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My Granddaughter


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I don't know if this is the best place for this, if  it please  ove it.

The eldest of my granddaughters is planning to transition.    It is realily destroying my daughter. I said to her daughter that her mum was so upset that she could hardly speak as he was having difficulty holding  back her tears. I said that what makes you think that Frankenstein doctors can make a better job than your creator.  I also gave her several bible texts. The sad part is that when she was a teenager she went to camp and said she had become a Christian and was baptised and joined  her local  Baptist church.  Soon after she went to stay with my daughter for a fortnight who said they had a very pleasant time with her.  Sometime later she visited again and my daughter said she had completely  changed. She has now asked my daughter to help with her food bill this week.  

My daughter declined and my son in law said he won't give her money. I asked what  they thought that I should do but they wouldn't give me any  advice. I have helped my granddaughter with paying bill's over the years including lending her quite a large amount for the rent deposit on her apartment.   

I don't know what to do. So far I have justed messages her back saying she hadn't replied  to my text so why should she expect me to answer when she asks for money.

She has told my daughter that she will only speak to if she doesn't mention politics, religion or transitioning.u

What would you all do? 

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33 minutes ago, Invicta said:

I don't know if this is the best place for this, if  it please  ove it.

The eldest of my granddaughters is planning to transition.    It is realily destroying my daughter. I said to her daughter that her mum was so upset that she could hardly speak as he was having difficulty holding  back her tears. I said that what makes you think that Frankenstein doctors can make a better job than your creator.  I also gave her several bible texts. The sad part is that when she was a teenager she went to camp and said she had become a Christian and was baptised and joined  her local  Baptist church.  Soon after she went to stay with my daughter for a fortnight who said they had a very pleasant time with her.  Sometime later she visited again and my daughter said she had completely  changed. She has now asked my daughter to help with her food bill this week.  

My daughter declined and my son in law said he won't give her money. I asked what  they thought that I should do but they wouldn't give me any  advice. I have helped my granddaughter with paying bill's over the years including lending her quite a large amount for the rent deposit on her apartment.   

I don't know what to do. So far I have justed messages her back saying she hadn't replied  to my text so why should she expect me to answer when she asks for money.

She has told my daughter that she will only speak to if she doesn't mention politics, religion or transitioning.u

What would you all do? 

What type of transition are you talking about, gay? If so, don't get stressed out or cry about it. The devil working full time on our children, tell her openly this is not God's will for her. Don't accept it or their partner. She can come over only. Keep the door open for her only. Pray for her to return before it is too late. It's okay to talk about it. Mine is going through the same thing. God is still in control.? don't worry about what others say. You will receive the support you need. Everything is going to be alright. Take care TGL

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Invicta one must stand firm by what the Bible teaches us, that being that God created us and that we were designed the way the Lord wanted us. If you're talking about your granddaughter transitioning from a girl to a tran-man, refer her to verses that show that God is a God of detail, that the very hairs of our heads are numbered. Would such a God make a mistake in assigning our sex? NEVER!.If you are speaking of her becoming a lesbian, refrr her to Romans 1. Tell her about Sodom and Gomorrah. But, NEVER stop loving her, which I know you wouldn't. She needs a Godly influence in her life. I'm ? praying for this situation and all involved. I'm also praying for TGL'S situation. It's sad and it can hit ANY family. Satan's attacks on our children and families are real.

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4 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Invicta one must stand firm by what the Bible teaches us, that being that God created us and that we were designed the way the Lord wanted us. If you're talking about your granddaughter transitioning from a girl to a tran-man, refer her to verses that show that God is a God of detail, that the very hairs of our heads are numbered. Would such a God make a mistake in assigning our sex? NEVER!.If you are speaking of her becoming a lesbian, refrr her to Romans 1. Tell her about Sodom and Gomorrah. But, NEVER stop loving her, which I know you wouldn't. She needs a Godly influence in her life. I'm ? praying for this situation and all involved. I'm also praying for TGL'S situation. It's sad and it can hit ANY family. Satan's attacks on our children and families are real.

I have told her that. She said she didn't tell  me because she knew I would react like that. We pray for her every day as do other members of our family . I wrote to her some months ago when her elder brother said she was thinking about it. Today is said that none of us would be upset if we didnt love you. But we are really upset that  you are planning to permanently mutilate your body. 

You may remember some years ago there were some   Muslim attacks on a football match and a café and a Jewish supermarket in Paris.  She was on a course in Paris at that time and on the day of the attacks she and five college friends were  due to meet for coffee in that café.  On the day most of them had to work late or were not well and only one was in the café on the day and he wasn't hurt.  She put that down to God's providence. Now she said she doesn't believe in God. 

My daughter said she will have to cut off her youngest who is 14 from having contact with her sister.  

Please pray for her she calls herself Rae.


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3 minutes ago, Invicta said:

I have told her that. She said she didn't tell  me because she knew I would react like that. We pray for her every day as do other members of our family . I wrote to her some months ago when her elder brother said she was thinking about it. Today is said that none of us would be upset if we didnt love you. But we are really upset that  you are planning to permanently mutilate your body. 

You may remember some years ago there were some   Muslim attacks on a football match and a café and a Jewish supermarket in Paris.  She was on a course in Paris at that time and on the day of the attacks she and five college friends were  due to meet for coffee in that café.  On the day most of them had to work late or were not well and only one was in the café on the day and he wasn't hurt.  She put that down to God's providence. Now she said she doesn't believe in God. 

My daughter said she will have to cut off her youngest who is 14 from having contact with her sister.  



Sometimes it's necessary to limit or prohibit contact. I hate to see it happen, but sometimes it's the only option. Prayers are about all one can do in an advanced situation like that.

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16 hours ago, Invicta said:

She has told my daughter that she will only speak to if she doesn't mention politics, religion or transitioning.

I'm sorry you have to go through this Invicta. I can only imagine the pain this is causing you and your family. I will be praying.

From the quote above it seems that 'Rae' is only interested in a one-way conversation: Her way. That is not loving, honest, or respectful. She is in essence stating, 'if you do not accept my position then we can no longer be a part of each other's lives'. Her way or the highway. And her way is certainly the low way.

Perhaps, if she rolls her eyes when you speak of God, you could cite some real medical documentation on the subject. It's not hard to find qualified sources. For instance, a quick search on the internet just now turned up an article from the National Library of Medicine that state: In a 2015, Boston study of 180 transsexual youth who had undergone SRS (106 female-to-male; 74 male-to-female), these youth had a twofold to threefold increased risk of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, self-harm without lethal intent, and both inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment compared to a control group of youth. 

Just a suggestion.

As for me, I have told my children that should they ever go against the Bible in some significant way I would treat them as the father did the prodigal son. 'You may go, but I am not following, and I am not helping you in your deviant choices. My door and my heart are always open to you. If you come back seeking honest godly guidance, support and love, I am here. But to support you in your unbiblical lifestyle (or turn a blind eye) would require me to turn my back on God, and that I cannot and will not do.

Matthew 10:34-38 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

These are not easy words to hear, especially when we are going through hard times within our own family, but they are true words none the less. Sometimes love has to be tough.

Again, I am so sorry, Invicta. I will be praying.

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I remember attending a funeral service with my family and daughter many years ago, still a young single lady. I remember telling her if you ever reach a low part of your life. Remember you can always come back to God. She had left home, for she finally met her mother and siblings, for she and her brother, whom we raised since childhood as our own were adopted. This move, as young adults lead them back down Hill, away from us and their faith in God. They are non-Christian on that side. They knew at a young age that we have adopted them. They are in the Lord's hands.

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8 hours ago, SureWord said:

It's happening all over in churches. I'm talking IFB churches too. I'm not sure why Jesus is delaying his coming. It's been 2,000 years. Time to wrap things up.

Perhaps He is delaying his coming so that more souls can get saved. Souls like my oldest son, or Invicta's granddaughter, or TGLs adopted children. While this world is certainly not my home, I'd hate to see things "wrapped up" before all my loved ones are saved.

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I know of a person that was a married female, who got a divorce and married another woman, but it did not work well. She getting married again to a male. She is beautiful woman that made wrong decisions. Hopefully, this will work out for a lifetime.

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I had to abstain from attending my youngest daughter's wedding, because she was going to marry an unsaved man. I took my stand without malice while I thought I could stop the wedding. It didn't work. Once she married, our whole family has shown her love and acceptance. It was very difficult. My advice is to stand while there is still a chance it might stop her. If she goes through with it, then what? I don't know. Something turned her against God. I'll bet she has a wicked friend or two in her life. 1 Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

The change will not make her happy. I hate to know that you have to deal with something this horrible. I will pray for you and her today.

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Thanks for your replies folks. (Is there a plural of folk? I'm not sure?)

My daughter has cut her off, unfortunately my grandaughter lives about 200 miles away, near my other daughter who is not a believer and likely to encourage her.  I told my grandaughter  some time ago that there is no such thing as trans, there are male and female and if they are mutilated they are eunuchs.   

I have been in contact with my grandaughter on WhatsApp and she said that she is not intending to mutilate her body, which is something.  I said I loved her dearly and that is why I  am very concerned about you, otherwise I would not be concerned. She replied that she loved me too. 

We will continue to pray for her. 

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1 hour ago, Invicta said:

Thanks for your replies folks. (Is there a plural of folk? I'm not sure?)

My daughter has cut her off, unfortunately my grandaughter lives about 200 miles away, near my other daughter who is not a believer and likely to encourage her.  I told my grandaughter  some time ago that there is no such thing as trans, there are male and female and if they are mutilated they are eunuchs.   

I have been in contact with my grandaughter on WhatsApp and she said that she is not intending to mutilate her body, which is something.  I said I loved her dearly and that is why I  am very concerned about you, otherwise I would not be concerned. She replied that she loved me too. 

We will continue to pray for her. 

We'll be praying for her as well.

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Thank you all.

Today I sent her Ray Comfort's video of Dawkins top assistant coming to Christ.  She did not reply to that. 

My son in law has just been signed off on sick leave by the doctor. He has stress which he puts down to his Job. He has a senior job and has trouble with some staff who are continually on sick leave then coming back and going sick again. Another lost his wife, and he gave him an extra week compassionate leave and the man then went on 6 months sick leave. My SILs director won't act on disciplining any of the staff. He works as a senior surveyor of a London council. Probably the busiest one. They not only have to inspect all the new buildings,  but also for temporary structures like for the Coronation,  the trooping of the colour, and many other events.  He has to rely on a lot of agency staff, because of low staff levels, which is not ideal.

I think a lot of it is also because of his daughter. I know that my daughter is devastated.  

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