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"Ban The Person Above You" Game


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Ban Kayla b/c my little dog got me up too early with his barking, and I am tired. :coffee


P.S. ~ They have something in the stores for certain eye infections that really works...If you know what it is, I suggest you call a local pharmacy, and they can tell you what it is b/c the name escapes me. It is also smart to see a doc...if you can first.

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Ban Palatka...for being so practical. :frog


The prestigious panel of Professional Banners just love practicality. So after many hours of deliberations they have reached a decision. Two of our panel has thought of the practical uses for Candlelight and voted a
479018001147899439hu4.gif479018001147899439hu4.gif and the remaining 4 just plain out 1.gif1.gif1.gif1.gif you. :Bleh
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th_zBanned.gif Hey! why won't this thing work?

Would someone please bring me a hammer?


Thanks, Ahem, well now. Having solved the problem the grandest panel that has ever been assembled to judge posts for their originality has unanimously found that Marcus4Israel should be 1.gif1.gif1.gif1.gif1.gif1.gif for his lazi fare. (excuse my French) :Bleh
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