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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. Apparently, it's a feminine name too.
  2. Didn't I just say I don't oppose vaccines? I bet I've gotten more than you Morales. What I'm skeptical of is gene therapy. I refuse to be a human guinea pig especially when Im left with no recourse if I'm injured from the vax.
  3. Yes, Fauci believed the science and proved it with Gain of Function.
  4. Melchizedek, if he was human, was before Israel existed.
  5. https://www.salk.edu/news-release/the-novel-coronavirus-spike-protein-plays-additional-key-role-in-illness/ After telling us that the "spike protein" of Covid is harmless now they are saying it is harmful. The vaccine is the code that creates this spike in your body. I've also read where two top molecular biologists, a Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who said the vaccine will require endless boosters or you will get sick and a Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay who said the vaccine will cause "immune escape" where our immune system will fail to recognize the virus anymore. Of course, you will be banned if you mention these possibilities. These two doctors are already being labeled crackpots by those trying impose this vaccine on everyone. $$$ https://rumble.com/vgerov-dr.-sucharit-bhakdi-warns-covid-shots-to-decimate-world-population.html?mref=2oodx&mc=8wf7a https://www.jennifermargulis.net/halt-covid-vaccine-research-scientist-urges-cdc/ I read also where the most vaccinated nation in the world, Seychelles, who also stopped all tourism, is presently having a huge outbreak. I am not an anti-vaxxer but I have grave concerns about this vaccine especially because of the psychopaths behind it, i.e. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci.
  6. I heard a preacher mention that a teaching of a 10 year tribulation period is making its rounds in KJV Baptist churches now. I just bought s book on the teaching to see how they came up with that one. I do know a few years back a teaching that carnal Christians were going to spend 1,000 years in the Lake of Fire to be purged of their carnality was also making its rounds in Baptist churches, including one I attended for a while, but that seems to have fizzled out The scariest trend is the antisemitism and Replacement Theology that is splitting some Baptist churches. Seems to be fueled by Steven Anderson but I'm not too familiar with all he teaches. Paul had some harsh words for these people.
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