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Christians that follow and listen to Joyce Meyer


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First, right off the bat, I don’t follow or listen to any person, that is a multi millionaire, flying around giving concerts, and selling books. I cannot understand why a mature Christian, cannot see this? Grown in a Christian home, and very well educated. Many have eyes, but cannot see, and many have ears, but cannot hear. Sad


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Edited by TheGloryLand
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She's not qualified Scripturally to be a pastor, for one. Second, she's got some twisted views on Bible doctine. I have relatives that watch her occasionally, and they're more the "Four-Squre" gospel types. I was working with one relative in the garage and he was listening to her. I was pretty sure it was her on the cd he was playing, but, I couldn't get out of the position I was in because of the work we were doing on an auto engine. I started pointing out to this relative the errors and asked him to back up what she was saying since he believed her to be "on point" with the Bible. He never could. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

She's not qualified Scripturally to be a pastor, for one. Second, she's got some twisted views on Bible doctine. I have relatives that watch her occasionally, and they're more the "Four-Squre" gospel types. I was working with one relative in the garage and he was listening to her. I was pretty sure it was her on the cd he was playing, but, I couldn't get out of the position I was in because of the work we were doing on an auto engine. I started pointing out to this relative the errors and asked him to back up what she was saying since he believed her to be "on point" with the Bible. He never could. 

Can the Holy Spirit tell us, listen to this person, or that person. I don’t think so,  but I thought to ask. Many times, I don’t know what is going on, with believers, that are on a different page.

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8 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Can the Holy Spirit tell us, listen to this person, or that person. I don’t think so,  but I thought to ask. Many times, I don’t know what is going on, with believers, that are on a different page.

I think it's pretty clear that the Holy Spirit can tell us anything he likes as long as it doesn't violate his attributes. Many Christians try to use the line "the Lord told me to listen to this" but its something that would be in violation of Scriptural guidelines. So, we know it's not of God. 

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54 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I think it's pretty clear that the Holy Spirit can tell us anything he likes as long as it doesn't violate his attributes. Many Christians try to use the line "the Lord told me to listen to this" but it’s something that would be in violation of Scriptural guidelines. So, we know it's not of God. 

 I always understood that the job of the Holy Spirit, was to point us to Christ, and Christ alone. The Holy Spirit, doesn’t tell us to use this Bible, or use that Bible, go to this church, or don’t go to that church, date that woman, not that guy. These are just some examples. So,I believe that the Holy Spirit job is to point us to Christ, to serve Christ, and seek Christ. 

Edited by TheGloryLand
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2 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

 I always understood that the job of the Holy Spirit, was to point us to Christ, and Christ alone. The Holy Spirit, doesn’t tell us to use this Bible, or use that Bible, go to this church, or don’t go to that church, date that woman, not that guy. These are just some examples. So,I believe that the Holy Spirit job is to point us to Christ, to serve Christ, and seek Christ. 

I think that pretty much fits with what I stated. 

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John 16:8-14 (KJV) And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

John 15:26 (KJV) But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

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Some of the ministries of the Holy Spirit are to teach us the truth, give us wisdom, teach us discernment - so I very much disagree that He would not lead or guide in regard to Bible versions. He certainly taught me the difference between the corrupt versions and the King James Bible, and through all the years since then has reinforced that guidance to show me over and over again that I can trust my KJV completely. That settled assurance, I believe, comes from Him - assurance that I can rely 100% on the Word of God and that I hold that very Word in my hands in the KJV.

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57 minutes ago, Jerry said:

Some of the ministries of the Holy Spirit are to teach us the truth, give us wisdom, teach us discernment - so I very much disagree that He would not lead or guide in regard to Bible versions. He certainly taught me the difference between the corrupt versions and the King James Bible, and through all the years since then has reinforced that guidance to show me over and over again that I can trust my KJV completely. That settled assurance, I believe, comes from Him - assurance that I can rely 100% on the Word of God and that I hold that very Word in my hands in the KJV.

I like your reply, but the truth is, I’m still not sure what you’re saying is correct, for I myself, am a King James version Bible preferred, but not only. For just an example, I use a Spanish Bible,  we cannot say, this Bible is not good. I can say, that when I’m in the English church, I use the King James, but when I am in a Spanish church, I use the Reina Valera Bible. and the other examples that I gave, like finding the right church, or spouse. We all have the free will, and choice to pick do, or even buy what we wish. I believe the Holy Spirit, keeps out of many decisions we make daily.

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7 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

 We all have the free will, and choice to pick do, or even buy what we wish. I believe the Holy Spirit, keeps out of many decisions we make daily.

You mean like if we should use Crest or Colgate? Wear boxers or briefs? Drink water, juice, or coffee? ?

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15 hours ago, Jerry said:

He [Holy Spirit] certainly taught me the difference between the corrupt versions and the King James Bible, and through all the years since then has reinforced that guidance to show me over and over again that I can trust my KJV completely. 

I agree, Jerry. Unfortunately, I have also run into a good number of professing Christians that use multiple versions and claim the Holy Spirit leads them to which version is most correct for a particular passage. Typically, when I claim that the Holy Spirit has led me to the KJV for all the same passages the conversation typically sours and becomes fruitless: especially with regard to verses and/or context that are omitted from their modern preference.

Pastor James Knox once had a number of people stand on stage, each with a different version, and all read from Psalm 23 at the same time. Such a well-known and beautiful part of scripture sounded like nothing more than a cacophony. 

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

This is not only true with Bible versions. There are those (and not a few) who will claim the Holy Spirit's leading for any number of their preferred deviations from the scripture.

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Stating that the Holy Spirit guided me to find the most accurate version in English in no way indicates He cannot guide in the same way in regard to other languages. Also, being King James Only refers to my convictions regarding English translations. There are MANY KJV-only believers who also accept sound Textus Receptus and Massoretic Text translations into other languages. The positions are not mutually exclusive.

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On 10/13/2022 at 7:29 AM, Napsterdad said:

I have also run into a good number of professing Christians that use multiple versions and claim the Holy Spirit leads them to which version is most correct for a particular passage. Typically, when I claim that the Holy Spirit has led me to the KJV for all the same passages the conversation typically sours and becomes fruitless: especially with regard to verses and/or context that are omitted from their modern preference.

They exposed themselves because the wise in heart receive commandments and they inadvertently place man above God because they are looking for the verse that sounds best to them.


Joyce Meyer is a lost person, a fool, in need of the Savior.

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