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An e-mail I received from a chaplain.


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This is an e-mail I just received from a Hospital Chaplain.

I have hesitated to write this email as I was hopeful that your materials were randomly left at our health care facilities. However, the tracts and DVDs have been more numerous as of the past couple of weeks. While I have no doubt of the sincerity of your outreach and theology, that still doesn't make it acceptable in our hospitals and clinics. Thus I ask that you inform your parishioners and/or missionaries to discontinue leaving your materials in our facilities.

Yes, everyone dies. Your belief structure indicates that death is to be feared unless there is some type of conversion experience. Human beings will be punished due to being liars, thieves, and blasphemers unless there is repentance and trust in Jesus the Christ. While I accept your personal practice of this form of salvation, it's not what our health system chooses to promote. We promote practices of faith that provide hope, comfort, and healing, no matter what the particular religious structure or denominational background.

Again, please do not distribute nor leave your materials in our facility. Visit members and friends. Share in providing comfort and hope to those of similar belief practices. This is not the place to convert or win people over to Christ, as you understand Christ. Thank you for your understanding.

A final OBservation, many times your materials are found in the bathrooms of our facilities, as well as in the chapels.

Please pray for this Chaplain. (Tim) Sadly these are the type of Chaplains that are in the majority of Hospitals and jails. Giving people hope and comfort all the while leading them to hell.

Edited by TheBibleSender
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This is an e-mail I just received from a Hospital Chaplain.

I have hesitated to write this email as I was hopeful that your materials were randomly left at our health care facilities. However, the tracts and DVDs have been more numerous as of the past couple of weeks. While I have no doubt of the sincerity of your outreach and theology, that still doesn't make it acceptable in our hospitals and clinics. Thus I ask that you inform your parishioners and/or missionaries to discontinue leaving your materials in our facilities.

Yes, everyone dies. Your belief structure indicates that death is to be feared unless there is some type of conversion experience. Human beings will be punished due to being liars, thieves, and blasphemers unless there is repentance and trust in Jesus the Christ. While I accept your personal practice of this form of salvation, it's not what our health system chooses to promote. We promote practices of faith that provide hope, comfort, and healing, no matter what the particular religious structure or denominational background.

Again, please do not distribute nor leave your materials in our facility. Visit members and friends. Share in providing comfort and hope to those of similar belief practices. This is not the place to convert or win people over to Christ, as you understand Christ. Thank you for your understanding.

A final OBservation, many times your materials are found in the bathrooms of our facilities, as well as in the chapels.

Please pray for this Chaplain. (Tim) Sadly these are the type of Chaplains that are in the majority of Hospitals and jails. Giving people hope and comfort all the while leading them to hell.

I wonder what he was trying to say with pointing out that your materials are found in both the bathrooms and chapels?
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Our pastor got one of those calls a while back from the hospital I work at. This hospital is not aligned with a church/denomination currently, but was originally aligned with the Methodist church 90 years ago. Our CEO/President has a M.Div. Degree, but has catered to the Muslims by creating a muslim prayer room.

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While I accept your personal practice of this form of salvation, it's not what our health system chooses to promote.

Not trying to defend the chaplain, but it would appear that he agrees with you. The wholesale distribution of tracts is prOBably against hospital policy. Someone complained to the administration, and he has been appointed the messenger.

Maybe he witnesses privately when the Lord provides the opportunity. Yes, it's still compromise, and I think people are more open to the gospel when faced with the reality of death. I don't know how you can provide comfort without the gospel. But the hospital doesn't want to become a religious battleground.
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Not trying to defend the chaplain, but it would appear that he agrees with you. The wholesale distribution of tracts is prOBably against hospital policy. Someone complained to the administration, and he has been appointed the messenger.

Maybe he witnesses privately when the Lord provides the opportunity. Yes, it's still compromise, and I think people are more open to the gospel when faced with the reality of death. I don't know how you can provide comfort without the gospel. But the hospital doesn't want to become a religious battleground.

I don;t think so look what he says " This is not the place to convert or win people over to Christ, as you understand Christ" God bless. :)
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I don;t think so look what he says " This is not the place to convert or win people over to Christ, as you understand Christ" God bless. :)

The lost hate Christ. They do not want to hear about Him, more especially at times they are their loved ones are near death such as in a hospital. And as times goes on its going to get more so that way.

If a building has a rule against such a thing, for one to go against it, they must decided for their self if going ahead and doing so is alright with God. Now if they decide that its OK with God, when confronted about this they should admit to doing so accepting the punishment in order to say right with God. The same would be true if you were going against a city, county, state, or federal law.

That said if a lost person is in a hospital room on death bed and they do not want to hear someone speak about Jesus, as a Christin we ought to honor their wishes. If they want to go to the restroom in the hospital without seeing a tract, them again perhaps we ought to honor their wishes.

I know that there would be things that I would not want to be subjected to if I were in a hospital and near death, and if I expressed it, I think my wishes should be honored by everyone.

Offering a tract to someone on there street or in a store is much different than just leaving it laying in certain places.I feel that one that is going to leave tracts laying some where they should get permission from the owner of that place 1st.

A great place to set a holder with tracts in it would be in a conveniences store, but only with the owners permission. The same for a restroom or where ever.

For instants, if I owned a business and some of those people who hold to different teachings than I do, I would not want their junk in my building.

I feel its irresponsible just to leave tracts laying anywhere and everywhere and not having permission. After all as you go through life there are many things you don't want to see laying around everywhere as you go though life.

I might add, some business has rules that you cannot hand tracts to their customers, I would think that is a good rule to follow, for I feel sure if you have or had a business you would not want people disturbing your customers while shopping in your business.

There are rights way, there are wrong ways, and we need to be sure we are doing things the right way.

Truth is Mitch is right on,

Now, I disagree with the hospital you speak of and its rule, yet they have their rights and I should honor their rights on their property. Not doing so brings dishonor to my Lord, even leaving a tract in the restroom. Even Jesus does no use force, He stand at the door and knocks, yet if the door in not open He will not go in.

I hope I explained that properly. I'm not telling no one not to witness, hand out tracts, just do so in a God honoring manner.
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As someone who has many years in the military, I must say that whatever faith a chaplain practices, they still must follow guidelines set forth in their contract. A lot has nothing to do with them, but at the same time they must follow the rules of the hospitals, boarding homes, rest homes, etc.

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As someone who has many years in the military, I must say that whatever faith a chaplain practices, they still must follow guidelines set forth in their contract. A lot has nothing to do with them, but at the same time they must follow the rules of the hospitals, boarding homes, rest homes, etc.

Yes, and those guide lines do not match the Bible, so it would be wrong for the Christian to sign a contract that would make them disOBey the Bible.
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The Chaplains here on base do not allow us to post church flyers in the barracks/housing area. They have us arrested/escorted if going door to door (only since 9/11). The Chaplains Corps here on base strictly prevents any military going OFF base for their Church services in any way that they can. It's very disheartening.

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The Chaplains here on base do not allow us to post church flyers in the barracks/housing area. They have us arrested/escorted if going door to door (only since 9/11). The Chaplains Corps here on base strictly prevents any military going OFF base for their Church services in any way that they can. It's very disheartening.

I've seen similar in prison systems. The chaplain typically isn't a born again believer, and if he is he's sold out to the worldly system. This most often means few or no solid Christians are allowed in the prison and when they are they are strictly limited.
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The Chaplains Corps here on base strictly prevents any military going OFF base for their Church services in any way that they can.

This should be reported immediately to the commanding officer. This is outrageous! This is against the law and military regulations. Plus, if other off-base organizations are allowed to post flyers on base, then churches must be allowed to as well. Military personnel give up some of their Constitutional rights when they enlist, but they don't give up all of them.

The only time I was prohibited from going off base to church was boot camp or while at sea. When I attended OCS, we were allowed to attend churches off base; in fact, church buses would park outside the main gate waiting for us Sailors. While stationed in South Korea, I attended the SBC church outside the base when I was off-duty (I couldn't find any IFB churches).

I'm sure temporary bans could be imposed in certain circumstances, such as deployments, war zones, or military exercises, but there cannot be a blanket policy against going off-base to church if you're stationed in the United States.

Tell me what base it is, and I'll file the formal complaint for you. I'm sure there are other OB pastors here with military experience who will do the same thing.
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