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I read the preachers hall of fame and...

Doc Flay

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I read the preachers hall of fame, and wanted to add someone who was very influentual to me back in the seventies; and that would be Dr. Oliver B. Green, who hosted the Gospel hour on the radio. He was my mentor, and daily bible tutor to me a young Christian of 19.
I was led to Christ by an L.B.C. student from Lynchburg, Virginia; who was visiting family not far from my home in Alexandria, Va. I was also visiting his family by invitation, because I was dating a member of the family, who soon became my wife.
After we married, we move to lynchburg, where I was baptised, and joined Thomas Raod Baptist Church as a member; and where I served the Lord, and grew as a Christian. It was hear at Thomas Road Baptist that I found out about "the Gospel Hour", with Dr. Oliver B. Green.
My early years as a Christian at Thomas Road, and the influences of other great men of God, like Dr. Oliver B. Green: have taught me how to conduct myself as a Christian, and gave me values that have lasted throughout my life.
I would encorrage all young Christians to find a good mentor; one who is strong in the Lord, and the power of his might, Grounded in the word of God, and also in prayer and supplication for all saints.
And for "Men of God" to become mentors and disciple these young Christian men, Who may become the next Dr. Oliver B. Green; Jerry Falwell; Billy Ghram; Billy Sunday; Charles Spugen...

"in the Fear of the Lord" Doc Flay

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That's the problem with a topic such as this, you start getting men like Billy Graham introduce into the mix. I feel its best to let God deal with & state who should be in such a hall of fame, after all He can judge them perfectly, while men can completely fool us.

Billy Graham is a false teacher of the worse kind,

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When I was a babe in Christ someone gave me a bunch of old Christian booklets that were really great. As it turned out, most of them were by Oliver B. Greene and a couple by John R. Rice. At the time I hadn't heard of either of them and it would be some years later before I really learned more about them. I still have some of those booklets to this day.

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That's the problem with a topic such as this, you start getting men like Billy Graham introduce into the mix. I feel its best to let God deal with & state who should be in such a hall of fame, after all He can judge them perfectly, while men can completely fool us.

Billy Graham is a false teacher of the worse kind,

For one to be in a Hall of Fame, they need to have finished well. Billy Graham started well but in the midst of doing well he was faced with the great temptation of compromising with the world or standing firm in the Word and unfortunately he made the wrong choice. He went downhill from there.
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Billy Sunday? Does anyone know anything about him? All I know was in a book, I read that he claimed to have saved 1,000,000 souls, and the author said "How many did he save? Not one."

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Billy Sunday? Does anyone know anything about him? All I know was in a book, I read that he claimed to have saved 1,000,000 souls, and the author said "How many did he save? Not one."

Billy Sunday didn't save anyone, only Christ can do that, but Sunday was used of the Lord to bring many to salvation in Christ. Great transformations took place in many towns and cities he preached in, with so many getting saved and living for Christ. In many places saloons and brothels closed down quickly either because the owners got saved or so many others did that their business dried up.

I've never read where Sunday claimed to have saved any certain amount of people. I have read where others have tried to estimate how many were saved under his preaching but I don't recall the numbers they gave.
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Billy Sunday didn't save anyone, only Christ can do that, but Sunday was used of the Lord to bring many to salvation in Christ. Great transformations took place in many towns and cities he preached in, with so many getting saved and living for Christ. In many places saloons and brothels closed down quickly either because the owners got saved or so many others did that their business dried up.

I've never read where Sunday claimed to have saved any certain amount of people. I have read where others have tried to estimate how many were saved under his preaching but I don't recall the numbers they gave.

Thanks for that, John, apart from my quote, I had no knowledge of him.
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When I was a babe in Christ someone gave me a bunch of old Christian booklets that were really great. As it turned out, most of them were by Oliver B. Greene and a couple by John R. Rice. At the time I hadn't heard of either of them and it would be some years later before I really learned more about them. I still have some of those booklets to this day.

I had a Billy Graham book given to me once, I read a few pages them closed it.

To me, from what I've read, Billy Sunday was cut from different material than Mr. Graham. It seems he believe there was only one way to be saved.
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That's the problem with a topic such as this, you start getting men like Billy Graham introduce into the mix. I feel its best to let God deal with & state who should be in such a hall of fame, after all He can judge them perfectly, while men can completely fool us.

Billy Graham is a false teacher of the worse kind,

Are we talking about the same Billy Graham; I Loved his preaching back in the sixties and seventies; It was pure gospel, what happened between then and now to cause him to be, as you say "...a false false teacher of the worse kind,?"
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Three of my family members were converted at some of the early Billy Graham meetings in London. One is still alive is a faithful Baptist lady. In those days, Graham preached repentance, I saw a recording of one large later "crusade" in the US, where he invited people to come to the front to renew their marriage vows.

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