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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. Don't let him back in until he repents. Being tolerant is what has destroyed many churches.
  2. I'm talking about in a time of a deadly emergency. Some churches are out far from police and the time it would take to get there it's better to be prepared ahead of time. I remember a State Trooper, who attended a church I did, warning us that at times, depending on where they were in the county and how many were on duty, it could take them 45 minutes to get to a call. I know some of the brethren are dead set against self defense but not me.
  3. From my experience you will never hear that. I've been to one church where after the pastor got paid there was nothing left for anything including missions. And another essentially was a part-time pastor because he didn't get all that he wanted.
  4. Having a strong relationship with police doesn't mean a thing. I'm sure that school in Uvalde, TX had one. I conceal carry but I don't advertise about it. I'm sure there are other men in church who do also.
  5. Wrong. Man is created in God's image and man is made up of male and female. No typology at all unless you are saying Adam and Eve are a type of man.
  6. It says he's attacked black people, Jews and Muslims. I doubt it. Other than calling them sinners like everyone else.
  7. The woman is referred to as a "man" in each case.
  8. Genesis 1:27- So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. I Peter 3:3,4- Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
  9. I'll take it a step further. It's "six hundred threescore and six" It's spelled out because it will be a number of a name, i.e. word
  10. Almost Persuaded by Philip Bliss Be now persuaded, oh, sinner, hear! Be now persuaded, Jesus is near; His voice is pleading still, Turn now with heart and will, Peace will your spirit fill— Oh, turn today!Almost persuaded” now to believe; “Almost persuaded” Christ to receive; Seems now some soul to say, “Go, Spirit, go Thy way, Some more convenient day on Thee I’ll call.” 2 “Almost persuaded,” come, come today; “Almost persuaded,” turn not away; Jesus invites you here, Angels are ling’ring near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear; O wand’rer, come! 3 Oh, be persuaded! Christ never fails— Oh, be persuaded! His blood avails— Can save from every sin, Cleanse you without, within— Will you not let Him in? Open the door! 4 “Almost persuaded,” harvest is past! “Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last; “Almost” cannot avail; “Almost” is but to fail! Sad, sad that bitter wail— “Almost—but lost!” 5 Be now persuaded, oh, sinner, hear! Be now persuaded, Jesus is near; His voice is pleading still, Turn now with heart and will, Peace will your spirit fill— Oh, turn today!
  11. I lean towards "Abraham's Bosom". I try to place myself in the time and what the Pharisee's would have reckoned at Jesus' statement and my guess is "sheol" or "hades" which they would have been familiar with. Again, the context is Jonah and Jonah went way way down not just in a tomb.
  12. Hey, you think this is bad you haven't been in many forums. This is mild compared to some theological forums I've been in. But if you keep pasting heretical nonsense people will call you out on it.
  13. The KJV is the pure word of God but you can be saved from any version of the bible. You just might not grow as much fruit.
  14. Um...aren't there "local" churches scattered all over the world? Not too connected. Also, there are no doubt unsaved people who have been baptized and joined a local church.
  15. Jesus compared it to Jonah in the whale. If you look closely Jonah says he was at the bottom of the mountains and was set about by bars. Job mentions the bars of the pit. So, I think the heart of the earth is pretty deep. Under the ocean. This could be why John sees the beast rise out of the sea.
  16. I've never been to a bible college but I think it could be good in the area training for how to build and pastor a church, work the mission field or other areas you need hands on training under the tutelage of someone with experience. Kind of like lab work in a medical college. A friend of mine at his bible school it was required that you had to evangelize. He would help bus migrant workers to church/tent meetings in South Florida. As far as learning about the bible, church history or even the "original languages" there is so much material out there now a person can learn that on his own, IMO. Just a little direction in the right areas would be helpful. The ideal situation is learning from your own church by going soul winning, helping the pastor, attending any bible institute in your church, etc. Unfortunately, most churches I've been too don't do these things any more. One IFB church I attended the pastor (a graduate of Hyles l-Anderson) refused to go soul-winning or preach other than Sunday mornings because his salary wasn't large enough.
  17. "Ensoulment"? Never heard that before. Sounds New-Agey. If the "life of the FLESH is in the blood" and he who spills that blood is guilty of murder then that would be around 3-4 weeks when the so called "fetus" develops blood. The bible doesn't seem to care when the "ensoulment" happens just when life is in the flesh. There are exceptions, IMO, that can be supported by the bible including accidental killing of the baby or to save the mother's life. As far as things like incest, which is a very rare % of abortions, Abraham married his half sister making Isaac the product of incest.
  18. As far as I'm concerned any politician is going to have some shadiness in his background. If he was as moral as a "man of God" I'd rather see him become a preacher or missionary. I usually vote for the person I believe will respect the Constitution and stay out of the way of Christians serving God in peace and godliness (I Timothy 2:2).
  19. I don't see the problem with what Gloryland is saying. There can be too much freedom if it is handed to an unjust and immoral people. Under Saddam Hussein's iron fist Christians in Iraq had freedom of worship but now that we "liberated" them and "brought freedom of democracy" the Christians there have been mostly murdered, raped or forced to convert and it is almost non-existent there now.
  20. There's been an underlying culture of "groomers" at Disney since the early 1990s. Probably longer than that. They just don't hide it anymore.
  21. The Bill of Rights were intended for a righteous people who could govern themselves. Or at least it grew out of such a people. Today it's just an alibi for more wickedness.
  22. The West has replaced God with Mammon. Your Hindu fire worshipping leader is a WEF stooge.
  23. I remember years ago lady from my church had a sign in her kitchen that said: "Kissing Don't Last; Cooking Do" And her husband agreed.
  24. One of the biggest issues with Graham's revivals was he had people from all different kinds of denominations and sects working them. I've read about Roman Catholics telling those who walked the "sawdust trail" to head back to the Catholic church after getting saved. This was because Graham adopted Neo-Evangelicalism in the late 1940s.
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