. Many are raped, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, murdered and otherwise terrorized for being followers of Christ.


While we tend to pray that all things will be good for us, there are believers around the world who pray that their living for Christ will be such a light for Christ that persecution will be the result to His glory and honour.


Whatever persecution we face, whether minor or major, we know that such is tiny and limited in comparison to the eternal blessings that await us.

AMEN & AMEN.  Many believe everything is centered around THEM; but God tells us that we are ALL his children and we are to take care of each other. "To whom much is given, much is required". In our personal lives we are more concerned in living in big houses, driving new cars, taking expensive vacations, wearing the very best clothing and so on!!! In our churches we more concerned on grand buildings (which now looks more like a sports arena/community center) than a building for God. We need to understand that God loves his children on an equal basis; no matter where they live or their current status quo. May God have mercy on us! But as I previous stated elsewhere; what we really need is a good old fashion WHOOPEN!!!!!

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