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If Ron Paul Won the GOP Nod, Would You Vote For Him in November?

Brother Rick


17 members have voted

  1. 1. If Ron Paul Won the Republican Nod, What Would You Do in November?

    • Vote for Ron Paul.
    • Vote for Obama.
    • Sit Home and Watch TV.

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I'm just curious about this one. The number one argument against Ron Paul is that he isn't "electable." So I'm wondering, if Ron Paul won the GOP nomination, what would you do in November?

I think Republicans would vote for my dog if she had an R in front of her name because they're so terrified of Obama (rightfully so). I think that anyone that wins the approval of the GOP instantly becomes eleactable in our current political climate.

So that leaves the independents, what would they do?

I think they'd vote for Paul as well, because many of his policies and his voting record appeal to indies:

1. Get rid of the income tax or lower it.
2. Bring the troops home.
3. Stop foreign aid.
4. Repeal the Patriot Act.

Edited by Rick Schworer
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All I know from my past is, true full blood Democrats, votes for the Democrat, true republicans, votes for the Republican, but between them are many voters, & its difficult to tell which way they will go.

My father was a true yellow dog democrat, he always voted for the democrat.

After going into the nursing home he told me one day, "In the last election I voted for a republican, & it will be the last time I will ever vote for a republican." I asked why it would be the last time." His answer was, "He lost the election."

This man, a neighbor was running for the office of justice of the peace. He said, I think I could have trusted him in that office. After dad has died I told this man about daddy voting for him, & it was the 1st republican he had ever voted for, he was surprised, for he knew that dad was a yellow dog Democrat plumb though.

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As President, he has Constitutional authority to do #2, as Commander in Chief. He can propose the other three to Congress, and he can sign a bill they send him in regards to the other three. Most people don't understand that much of what the candidates say they will do - they have no Constitutional authority to do! To me, that is disingenuous at best. Those like Ron Paul who want to be considered constitutionalists should be more specific when they make statements of what they would do as POTUS.

That said, we will vote for whomever the nominee is - plugging our nose if necessary. Because we do not want BO in office for 4 more years. We don't have a TV, but even if we did, we wouldn't stay home on election day.

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As Rick and I agreed on the other thread, no man is perfect, and no situation is ideal. Therefore, we are always forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when it comes to anything in life. Ron Paul is the lesser of two evils b/c a do-nothing president is better than a do-nothing-but-evil president.

Edited by Annie
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As Rick and I agreed on the other thread, no man is perfect, and no situation is ideal. Therefore, we are always forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when it comes to anything in life. Ron Paul is the lesser of two evils b/c a do-nothing president is better than a do-nothing-but-evil president.

:thumb: My thoughts exactly.
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As Rick and I agreed on the other thread, no man is perfect, and no situation is ideal. Therefore, we are always forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when it comes to anything in life. Ron Paul is the lesser of two evils b/c a do-nothing president is better than a do-nothing-but-evil president.

Just because a man is not perfect doesn't mean he's evil.

Evil is a strong word and I would only consider that term worthy with regards to a politicians who is a habitual liar, will not do what's best for the country, will not obey the Constitution, will continue America heading towards the cliff.

King David was not perfect but I would hardly call him evil.

Jeroboam, now he was evil, and of course Ahab was clearly evil.
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Just because a man is not perfect doesn't mean he's evil.

Evil is a strong word and I would only consider that term worthy with regards to a politicians who is a habitual liar, will not do what's best for the country, will not obey the Constitution, will continue America heading towards the cliff.

King David was not perfect but I would hardly call him evil.

Jeroboam, now he was evil, and of course Ahab was clearly evil.

I'm not talking about the person's character...I wouldn't even call Barack Obama an "evil" man. I generally reserve that adjective for people like Hitler and Nero.

Do you really not know what the phrase "the lesser of two evils" means, and how it applies to this discussion? I'd type out an explanation, but I think you already know... Edited by Annie
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I wouldn't say Ron Paul would be a do nothing president. Things done by executive order could be un-done by him easily (like bringing the troops back home), and he would veto any increase in spending, which is a good form of do-nothing in my opinion.

One of the best presidents we ever had was Calvin Coolidge; he vetoed at least 50 proposed increases in spending, if not all of them, during his term. That is an example of a very good do-nothing president and one that would help us tremendously.

I'd take a do nothing president over one that thinks it's the job of the Federal government to mortgage my children's future to put Band-Aids over all the problems of the world.

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Just because a man is not perfect doesn't mean he's evil.

Evil is a strong word and I would only consider that term worthy with regards to a politicians who is a habitual liar, will not do what's best for the country, will not obey the Constitution, will continue America heading towards the cliff.

King David was not perfect but I would hardly call him evil.

Jeroboam, now he was evil, and of course Ahab was clearly evil.

Someone expressed it this way, the evil is the absents of God, the unsaved person is absent of God's Holy Spirit. God's Holy Spirit only takes up adobe in the saved people.

So, what would be present in the unsaved human?

Of course, even many saved people do evil things And is not sin evil?
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I would vote for Mickey Mouse over Obama. So yes, I would vote for Ron Paul.

I missed his candidacy speech but, I'm with you on Mickey. :coverlaugh:
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