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Baptist here don’t talk about what’s going on in Jerusalem or Israel

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I’ll break the ice here today. I imagine some or all of you here are watching the news, the news about what’s going on in Israel. There are some that support Israel, in politics, and in the religious faith. Those that are in the religious faith of Christianity that don’t support Israel our lost. They are still the chosen people from God, and we have been bless for what they have shared with us. I’m not saying that they are all saved, but that they are still the chosen one. ?

Edited by TheGloryLand
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0ver 50% of Israelis identify as atheist.

They have been persecuting Christians over there recently.

They have the highest % of homosexuals in  the world per population.

Preaching of the gospel is essentially banned. You can preach it to a degree but no proselytizing. They have sought to outright ban it on punishment of imprisonment.

They are enemies of the gospel wherever they go.

The Zionists among them like to fund both sides of a war until they see who will come out on top.

They have a history of plundering nations economies (George Soros)

They were the largest block of slave owners % wise during the American Civil War. Nearly 50% of Jewish families owned slaves.

The ADL was started to protect a murdering pedo.

Karl Marx was a Jew.

Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic bible, was a Jew according to his daughter. She admitted that he also didn't believe any of it but was in it for the shekels. In fact, I was surprised how much of the Occult is derived from Judaism i.e. Talmud and Kabbalah. 

The Ukrainian Genocide ordered by Stalin was headed by two Jews. I'm still waiting for Spielberg to make that movie.

The little man getting Ukraine wiped out now is a Jew. The average age of a Ukrainian fighter now is 40. And yes, the little man is ironically surrounded by Nazis and trannies. Russia is the bad guy, though.

They are all for "diversity and inclusion" in other countries except their own. We know what that phrase ultimately means. 

They overwhelming occupy top positions in liberal media, Hollywood, politics, the judiciary system and major hedge funds and banks.

The porn industry was started by an orthodox Jew.

They knew 9/11 was coming(The 5 Dancing Israelis aka Mossad) and made no warning. The owner of the Twin towers, a Jew, made sure him and his son were out of the building that day when they were there everyday. He took out extra insurance on them two weeks before also.

People are worn out with the fighting over there. God is to lead them back to Israel some day but not by the hand of a British Mandate in 1918.

Many of them might not actually be Jews but rather Khazars who were the nobles of Turkey and controlled the Silk Road. They converted to Judaism. These could be the "false brethren" the Bible speaks of.

By the way, it's already coming out that the weapons used by Hamas were received from Ukraine (i.e. USA). In fact, all the weapons on both sides probably came from us. I wouldn't be surprised the Deep State is behind this attack since the Biden Regime despises Bibi. Biden did allow Iran to access their 6 billion just before this attack occured. Iran is a huge supporter of Hamas and now the Taliban wants to head over there to fight.



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This sounds like the same anti semitic sentiment I hear from some of my KKK neighbors. A lot of blanket.statements with no proof posted. Sorry, though some of it may be accurate, it sounds like someone sees little green men behind every tree.

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2 hours ago, SureWord said:

0ver 50% of Israelis identify as atheist.

They have been persecuting Christians over there recently.

They have the highest % of homosexuals in  the world per population.

Preaching of the gospel is essentially banned. You can preach it to a degree but no proselytizing. They have sought to outright ban it on punishment of imprisonment.

They are enemies of the gospel wherever they go.

The Zionists among them like to fund both sides of a war until they see who will come out on top.

They have a history of plundering nations economies (George Soros)

They were the largest block of slave owners % wise during the American Civil War. Nearly 50% of Jewish families owned slaves.

The ADL was started to protect a murdering pedo.

Karl Marx was a Jew.

Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic bible, was a Jew according to his daughter. She admitted that he also didn't believe any of it but was in it for the shekels. In fact, I was surprised how much of the Occult is derived from Judaism i.e. Talmud and Kabbalah. 

The Ukrainian Genocide ordered by Stalin was headed by two Jews. I'm still waiting for Spielberg to make that movie.

The little man getting Ukraine wiped out now is a Jew. The average age of a Ukrainian fighter now is 40. And yes, the little man is ironically surrounded by Nazis and trannies. Russia is the bad guy, though.

They are all for "diversity and inclusion" in other countries except their own. We know what that phrase ultimately means. 

They overwhelming occupy top positions in liberal media, Hollywood, politics, the judiciary system and major hedge funds and banks.

The porn industry was started by an orthodox Jew.

They knew 9/11 was coming(The 5 Dancing Israelis aka Mossad) and made no warning. The owner of the Twin towers, a Jew, made sure him and his son were out of the building that day when they were there everyday. He took out extra insurance on them two weeks before also.

People are worn out with the fighting over there. God is to lead them back to Israel some day but not by the hand of a British Mandate in 1918.

Many of them might not actually be Jews but rather Khazars who were the nobles of Turkey and controlled the Silk Road. They converted to Judaism. These could be the "false brethren" the Bible speaks of.

By the way, it's already coming out that the weapons used by Hamas were received from Ukraine (i.e. USA). In fact, all the weapons on both sides probably came from us. I wouldn't be surprised the Deep State is behind this attack since the Biden Regime despises Bibi. Biden did allow Iran to access their 6 billion just before this attack occured. Iran is a huge supporter of Hamas and now the Taliban wants to head over there to fight.



Sounds like America, the way it has turned to immoral lifestyles and living. America's sins are much higher, for we have the true gospel and they don’t, at this time. So our sins are greater.

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21 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

This sounds like the same anti semitic sentiment I hear from some of my KKK neighbors. A lot of blanket.statements with no proof posted. Sorry, though some of it may be accurate, it sounds like someone sees little green men behind every tree.

Everything I've stated can be proven. The Khazars theory is debatable though there was a large group of people from that area that converted to Judaism around 800AD and it's difficult to know who are true Hebrews and who are Jews by religion only. Writers like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that they migrated down into the Rhine River valley and into Russia and became Azekanazi Jews.

By the way, I'm 100% pro-Israel and they have a right to defend themselves but let's not pretend they are the people of God. They are not. Not now anyways. They are a blessing and a curse wherever they go but let's not pretend.

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26 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Everything I've stated can be proven. The Khazars theory is debatable though there was a large group of people from that area that converted to Judaism around 800AD and it's difficult to know who are true Hebrews and who are Jews by religion only. Writers like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that they migrated down into the Rhine River valley and into Russia and became Azekanazi Jews.

By the way, I'm 100% pro-Israel and they have a right to defend themselves but let's not pretend they are the people of God. They are not. Not now anyways. They are a blessing and a curse wherever they go but let's not pretend.

No pretense from me in any way shape, or form. Whether some like to admit it or not,  the Jews are God's chosen people, and his covenant with Israel stands.

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1 hour ago, SureWord said:

Everything I've stated can be proven. The Khazars theory is debatable though there was a large group of people from that area that converted to Judaism around 800AD and it's difficult to know who are true Hebrews and who are Jews by religion only. Writers like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that they migrated down into the Rhine River valley and into Russia and became Azekanazi Jews.

By the way, I'm 100% pro-Israel and they have a right to defend themselves but let's not pretend they are the people of God. They are not. Not now anyways. They are a blessing and a curse wherever they go but let's not pretend.

What I understand today, that they are still the people of God. Sinner yes, lost in the wilderness. Jesus is coming soon, to rule over there first. They are still the chosen to fulfill prophecy and complete the book Revelation.

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How can a christian be pro-Israel, and say that he or she supports them, but at the same time say they are not the chosen ones anymore? That those who are living over there are not pure or worthy of defending. For they are sinners and don't have the true gospel. Is Jesus coming back to save them or not? Are they still the chosen ones? I believe that they are still lost, but are still the chosen people picked by God, to the end of time. ? those that repent for salvation, with us gentile who are now saved. 

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3 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

How can a christian be pro-Israel, and say that he or she supports them, but at the same time say they are not the chosen ones anymore? That those who are living over there are not pure or worthy of defending. For they are sinners and don't have the true gospel. Is Jesus coming back to save them or not? Are they still the chosen ones? I believe that they are still lost, but are still the chosen people picked by God, to the end of time. ? those that repent for salvation, with us gentile who are now saved. 

I can't answer for Sureword, but I agree with the point he is making. 

I believe that he making a distinction between ethnic Jews and their right to live safe in the land of Israel and the nationalist political movement of Zionism.

There are Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jews living in Israel currently who oppose the present day Zionist "state" of Israel. Basically while they would say the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people but it is the Messiahs role alone to return them to that land NOT Great Britain or the League of Nations. 

Sureword touched on this and I understand it's easy to overlook but many of those Palestinians are saved believers in Christ and many American Christians sympathize more with the Jewish government than fellow believers. 

The vast majority of Palestinians are not terrorists and are stuck in poor conditions in the middle of a warzone. Unfortunately there is almost no way of improving life in Gaza because almost every organization that attempts to raise money to relieve the poor living conditions end up getting labeled as funding "terrorism" because Hamas and Fatah control the non Israeli areas. It is a sad situation with almost no way to peacefully resolve it.

Its troubling to me how it is a fact that the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was a known associate of and stayed at the home of Jeffrey Epstein at least 36 times while visiting the US...yet it's completely overlooked because it could be viewed as antisemitic to anti Zionist to point it out.

If the Israeli government and it's politics are even half as corrupt as ours it's hard for me to support them "unequivocally" because their common ancestor to Abraham was Isaac instead Ishmael.

I absolutely agree that they are most likely blood ancestors of the Chosen people. I also agree that potentially many of them could come to faith in Christ but I can't just ignore the fact Palestinian Christians are in the crossfire of those Israeli bombs they just go unoticed because it's easy to associate Arab decent as exclusively Muslim. 

I know SureWords views (and where I agree as well) might come off anti Israeli or Jewish but I believe it's more about opposing the Idea we should stand approve of every decision the current leaders make simply because they are of Jewish descent.

I seen a perfect example of this on a YouTube video earlier. It was a CNN reporter who had Chris Christie as a guest and he wanted him to weigh in on a video of Trump because when he was asked about what's happening in Israel he made a remark that he believed that the leaders of Hezbollah are smart or believed they are intelligent. They took one sentence of Trump's answer and attempted to make the case that he was anit Israeli or insensitive somehow. Trump? The President who acknowledged Jerusalem as the Israeli capital? Being observant isn't synonymous with being anti anyone. Hes called he's called the North Korean leader "smart" in several interviews but that doesn't make him anti South Korean.


Edited by Disciple.Luke
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9 hours ago, Disciple.Luke said:

I can't answer for Sureword, but I agree with the point he is making. 

I believe that he making a distinction between ethnic Jews and their right to live safe in the land of Israel and the nationalist political movement of Zionism.

There are Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jews living in Israel currently who oppose the present day Zionist "state" of Israel. Basically while they would say the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people but it is the Messiahs role alone to return them to that land NOT Great Britain or the League of Nations. 

Sureword touched on this and I understand it's easy to overlook but many of those Palestinians are saved believers in Christ and many American Christians sympathize more with the Jewish government than fellow believers. 

The vast majority of Palestinians are not terrorists and are stuck in poor conditions in the middle of a warzone. Unfortunately there is almost no way of improving life in Gaza because almost every organization that attempts to raise money to relieve the poor living conditions end up getting labeled as funding "terrorism" because Hamas and Fatah control the non Israeli areas. It is a sad situation with almost no way to peacefully resolve it.

Its troubling to me how it is a fact that the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was a known associate of and stayed at the home of Jeffrey Epstein at least 36 times while visiting the US...yet it's completely overlooked because it could be viewed as antisemitic to anti Zionist to point it out.

If the Israeli government and it's politics are even half as corrupt as ours it's hard for me to support them "unequivocally" because their common ancestor to Abraham was Isaac instead Ishmael.

I absolutely agree that they are most likely blood ancestors of the Chosen people. I also agree that potentially many of them could come to faith in Christ but I can't just ignore the fact Palestinian Christians are in the crossfire of those Israeli bombs they just go unoticed because it's easy to associate Arab decent as exclusively Muslim. 

I know SureWords views (and where I agree as well) might come off anti Israeli or Jewish but I believe it's more about opposing the Idea we should stand approve of every decision the current leaders make simply because they are of Jewish descent.

I seen a perfect example of this on a YouTube video earlier. It was a CNN reporter who had Chris Christie as a guest and he wanted him to weigh in on a video of Trump because when he was asked about what's happening in Israel he made a remark that he believed that the leaders of Hezbollah are smart or believed they are intelligent. They took one sentence of Trump's answer and attempted to make the case that he was anit Israeli or insensitive somehow. Trump? The President who acknowledged Jerusalem as the Israeli capital? Being observant isn't synonymous with being anti anyone. Hes called he's called the North Korean leader "smart" in several interviews but that doesn't make him anti South Korean.


Thank you for sharing your views, and I do agree with you and Sureword. That many or all that there, are sinners in Israel. If all were removed then Christ, would come back the second time to whom. He is coming back there to Israel first correct, after the rapture? The Saints, have been already removed from Earth.

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So a Baptist hospital has been blown up in Gaza supposedly killing 500 many being children. Gaza is 40% population under age 18 so that could be possible. No doubt many were killed but who launched the missle? It not uncommon for terrorist organizations or dictators to attack their own to send out a false flag but I've seen two videos comparing the missle that hit the hospital and one being used by American troops during training. The missle appears to be a American made "JDAM" which is actually a retro fitted "dumb bomb" that essentially turns it into a missle.  The Palestinians have no such weaponry nor the ability to use it even if they did. So I'm leaning towards Israel leveling that hospital with an American made bomb or perhaps another country like Iran or some other ME country but this does not look good for Israel.

In my opinion if cooler heads don't prevail we are entering WW3.

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6 hours ago, SureWord said:

So a Baptist hospital has been blown up in Gaza supposedly killing 500 many being children. Gaza is 40% population under age 18 so that could be possible. No doubt many were killed but who launched the missle? It not uncommon for terrorist organizations or dictators to attack their own to send out a false flag but I've seen two videos comparing the missle that hit the hospital and one being used by American troops during training. The missle appears to be a American made "JDAM" which is actually a retro fitted "dumb bomb" that essentially turns it into a missle.  The Palestinians have no such weaponry nor the ability to use it even if they did. So I'm leaning towards Israel leveling that hospital with an American made bomb or perhaps another country like Iran or some other ME country but this does not look good for Israel.

In my opinion if cooler heads don't prevail we are entering WW3.

For one, you have no idea what Palestinian militants have, nor what technology they have access to. Having many groups in Gaza backed by Iran, and with the military equipment left behind in various places, especially in Afghanistan, there's the possibility and likelihood that they have much more available than you think. It's highly likely that Islamic Jihad was responsible for the misguided missile. You're always welcome to your leanings, but some of us find it's highly debatable. 

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15 hours ago, Salyan said:

Since this thread is discussing Israel, the title is incorrect. TGL, could you please change it (and try to create more positive titles in future - thanks!).

I can not make changes at this time, you can remove Jerusalem. The title may sound negative, but truly all wars are negative.

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