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Trick Or Treat....

The Glory Land

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When I have seen mormons visiting, they wore light grey suits.  So did those who came into our service a couple of times, no doubt spying on us.

The ones in our neck of the woods don't wear suit coats if it's warm outside.  If it's not, then they are usually in dark suits.  We have had some come to our services, not to spy on us, but on assignment to come and learn what we teach that is wrong according to their doctrine.  It's usually on Sunday mornings,and that is when salvation is most normally presented so each time they've come, they've heard the truth. Hmmm, come to think about it, they haven't sent anyone in quite a while.... :icon_smile:

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The ones in our neck of the woods don't wear suit coats if it's warm outside.  If it's not, then they are usually in dark suits.  We have had some come to our services, not to spy on us, but on assignment to come and learn what we teach that is wrong according to their doctrine.  It's usually on Sunday mornings,and that is when salvation is most normally presented so each time they've come, they've heard the truth. Hmmm, come to think about it, they haven't sent anyone in quite a while.... :icon_smile:

The only times Mormons have gone door to door around here it's been in the summer and they just had on white dress shirts, no jackets.


We had a couple Mormons visit our church last year. They got to hear a biblically grounded sermon and the clear message of biblical salvation. Before they left they told our pastor they liked out church, that everyone was friendly and respectful. They said in so many churches they visit the people are rude and confrontational as they call them names, tell them how horrible Mormonism is and that sort of thing. They said those they spoke with in our church didn't do that, but in a very friendly manner told them why they follow Christ as they do rather than Mormonism. All in all, those Mormons seemed to leave with a good impression of our church and people, and they also heard the Gospel from our pastor and several others, presented in love.

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:scratchchin: Hmmm...it's okay to participate in a holiday originated from pagans but not ok to listen to CCM because of its origin?  I'm not going to comment on either topic.


Just noticing the contradictions and inconsistencies by some of the same people who posted elsewhere. 

Yes, and this is the reason some Christians do things one way and others another. There is no set and followed consistency so why should anyone expect that we would all agree in these areas.


The same reasons given to avoid one holiday are ignored so some can participate in another pagan rooted holiday. The same reasons given to oppose CCM are ignored when it comes to certain songs and old hymns (which really aren't that old) so some can keep them in their hymnals and sing them in church.


The myriad of twistings in trying to justify why standards used to condemn the one don't apply to the other only enhances the inconsistency and further diminishes the arguments.


Either there is one set standard that needs to be applied across the board, or there isn't. If there is, then folks claiming this need to abide by it themselves before calling on others to do so. If there isn't, then folks should tend to their own walk in these areas and that of their home church while not casting condemnation upon those who may do something different in that area.

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Yes, and this is the reason some Christians do things one way and others another. There is no set and followed consistency so why should anyone expect that we would all agree in these areas.


The same reasons given to avoid one holiday are ignored so some can participate in another pagan rooted holiday. The same reasons given to oppose CCM are ignored when it comes to certain songs and old hymns (which really aren't that old) so some can keep them in their hymnals and sing them in church.


The myriad of twistings in trying to justify why standards used to condemn the one don't apply to the other only enhances the inconsistency and further diminishes the arguments.


Either there is one set standard that needs to be applied across the board, or there isn't. If there is, then folks claiming this need to abide by it themselves before calling on others to do so. If there isn't, then folks should tend to their own walk in these areas and that of their home church while not casting condemnation upon those who may do something different in that area.


There is one interpretation to God's word, and many applications.  John said:

"Either there is one set standard that needs to be applied across the board, or there isn't. If there is, then folks claiming this need to abide by it themselves before calling on others to do so. If there isn't, then folks should tend to their own walk in these areas and that of their home church while not casting condemnation upon those who may do something different in that area."

Well said, brother!

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Yes, and this is the reason some Christians do things one way and others another. There is no set and followed consistency so why should anyone expect that we would all agree in these areas.


The same reasons given to avoid one holiday are ignored so some can participate in another pagan rooted holiday. The same reasons given to oppose CCM are ignored when it comes to certain songs and old hymns (which really aren't that old) so some can keep them in their hymnals and sing them in church.


The myriad of twistings in trying to justify why standards used to condemn the one don't apply to the other only enhances the inconsistency and further diminishes the arguments.


Either there is one set standard that needs to be applied across the board, or there isn't. If there is, then folks claiming this need to abide by it themselves before calling on others to do so. If there isn't, then folks should tend to their own walk in these areas and that of their home church while not casting condemnation upon those who may do something different in that area.

I hope JerryNumbers reads this.

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Sorry I never got a chance to meet anyone else but this forum is not the place for me to grow.

......maybe it is exactly the place for you to grow.
We often don't like what we need most.....
(I am not suggesting I know what you need by the way - it is a general comment)
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While a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, a spoonful of kerosene makes it exceedingly difficult to consider, let alone swallow.


As we are told in First Corinthians 13, even if we are doing something right, if we are not doing so with love, it's for nought.


If we can't carry on a conversation in kindness, our words seasoned with salt and grace, then there are other matters that need tending to which should come before we speak.

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......maybe it is exactly the place for you to grow.
We often don't like what we need most.....
(I am not suggesting I know what you need by the way - it is a general comment)

I don't need a place where I've been told that I'm on the wrong path and need to give up the world based on one topic and have been questioned what I've sacrificed for Jesus without knowing anything about me except what music I like.  No thanks.  


John81 - "While a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, a spoonful of kerosene makes it exceedingly difficult to consider, let alone swallow".


Well spoken.


Some people here are just trying to play king of the hill.

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