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I was ask, did satan have sex with Eve, in the garden?

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15 hours ago, Jerry said:

The seed of the serpent is any of the Devil's children, and the seed of the woman is the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil would bruise Jesus' heel (ie. temporary wound), and Jesus would bruise the devil's head (defeat him, destroy him one day).

Romans 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Thanks, but this of the Devil children, is new to me. All I ever heard was his falling angels, not children.

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1 minute ago, TheGloryLand said:

But going back to the verse in genesis, it mentions his seed and her seed, not Adam seed, or does it mention children at all?

It had to be the seed of the woman or else Jesus would not have been virgin born.

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1 hour ago, Jim_Alaska said:

It had to be the seed of the woman or else Jesus would not have been virgin born.

But when God says to Satan, between his seed, he didn’t have children physically. This is where it all started from, when the person asked me, did Satan have sex with the woman, Eve. From his Seed, children. I told him he did not have sex with Eve, but I will have to check into more regarding in her seed, and his seed.

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When Jesus told the religious leaders of His day that they were of their father the devil, He was referring to the devil's spiritual children, not physical children. As an angel, he cannot procreate. All the lost are children of the devil, children of wrath, until they come to the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him as their Saviour.

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8 hours ago, Jerry said:

When Jesus told the religious leaders of His day that they were of their father the devil, He was referring to the devil's spiritual children, not physical children. As an angel, he cannot procreate. All the lost are children of the devil, children of wrath, until they come to the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him as their Saviour.

Thanks Jerry, regarding the seed of the Devil. Was this seed enter into the bodies when they ate of the fruit. Did Cain, have this evil seed, being the first child born when he killed his brother Abel. We are all born with this sin nature. We are all born sinners.

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8 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Thanks Jerry, regarding the seed of the Devil. Was this seed enter into the bodies when they ate of the fruit. Did Cain, have this evil seed, being the first child born when he killed his brother Abel. We are all born with this sin nature. We are all born sinners.

The "seed" is the sin nature....it went into all mankind after the fall of Adam and Eve. Why are you still trying to confuse this situation, Morales?

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There were no clean and unclean laws until Moses gave the Law. Abel came to the Lord His way, accepting the sacrifice (ie. substitute) for his sin; Cain, however, thought his works and the offerings of his hands was good enough for God - even after he was told the right way. He went his own way - the way of works-based salvation.

As far as the seed of the Devil goes, it was spiritual seed, spiritual children - not anything physical or in their own physical makeup. Yes, since the fall, all of mankind has borne Adam's sin - that is why all of Adam's race dies, for the wages of sin is death. We all need a Saviour. The difference between Cain and Abel was that Abel chose to come to the Lord by faith, trusting in the way the Lord God provided, the way that pointed to the coming Messiah, the substitute who would one day die in our place.

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

The "seed" is the sin nature....it went into all mankind after the fall of Adam and Eve. Why are you still trying to confuse this situation, Morales?

I’m just trying to match the devils seed, with the event that you mentioned above. Why is his seed mentioned. When we have Bible study, we always mention the for bidden tree, and not to eat of its fruit. Little is mentioned about Satan and the devil seed, after Eve ate. I do agree with you. But I thought there might be more to it. How and when sin enter man kind.

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God reckoned Adam's sin to all mankind, as he was man's representative. In a similar way, God reckons Christ's righteousness to those who place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Each one is a representative of their descendants (Adam representing all mankind, and Jesus' spiritual seed are all the redeemed). Romans 5 explains this in more detail. Think of seed as descendants, not some physical seed or fruit. All of Adam's descendants bore his likeness - and all the redeemed bear the likeness of Christ.

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The "serpent seed" doctrine was one of the first heresies that started with the Gnostics who taught that the human body was totally wicked and a creation of the Demiurge (the Old Testament Jewish God that they viewed as being evil). They even banned having children because of this. Somehow the Christian Indentity (Neo-Nazis) movement latched on to it and tweaked it so they could say the Jews are the offspring of Cain therefore the children of the devil, physically. I've heard some of the brethren teach it and say some religious leaders are literally the offspring of Satan, i.e. when Jesus called them a generation of vipers he was being literal. Arnold Murray allegedly taught it but I've never heard him speak on it.

Edited by SureWord
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