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I got an email from 'THE Messiah'


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We recently had a new poster at another board who claims to be the Messiah, returned. After some comments I made, I got a couple of back and forth emails with this guy.

Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to post it in the false religion section for any discussion that is to be had (if anything).

Thank you Dwayne, as for your remarks < the Messiah's spoke-person > that is incorrect, for at no time do I so say, - - - for what I do say is that I AM HE the spirit of truth that has returned to set the facts 'free' as I correct the truth by my own pen.

For within the fleshly man Jesus strode the spirit man, and that same spirit soul now walks again in the biological flesh of this world in the 'body' of a man named Terence and, - - - as none can see 'into' flesh and observe the 'nature' or form of the inner spirit soul, it follows that I return as a 'thief in the night' invisible to man.

I am the spirit of truth and I am God's spokes person, but 'naturally' in this 'cynical' day and age there are FEW that will believe me and even FEWER that will prepare their minds with my wisdom so as to be able to withstand the inner mental onslaught from the Dark and, - - - regrettably so many will thus deny the Light and criticise, judge, condemn, and fight and FALL.

And yes, I am also 'THE Messiah,' for I 'deliver' the pure and unadulterated message direct from God to all, and IT and ONLY those that NOW 'bow' in total subservience and obedience to God's "Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving and, do not retaliate when faced by adversity" Command will be 'delivered' from evil, - - - as God THEN purges their souls of the dark energy they drew into their soul during their 'past' negative interaction with others.

Man was deceived by the false teachings within 'religion'* that he man could 'sin' and void or avoid the fulfillment of God's Law - ERROR, and the 'now' result is turmoil and terror that for 'some,' * - - - will continue on FOREVER in the Abyss below.

Note: the false teachings within 'religion'* - all documented in my web pages.
Note: 'some,' * - those that continue to interfere, control, regulate, tax, abuse, criticise, judge, condemn, steal, punish, fight, demand, invade, abuse, terrorise, violate, kill etc.

There is no 'leeway' within the Law of God
There is no 'leniency' within the Law of God

That's not 'just my opinion'- it is THE TRUTH

Please look deeply at God's message and advise others to also so do

I was kind enough to remove the formatting, as it looks terrible online. You can find this guy at

http://www.theDASHtestamentDASHofDASHtr ... m#page_156 (put "-" where the DASHs are... I would like to give this guy as little web traffic as possible, so googlebots will not follow this).

Anyway, its not everyday you get to email back and forth with a 'messiah' :roll
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Whew! :loco And yet there will be people that follow him. He's Terence, son of Irene and David. My brother David has a son named Tarance, but fortunately, his mom's name is Taran! :lol: (Besides which, TJ is only about 10...but can probably spell better than this guy!)

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In John, the "he" is in italics. In Isaiah, the "am" is in italics.

John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.

Very clear claim to being the Messiah/deity.

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Not trying to argue. I might be missing some of what you are saying. In Isaiah, the "I am He" statements are also claims to be God/Messiah (8 times, from what I can recall).

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