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Is JCPenny off your list for shopping?


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JCPenny just went off my list of places to shop and I'll tell them the next time I go to shop near their store.

Ellen Rejoins the jcpenney Team to Tout the Making of America's Favorite Store

JCPenney Hopes Ellen DeGeneres Can Boost Its Image

JC Penney stands by Ellen DeGeneres as spokeswoman

It is absurd to think that a company would find treating customers in this fashion an acceptable behavior. Our members stated their concerns in a kind, professional manner. Insulting customers by ignoring us will not be tolerated. OMM members can shop elsewhere if JC Penney does not appreciate our business. Unless JC Penney decides to be neutral in the culture war and listen to customers in a considerate fashion, their brand transformation will be unsuccessful.

Degeneres is not a true representation of the type of families who shop at the retailer. The small percentage of customers they are attempting to satisfy will not offset their loss in sales by offending the majority.

Do you think people will ignore the controversy?
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One Million Moms, and others, have taken up this issue and are doing what they can to get this store to turn from this wicked direction.

Such a shame to see this once good family store, begun by a Christian, make some really good changes to their store but at the same time taking on a vulgar open lesbian as their spokesperson and public face. Unacceptable.

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I am the odd ball here and I am going to say I like Ellen , don't say i am supporting her choice of being a lesbian, however her humor or defending animals from abuse and cuteness over shadows her private life.
I am not boycotting a store because people need jobs and work these days, however I'll use a product or store alittle less now if the promote ungodliness however, I will not lift my support of the store, the store is a secular public store and anyone can go there. She isn't promoting her lesbian lifestyle, she is doing a product, does your wives use the make up line cover girl? If so you should stop having your wives and we need to stop using cover girl because she was spokesman of Covergirl.

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I am the odd ball here and I am going to say I like Ellen , don't say i am supporting her choice of being a lesbian, however her humor or defending animals from abuse and cuteness over shadows her private life.
I am not boycotting a store because people need jobs and work these days, however I'll use a product or store alittle less now if the promote ungodliness however, I will not lift my support of the store, the store is a secular public store and anyone can go there. She isn't promoting her lesbian lifestyle, she is doing a product, does your wives use the make up line cover girl? If so you should stop having your wives and we need to stop using cover girl because she was spokesman of Covergirl.

Thanks for the heads up I'll mention the covergirl info to my wife. I don't think she uses it but, I think it will help her be more conscience of this and not pick it up.
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I am the odd ball here and I am going to say I like Ellen , don't say i am supporting her choice of being a lesbian, however her humor or defending animals from abuse and cuteness over shadows her private life.
I am not boycotting a store because people need jobs and work these days, however I'll use a product or store alittle less now if the promote ungodliness however, I will not lift my support of the store, the store is a secular public store and anyone can go there. She isn't promoting her lesbian lifestyle, she is doing a product, does your wives use the make up line cover girl? If so you should stop having your wives and we need to stop using cover girl because she was spokesman of Covergirl.

My wife doesn't use any makup.
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I am the odd ball here and I am going to say I like Ellen , don't say i am supporting her choice of being a lesbian, however her humor or defending animals from abuse and cuteness over shadows her private life.
I am not boycotting a store because people need jobs and work these days, however I'll use a product or store alittle less now if the promote ungodliness however, I will not lift my support of the store, the store is a secular public store and anyone can go there. She isn't promoting her lesbian lifestyle, she is doing a product, does your wives use the make up line cover girl? If so you should stop having your wives and we need to stop using cover girl because she was spokesman of Covergirl.

She is promoting her homosexuality. Ellen has determined that in all she does she will be an openly, proud lesbian and she never separates her homosexuality from her work or anything else. This is part of the reason JCP hired her, in an attempt to appear to be "up to date".

The founder of JCP was a Christian and would have never approved of such an abomination.

Also, there are far more worthy people and organizations to support who help animals. One should never put the well being ahead of the well being of people but that's what Ellen and most leftists do.

My wife doesn't wear make-up so no concerns in that area.
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She promotes her lifestyle every time she is on the TV screen.

How are we to deal with unbelievers, unrighteousness. The Bible is quite clear on this issue.

2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Have no fellowship at all with them. Supporting JC Penny is supporting homosexuality with them having her on their payroll.

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I am the odd ball here and I am going to say I like Ellen , don't say i am supporting her choice of being a lesbian, however her humor or defending animals from abuse and cuteness over shadows her private life.

Ma'am, by rejecting the doctrine of separation you are putting yourself at odds with God and that obviously is a sin.

Romans 16:17-18 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."

Titus 3:10 "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;"

2 Corinthians 6:17 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"

Ephesians 5:11 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

Psalm 66:18 "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:"

1 John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Edited by swathdiver
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Ohh, let's not forget that Degeneres is an avowed enemy of Christianity. Remember her congressional hearings in October 1998? She also believes that all children should be taught that the homosexual lifestyle is a good thing.

James 4:4 "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

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I didn't say I still support and watch her, when I do I watch her because she makes me laugh, there is nothing wrong with laughing with some stuff she says, I don't know about behind the scenes with her but she isn't on my list of watching no more but sometimes I put her on to laugh nothing wrong with that.

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When I see her, it makes me cry, I just cannot laugh, knowing what she stands for, & her stand against our Father & His Son, plus knowing that likely her soul will go to hell, plus the fact she will influence others to take the same path she taking landing up in the lake of fire too.

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...I watch her because she makes me laugh, there is nothing wrong with laughing with some stuff she says,

When I was a heathen Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase and John Belushi made me laugh too. Now that I am wonderfully saved and a son of God they're repulsive to me. They are my and my children's avowed enemy and most importantly the enemy of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I too weep and feel for them like Preacher Jerry. We have our minds right about this and you should too Ma'am.

Degeneres' demonic ministry is to break down the barriers, the resistance to her preferred sin. Every blip in the ratings keeps her on the air and further legitimizes this sin.

Please read again Romans 16, Ephesians 5 and James 4.

I didn't make any friends tonight when fast forwarding through the Super Bowl half-time show and skipping through nearly all the commercials. I am salty and salt of the earth as the Lord commands!
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