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Falling Short Of The Mark?


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Can't you just hear the screech from the cat in the 5th one?   :nuts:  

Sure! Make me go back and count!!


I was thinking about the dog above that one and the look on his face afterward. Like, what happened...and...where'd he go? Why are people looking at me like that???

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I though Larry was referring to this verse.


Ro 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;


I would have to say I do too, yet some post seems to be refereeing to something that's very funny.


Can someone please tell me what I'm missing?


OK, now I know, the pictures did not load at first, & it did not show that any were pictures in that post.

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Oh dear! That dog hitting the hedge...    :th_laugh1:


I wonder what was with all the poor cats? It's not like them to misjudge that badly.


I think the cats that misjudged on ledges thought the lines on the other side of building were ledges. I love the dachshund running into bushes too. And the cat missing ledge with his feet all splayed out!

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