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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. A little off topic but the name "Yahweh" is of pagan origin. Yes, the Jews wrote "YHWH" but the two vowels inserted into the translation of the word ("Jahwe" in German) was maliciously added by a anti-Semitic, atheistic, German scholar named Rudolf Kittel (who's theologian son was a Nazi) to link Jehovah to the Akkadian storm god of the name, Yahweh. He believed the Jews borrowed that god and incorporated it into their religion. So beware of using "Shekinah Glory" and "Yahweh" in your speech.
  2. Homosexuality and other perversions have always been committed the difference is now, at least in America, it is practiced openly and proudly, taught to children, and never once in history that I am aware was same sex marriage was allowed.
  3. You can renounce your salvation all you want (why a saved person would want to is beyond me) but you are still "sealed unto the day of redemption".
  4. So you once lived in Watertown, WI and I once lived in Watertown, NY.
  5. From what I've heard he reminds me of a guy back in the 80's named John Todd. He roped in a lot of Christians into believing his conspiracies and sensational stories with one of them him being from a "family of witches". A lot of what he said was true but he personally was a con artist. Yeah, though I think there's a time to preach or teach about these things they are not very edifying and many times end up becoming rabbit holes. I think if the preaching and teaching is Christ centered and biblical you shouldn't have to worry about a coven of witches forming in your Ladies Book Club
  6. Sorry if I cover old ground I don't always have time to read every post.
  7. Jim Jones was an atheist and commie. I don't know anything about Greg Locke but is it possible he's using hyperbole and is referring to I Samuel 15:23?
  8. "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."- Ronal Reagan
  9. I have had asthma for 50 years now but amazingly it did not flare up one time when I had Covid. I didn't even produce mucus with my pneumonia but I did have crazy fits of coughing and hypoxia. I think the one med I take, Montelukast, saved my life. Apparently, it was used by some doctors who actually treated their Covid patients ( there were a few that did but most took their marching orders from the CDC) and reduced mortality.
  10. Check it out. I heard some suggest the virus could be passed on by the PCR test now John Hopkins admits the vaccine can be passed on by swab. My guess is the government test kits are vaccinations. https://needtoknow.news/2022/02/johns-hopkins-u-confirms-you-can-be-vaccinated-with-a-pcr-swab-test-without-knowing/
  11. Nothing will happen other then her not running for President again. Some people are just above the law.
  12. I like him. His book "Doctrine Matters" is good stuff.
  13. "The floggings will continue until morale improves."
  14. Bill is really fixated on something nobody, and I mean NOBODY, cares about. Meanwhile, we have more snow coming tomorrow and I paid $3.36 a gallon for gas for the generator.
  15. Unbelievable. I can honestly say I haven't watched 1 second of the Genolympics. So you mean "better masks they can breathe through"? That would mean the virus could easily pass through the mask. Bill, haven't you learn anything yet?
  16. Might have been the same guy but it would have been around 1968 for my brother.
  17. It never fails to amaze me when I hear someone say "hunting is cruel" while stuffing their face with a veal cutlet. Farm raised and slaughtered is much more cruel than hunting a wild animal. At least the wild animal has a chance.
  18. Amazing to think that my older brother got saved when he was 14 during a karate demonstration at his school. The guy would put on a karate exhibition and then present the gospel with an invitation afterward.
  19. Convoys are illegal but so is just about everything these days except immorality.
  20. Why would you want to be remarried? Enjoy your freedom.
  21. Yes, I heard an interview of a lawyer within the military and he said the drug cartels have total control of the border. Nobody comes over without paying them. Any attempt and the migrant will be murdered. It's all human trafficking supported by both Democrats and Republicans.
  22. The government, on the most part, is a haven for every foul bird of the air.
  23. They either don't know or refuse to rightly divide. Also, there are many Christians, including Baptists who hold to Replacement Theology therefore appropriate all promises to Israel to the Church.
  24. I'm starting to think these unemployment numbers are rigged maybe to get government subsidies. I know for a fact one place I worked at (a retirement community for rich folks) actually received government assistance for not renting out apartments. The more empty apartments or cottages the more government money. They actually expanded the main facility even though it was only half rented out. I've applied for many jobs in positions I have years of experience in but continually get rejected. There was one time while I was applying for the job, for the fourth time, the manager was crying he couldn't find drivers. I told him I've applied four times now, I have experience, a clean record and I live just down the road. Nope. Not good enough for the cry baby I guess. Another time I told the employer I would work any day at any time but that was not good enough either.
  25. Yeah, that's so much worse than Biden calling black children "roaches". You see, Bill, you post these nonsensical threads thinking it shows how uneducated conservatives are but neglect the stories about how evil liberals are.
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