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Thee also means you, but it means you (singular). Ye refers to all of you or "you" as in a group.

This is not perculiar to the KJV, they were formal rules of written English that were in common use until the 20th century. This was covered in Strunk and White's book called "The Elements of Style".

The Online Bible documentation has more about this subject.

Yep, I read somewhere that "thee" and "thou" and "ye" are as important as rest of the bible. It helps you distinguish if the bible is speaking to a group of people or a single person. The modern word "you" can mean either. (

Edited: because the word you is both singular and plural, it is probably why southerners formed a new word: Yall as in you all. Them southerners are very smart, they know that the word "you" just don't work. hehe
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There is a purpose for the thee's, thou's ,ye's and eth endings.

The olde English was at it's purist in the 1600's and allowed more accurate translation of the Hebrew and Greek.

The English language has been devolving eversince.

FYI: When the Evidence Bible first came out I asked Ray whether he would consider publishing it as an authentic KJB, his reply was NO!

Let's just stick with the AV1611 just like God intended us to.

A KJBO believer.

At least when I stand on a street corner and proclaim "The Bible says....." I BELIEVE IT". If that is seen as being arrogant then so be it, at least I am being honest unlike many IFB who claim the KJB is the word of God but behind closed doors don't believe it.

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Yes I've encountered those who use and proclaim the KJB but in their preaching and writing they dig at the KJB! How often I have heard such read a verse from the KJB only to then say, "this verse would be better stated in this way..." :puzzled:

At the same time, I've often found it ironic when I hear those who don't generally use the KJB read a verse from their MV and proclaim, "but I love the way the King James puts it..." :smile

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