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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. I think the Church is gone when the Two Witnesses show up. They have some connection to the Tabernacle/Temple of Israel.
  2. Puerto Rico has already voted overwhelming to become a State but for whatever reason never do. I've known some Puerto Ricans who were hard working, lovely neighbors but I guess down on the island they have developed some really bad crime.
  3. Not a Democrat plan. All hospitals do it if your income is too low. It's basically charity for the poor. I didn't have any insurance because I quit my regular job and was getting paid a little money per day without insurance by my father's insurance to take care of him 24/7 on his dying bed. Insurance companies would rather have that than outside hospice care. A few days after his funeral I had what the paramedics thought was a heart attack but it turned out to be my sugar was way too high. No job or insurance at the time. I still have a $1700 bill from an outside medical establishment and probably a $4000 one coming in the mail for the ambulance ride. People being broke isn't always because they are lazy, dumb or Democrats.
  4. The worst I've witnessed was at a Charismatic Baptist church in Pa. It was a total mess. The "pastors" (husband and wife) were both speaking gibberish on stage, teenagers were in the pews making out, the drummer was banging away like Keith Moon, but there wasn't anyone body slammed or licking toes.
  5. I've seen Christians have mental breakdowns over "easy believism" vs "did I really repent and how do I know my repentance was true repentance and not the repentance of Judas Iscariot, etc etc etc?" A camp for troubled teens I was a staff member of back in the late 80s to early 90s this was the biggest issue the kids had. It's a horrible vicious loop to get stuck in. Charles Ryrie has a good book about "Easy Believism".
  6. The "serpent seed" doctrine was one of the first heresies that started with the Gnostics who taught that the human body was totally wicked and a creation of the Demiurge (the Old Testament Jewish God that they viewed as being evil). They even banned having children because of this. Somehow the Christian Indentity (Neo-Nazis) movement latched on to it and tweaked it so they could say the Jews are the offspring of Cain therefore the children of the devil, physically. I've heard some of the brethren teach it and say some religious leaders are literally the offspring of Satan, i.e. when Jesus called them a generation of vipers he was being literal. Arnold Murray allegedly taught it but I've never heard him speak on it.
  7. I lean towards it being people having children so the population doesn't die out. I see the argument for it referring to a pre-Adamic situation but there's to much private interpretation for me with that.
  8. I prefer DeSantis. He has proved himself rock solid in Florida during COVID and now the fight against groomers. But I'll vote for Trump over the Dem lunatics any day.
  9. I always to "signified' pretty much the same as "represent" and an ambassador usual represents his king literally. When I see a sign (signify) along the road I usually take it quit literal. Etymonline.com says: be a sign of (a fact or alleged fact), indicate, mean," also "declare, make known by signs, speech, or action," from Old French signifier (12c.), from Latin significare "to make signs, show by signs, point out, express; mean, signify; foreshadow, portend," from significus (adj.), from signum "identifying mark, sign"
  10. As long as it doesn't replace going to church if you can go. I think in these days we can use as much preaching and teaching as possible.
  11. I've had asthma my whole life and it stinks. My mother has COPD which is even worst. I wish you the best.
  12. I think God's love for sinners goes as far as the cross and no more. The bible says his wrath abides upon the children of the devil. That doesn't sound like love to me. That being said we are still supposed to do good to all men.
  13. Back in February I got really sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. I didn't have insurance and my bill turned out around $9000. Fortunately, I'm a poor slob so the hospital paid it for me.
  14. It's just a guess based on circumstantial evidence. Her name is not mentioned. It could be because the disciples who read the gospels at the time they were written were familiar with all the "Marys" (Jesus' mother, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany and Mary the wife of Cleophas) but would not have been familiar with who the woman was at Nain so no name was given. Just more speculation on my part.
  15. Yes, same pastor. I meant to say he killed the man not his wife.
  16. Not to mention Peter mentioning just a loincloth which was probably the only piece of clothing the men wore working in the field.
  17. I've heard since Castro's son made the decree Canadians have been buying more guns than ever.
  18. Similar but seperate stories with the one in Luke taking place at Nain in Galilee and the Mark account taking place at Bethany outside of Jerusalem. Both accounts, in context, have Jesus weeping, raising up a dead man, having his feet anointed in the home of a man named Simon (one a Pharisee and the other a leper) and incurring the anger of the Pharisees in one case and the disciples in the other. Now John 11:2 seems to suggest that Mary the brother of Lazarus already anointed Jesus' feet but she doesn't do that until the next chapter unless she anointed his feet twice, once in Nain and again in Bethany (maybe twice in Bethany since it appears his feet were anointed on two seperate occasions). It could also have been the "sinner" Mary Magdalene who anointed his feet in Luke 7 because in the next chapter Mary Magdalene is said to have started following the Lord after he cast seven devils out of her. This would be my guess to which Mary it was.
  19. I recently read of a pastor of a KJV Only church in Missouri who shot and killed a man because he thought his wife was cheating with him. She was recklessly galavanting around with the man but no evidence she was sleeping with him. "Abstain from all appearance of evil"
  20. The word "skirt" is derived from an old German word that does refer to the lower edge or border of a woman's dress. It's also why the word sometimes can be used like "Stop skirting around your responsibilities" or "Outskirts of the city" which suggests the edge. The word also seems to be etymologically related to the root word used for "shirt" and "tunic". Of course, the word has changed overtime to refer to the whole garment.
  21. Why work when you can make more money living off the government? People are falling more and more into debt working a traditional, blue collar, middle class job making someone else rich, especially now with skyrocketing inflation. Also, there's virtually no room for promotions unless you hold a college degree which means huge debt. My grandfather lived in a day where a high school drop out could work his way into better paying positions if they worked hard and were honest. He dropped out in 7th grade due to his father dying and his mother catching polio so he became "the man of the house". He started as a maintenance man at the local hospital, borrowed books from the doctors to study anatomy, took classes the hospital offered and eventually became the medical trainer for the local high school and semi-pro football team (Franklin, NJ). This eventually lead to him becoming trainer for the Newark Bears football team and an offer from the New York Giants, the later he turned down due to not wanting to relocating his family to NYC. He also became mayor of his town and started the town's emergency services. All this and he never earned his GED that I am aware of. These days are over. Unless you run yourself in debt with a college degree or have an exceptional talent others can exploit you will never get your toe in the door and will remain a wage slave your whole life. Or you can join millions of others and live off the government. As far as employers looking for help a lot of that is a scam to get more government subsidies. They claim they are hiring when in reality they are not. This is notoriously true in the trucking industry (where I drove OTR for five years) who claims to be short of drivers when at the same time driving owner-operators out of work (with the support of the federal government) because what they want is to replace American truckers with truckers from south of the border where fuel is much cheaper.
  22. There's Christ then his body. A pastor is just another part of his body
  23. They are saying it's mostly being spread in the "homosexual community" i.e. sodomites but a look at the infection map it appears the outbreaks are occurring only in NATO nations. I'm wondering if this is a secret biological attack by Russia. Also, the death rate is around 1% the same as the rate with Covid-19.
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