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Geneva Bible

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Yes Will, but we all know when these false religionists are attacking Christianity the truth doesn't matter.

It's easy for them to point to a dozen different Bible versions of ours and much more difficult for us to do the same back at them. For this reason, they love to use this tactic.

The version issue isn't important when discussing Salvation. Don't let them get you off on that rabbit trail. Deal with that later.
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It is making a comeback due to the resurgance of the Reformed faith. Those leaving semi-Pelagianism and synergism to move back toward monergism and the 5 Solas (Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solia Christus, Sola Scriptura, and Soli Deo Gloria)

This is especially true with the Reformed Presbyterians who are going back to the Scottish Westminster Covenant and the use of the Psalter.

These links can better explain than me sitting her trying to type it all in....

http://www.visionforumministries.org/is ... f_the.aspx

http://www.visionforum.com/booksandmedi ... tegoryid=9


I have a friend who is reformed Presbyterian....she gave me these links. This is why they are going back to the Geneva...but it is the 1599 reprint.

Please don't bite at me for posting this...I am just trying to answer the question....Y'all scare me too much...to post most anything most of the time....but having discussed this with my friend....I figured I could at least answer this one.....I am only the messenger please..... :D

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It is making a comeback due to the resurgance of the Reformed faith. Those leaving semi-Pelagianism and synergism to move back toward monergism and the 5 Solas (Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solia Christus, Sola Scriptura, and Soli Deo Gloria)

This is especially true with the Reformed Presbyterians who are going back to the Scottish Westminster Covenant and the use of the Psalter.

These links can better explain than me sitting her trying to type it all in....

http://www.visionforumministries.org/is ... f_the.aspx

http://www.visionforum.com/booksandmedi ... tegoryid=9


I have a friend who is reformed Presbyterian....she gave me these links. This is why they are going back to the Geneva...but it is the 1599 reprint.

Please don't bite at me for posting this...I am just trying to answer the question....Y'all scare me too much...to post most anything most of the time....but having discussed this with my friend....I figured I could at least answer this one.....I am only the messenger please..... :D

It's alright, we bark a lot but we don't bite. Thanks for posting. :D

P.S. We get the Vision Forum magazine and I've read that description, it's very interesting. :)
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It is making a comeback due to the resurgance of the Reformed faith. Those leaving semi-Pelagianism and synergism to move back toward monergism and the 5 Solas (Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solia Christus, Sola Scriptura, and Soli Deo Gloria)

This is especially true with the Reformed Presbyterians who are going back to the Scottish Westminster Covenant and the use of the Psalter.

These links can better explain than me sitting her trying to type it all in....

http://www.visionforumministries.org/is ... f_the.aspx

http://www.visionforum.com/booksandmedi ... tegoryid=9


I have a friend who is reformed Presbyterian....she gave me these links. This is why they are going back to the Geneva...but it is the 1599 reprint.

Please don't bite at me for posting this...I am just trying to answer the question....Y'all scare me too much...to post most anything most of the time....but having discussed this with my friend....I figured I could at least answer this one.....I am only the messenger please..... :D

Thank you for your input; it's much appreciated.

Rest assured I will never attack you for posting! :)
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It's alright, we bark a lot but we don't bite. Thanks for posting. :D

P.S. We get the Vision Forum magazine and I've read that description, it's very interesting. :)

Well...thank you...I have wanted to post in several threads....but wasn't sure about the barking and biting.....I may take some babysteps and stick my neck out occasionally.... :D
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Wow...Satan is behind this interest in the Geneva? Those are bold words, please back them up.

I'll try...
Satan is subtle, and his attacks are usually a slight twisting of God's Word.
All of a sudden, 400 years later, this Bible gains a new following - is it because of the text, which is almost identical to the KJV but without poetic meter, or is it the marginal notes (see my previous post with marginal notes stating that the angel Michael is Jesus)

All people that I know that are interested in the Geneva Bible have been 5-point Calvinist/Hyper Calvinist. The prevailing attitude that I have encountered when talking about the Geneva bible is one of superiority - and pity on me 'cause I just don't understand why the Geneva is so much better...

Goes back to fruit again, and a superior attitude ain't one of them. It seems that this divisiveness with an air of superiority is just a front for trashing the KJV from a different angle.

Read several of the reviews on the new printing of the Geneva Bible, and you'll see it. They all compare it to the KJV, and explain why the KJV was created because King James didn't like something in the Geneva notes, and how the KJV was just a 'dumbed down' version of the Geneva, plagiarized Geneva/Tyndale/Bishops bible for xx% of the verses, etc.

Not proof by any stretch, but shadows that indicate to me an agenda that I want to stay away from.
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Yes, and people don't agree with that interpretation. Just because you see it that way doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong. I might add that people have so-called proof in the Bible for other absurd doctrines like geocentricism.

Except all I said was what the Bible SAYS. I interpreted NOTHING. That, interpretation of the Bible, is expressly forbidden in Scripture, just to let you know.

Vince, you are extremely unbalanced. Why do you make a mountain out of a molehill?

You could possibly be somewhat correct, but at least I believe the Bible. I don't think you do.

That's good Vince. You go start a country where you use the KJV, or excuse me KJ"B," as your constitution and make sure you outlaw the Geneva Bible. :shootme:

Nah, I think I'll let Jesus take care of that.

I was showing you where your calling king James II a "tyrant" is ignorant. Yet you reply with that? :? Quite intelligent, I must say.
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Yes,the Geneva Bible does promote aspects of Calvinism because the translators were Calvanist.....

Stands to reason... :frog Geneva is the capital of Switzerland, which is the original cesspool of Calvinism. That's where he began his devil-blessed work.

And every new version, if you'll notice, compares itself to the KJB. Time and again, you'll find them saying how much superior it is the the "popular version" or some rubbish like that. I see the Geneva's resurgence in popularity as no different. Yet another clever ploy to undermine God's Word.
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Is it really that hard for ALL OF US to have a civil, polite and biblically based discussion?

There is no need for ANY OF US to personally attack one other or make snide comments towards one another.

Please, let us act like Christian ladies and gentlemen. The Bible has much to say about controlling our tongues and how our speech should be.

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What? Where do you get that?!

I'm surprised you even ASK! I'm sure you could find the verse with a simple word search, like on interpretation and it's derivative forms.
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I'm surprised you even ASK! I'm sure you could find the verse with a simple word search, like on interpretation and it's derivative forms.

Perhaps I'm asking you to explain your position and interpretation of that particular scripture.
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Perhaps I'm asking you to explain your position and interpretation of that particular scripture.

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
(II Peter 1:20)

I believe this to mean that we are not to interpret the Scriptures: we are to believe them. If the Bible says something, then we should believe "the whole council of God," not just the private interpretation of a single verse or passage.

Believe It, don't interpret It. That's how I look at it.

Therefore, I stated that the Bible SAYS that Passover is a one day event, or more specifically a meal. Luke did say that the whole feast was called Passover, but the first mention was where God defined it as a single meal. Therefore, people calling the whole week "Passover" was wrong. Just as changing "Easter" to "Passover" is completely wrong.

Yes, the Geneva Version is wrong in saying "Passover" instead of "Easter." God knows what He is doing.
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