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Tools for the married woman


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He did manage to hit on some good points most fail to touch upon these days.

Interestingly, prior to the 60s much of what he was talking about was being published for women. Reading some old publications much of the content is about women being satisfied housewives, modern tools to help them in their daily tasks, how to greet their husbands when they come home from work, etc.

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IRON my husband's socks???????? :nuts::nuts::nuts::nuts: Oh, I gotta ask my hubby if he wants his socks ironed, starched and stiff. Actually I don't. I know what his reaction would be. He'd just shake his head and say "what garbage."

Kind of scary that there are even such kooks loose on the streets!
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I guess I should return the dishwasher my wife said she wanted for her birthday and swap it for a feather duster. And I've always wondered why the military forced me to shine my own boots and shoes; that's what women are for! Yessiree - I've seen the light!

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I guess I should return the dishwasher my wife said she wanted for her birthday and swap it for a feather duster. And I've always wondered why the military forced me to shine my own boots and shoes; that's what women are for! Yessiree - I've seen the light!

Yes. And I'm gonna have to get the polish out for my hubby's shoes. What kind of polish do you think tennis shoes take? And just wait til I tell him dinner's going to be ready in 45 minutes when he gets home. He'll be so unthrilled: he's used to my having it ready when he walks in the door. :coolsmiley: BTW - that wasn't a cup, it was a glass. And someone wasn't doing their jOB because it was dirty. :saint2:
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IRON my husband's socks???????? :nuts::nuts::nuts::nuts: Oh, I gotta ask my hubby if he wants his socks ironed, starched and stiff. Actually I don't. I know what his reaction would be. He'd just shake his head and say "what garbage."

When I was in the Air Force I encountered several city black guys who had their socks and underwear ironed as civilians. This came up because in basics everything had to be perfect, including socks and underwear in the drawer, and when I said I had never ironed anything in my life and never heard of ironing underwear or socks they were surprised.
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While the guy does seem to have a condescending tone, he does hit upon an excellent point with regards to some things. Most Christian women/girls I know of have very limited home skills (does anyone know how to sew a button on anymore?), they can't cook if it doesn't come out of a box or can with simple instructions, they expect others to teach and train their children anything they don't pick up on easily, etc. When it comes to children they don't even consider the Word of God, only how such would limit their freedom and cut into their money.

For a lot of professing Christian women, they don't even get to this point before they have already become pregnant out of wedlock or spent so many years on birth control building their career that now their bodies are a mess and they can't find anyone decent willing to get involved with them.

While there are some blessed exceptions, overall we (churches and parents) have been failing to train our children to become Christ-honouring young men and women. We have failed to provide them with the proper biblical foundation for their roles in life or the training they need to fulfill their roles.

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When I was in the Air Force I encountered several city black guys who had their socks and underwear ironed as civilians. This came up because in basics everything had to be perfect, including socks and underwear in the drawer, and when I said I had never ironed anything in my life and never heard of ironing underwear or socks they were surprised.

Oh, I knew someone who ironed her husband's jeans. He had also been in the Air Force, so perhaps it was the same idea. And if they want her to do that, fine and dandy. But that's between them and not something that a supposed preacher should teach as a duty of the good Christian wife. BTW - my husband told me I'd never iron his jeans. And if we had room for a dishwasher, he'd get one (it's actually more sanitary, which helps the family...). And I don't have a feather duster: they don't really work, because all they do is scatter dust around. :rolleyes:
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Oh, I knew someone who ironed her husband's jeans. He had also been in the Air Force, so perhaps it was the same idea. And if they want her to do that, fine and dandy. But that's between them and not something that a supposed preacher should teach as a duty of the good Christian wife. BTW - my husband told me I'd never iron his jeans. And if we had room for a dishwasher, he'd get one (it's actually more sanitary, which helps the family...). And I don't have a feather duster: they don't really work, because all they do is scatter dust around. :rolleyes:

I've still never ironed anything and with the way clothes are made today, most don't need ironing anyway.

We don't have a dishwasher because of limited kitchen space too. No feather duster either, what a torture device to stir dust for allergies!

While a wife should know how to take care of the home and her husband, the details and means can vary from household to household.
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While a wife should know how to take care of the home and her husband, the details and means can vary from household to household.

This is true- and those details and means are between the husband and his wife and are no-one else's business. It's one thing for older women to teach younger (as scripture instructs) and quite another for a man who calls himself a preacher to produce something like this and proclaim that women must do this or they are not godly Christian women. He is the head of only his home, and no other. There is scripture that can be presented in a sermon, but nowhere does it say women should be the only ones to wash dishes (etc)...if that were the case, my hubby will run out of dishes and clothes while I'm gone for two weeks next month. How silly.
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This is true- and those details and means are between the husband and his wife and are no-one else's business. It's one thing for older women to teach younger (as scripture instructs) and quite another for a man who calls himself a preacher to produce something like this and proclaim that women must do this or they are not godly Christian women. He is the head of only his home, and no other. There is scripture that can be presented in a sermon, but nowhere does it say women should be the only ones to wash dishes (etc)...if that were the case, my hubby will run out of dishes and clothes while I'm gone for two weeks next month. How silly.

Agreed. Pastors and churches need to teach proper roles and build the young up with a solid biblical foundation for such, and parents should teach their sons and daughters how to carry out their various roles.

The methods taught for sons to change the oil or for daughters to fold the clothes, is a matter for individual families, but pastors should remind parents from time to time of their duty to teach and train.
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