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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. Interesting that most of them are New England states. My first thought was because of the rampant Ivy League liberalism. Alaska could be because of the large male population there. Single males are probably less likely to go to church. Hawaii, I'm not sure but I have a feeling it may be hard to start a church there because of cultural reasons.
  2. The camp I went to wasn't a summer camp but one you had to stay at for at least 15 months. I stayed for six years ('87-'93) because I ended up becoming a staff member and really had no place to go. Like I said it was a last stop before juvie jail for some. There were a few that actually got to choose by a judge to go to this camp or to jail. One kid who was there for a few months decided he wanted to go to a reformatory because it was "cool". He got his wish. Most of the preaching wasn't like this but there were times we'd get chewed out and preached at hard. It wouldn't work in most churches but I do believe there are people who look for preaching like this.
  3. Now they know the vax didn't stop the spread. Every one in my family who got the jab has had COVID multiple times while I've only had it once.
  4. The only one who've I read an entire book of was Donald Gray Barnhouse. "The Invisible War". I've read a lot of quotes from preachers previously mentioned, though. Arthur Pink's "Gleanings" series I've heard is good and I liked what I read out of Surgeon's "John Ploughman's Talk". I would like to buy that book someday. I also read a good deal of Loraine Boettner's "Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" which is hardcore TULIP. It's pretty much a church killer, that book.
  5. Lol... Tough love? Some people might actually like their pastor preaching like this. I attended a camp back in the 80s for teens who were a step away from "juvie". A lot of the preaching was like this. Some made it and some melted.
  6. A Chlandi plate with sand or water on it with different sound waves run through create the same patterns that stars show through high powered telescopes. Don't believe the CGI. Psalm 148:3,4
  7. Maybe scientists are wrong about the size, distance and nature of "stars".
  8. Self imposed guilt too. The modern day phenomenon of "white guilt" is just self-righteousness and moral grandstanding, i.e. "virtue signaling".
  9. Yes, like Gog and Magog. Nobody really knows who it is. I've heard loads of theories. Josephus said the Jews at the time thought it was the Scythians to the north. At the time the NT was being written nobody would have had any idea about Islam since it did not exist. Now there are a billion on the earth. So, Gog and Magog most likely does not presently exist.
  10. 1000 years represents an era of full victory for Christians? When was or where is this full victory? The majority of the world is not Christian nor has it ever been. Where's the victory in China, India or the Middle East?
  11. So I need references? I think a profession of faith in the blood of Christ should suffice. Anything else is Baptist Briderism.
  12. I've seen a few of their videos. I realize people have been mistreated and even abused in IFB churches but these guys seemed like nitpicking crybabies.
  13. Maybe I'm misreading you but are you saying every time I want to join a new church I need to be re-baptized?
  14. The New IFB is made up of mostly IFB who have split off. Just because it's not happening in your church doesn't mean it's not going on elsewhere.
  15. I went to a Charismatic Baptist church once. The "pastors" (husband and wife) both preached at the same time, tongues (gibberish) was spoken, dancing in the aisles, the rock band was rocking and the teens were making out in the back pews.
  16. Don't most pastors have someone at the church that deals with this. My pastor doesn't post but people at the church do and the guy who records the services streams it to FB.
  17. The pastor who dropped "Baptist" from the church's name still holds all the same doctrines and "Baptist distinctives". I think having a clear cut Statement of Faith is more important than the denominational title. I've been to Baptist churches that had no Statement of Faith anywhere to be found. Many of their websites are notorious for this.
  18. Yes, that will come through scripture. Interestingly, though, I don't recall anyone showing me this I just assumed it from reading the bible myself.
  19. All you can go by is their profession of faith and eventual fruit bearing. Once you start bringing in all these other criteria, like if they responded to an altar call, you'll end up with nobody being saved except, of course, yourself.
  20. I never went to an altar or hit the sawdust trail yet I still managed to get baptized and join a church. I was saved in my bathroom in front of the sink.
  21. Altar calls seem to be a relatively new thing in the history of the church. Charles Finney was one of the first to employ them.
  22. I know of one good church that has dropped the label and his reasons seem honest but I like the label because it gives outsiders somewhat of an idea where your church stands on doctrine. It narrows things down, IMO.
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