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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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20 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Incorrect...the ALLEGED number of deaths. It's been proven over and over that many of the deaths being reported as covid ARE NOT! This seems to be something that you want to overlook or hide away. Let me add...statistics aren't hard to argue against when they're incorrect/FALSE! This ISN'T my opinion...but fact.

Yep, there are people who as they are dying from COVID refuse to acknowledge they have COVID. But, they are wrong.  

But, the deaths are real, the vaccinated or unvaccinated people are real. Don't hide behind 'alleged'. I know you do not want to face the truth. So be it. You are still wrong. The truth is very inconvenient at times and the effectiveness of vaccinations are very real ... but an inconvenient truth to you. 

Edited by Razor
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14 minutes ago, Razor said:

Yep, there are people who as they are dying from COVID refuse to acknowledge they have COVID. But, they are wrong.  

But, the deaths are real, the vaccinated or unvaccinated people are real. Don't hide behind 'alleged'. I know you do not want to face the truth. So be it. You are still wrong. The truth is very inconvenient at times and the effectiveness of vaccinations are very real ... but an inconvenient truth to you. 

It would be nice if you could TELL the truth, but you continue to seem like a government hack. You've truly been blinded and I truly feel sorry for you. I don't hide behind "alleged..." This is the truth, not only from the CDC and their previous statements, but the WHO, the Surgeon General, and many in the medical establishment. Continue to push what you want...but people here won't accept it, and it will continue to make you seem like one who's unable to think for themself....sad really.

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25 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

It would be nice if you could TELL the truth, but you continue to seem like a government hack. You've truly been blinded and I truly feel sorry for you. I don't hide behind "alleged..." This is the truth, not only from the CDC and their previous statements, but the WHO, the Surgeon General, and many in the medical establishment. Continue to push what you want...but people here won't accept it, and it will continue to make you seem like one who's unable to think for themself....sad really.

Yes, you hide behind opinion. That is all right. Being a traditional conservative Baptist, I will defend you right to be wrong. 


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Let’s focus on the data, and avoid personal attacks, everyone.  (Takes off mod cap)

1 hour ago, Razor said:

Do you mean when statistics do nor agree with your opinion?

Statistics are hard to argue against. Look at the number of deaths of the unvaccinated vs. the vaccinated. 

Yes, please do. The actual health site stats, not the ones the media reports. Bear in mind that any deaths within two weeks of vaccination are counted as unvaccinated. Alberta has just stopped reporting case numbers - because it was increasingly obvious that the vaccinated were getting more cases than the unvaccinated. Can’t have that pesky truth interfering with their narrative, eh? ?

I don’t think anyone here does’t believe that Covid exists. I’ve had it - most of my church has had it - there are multiple poster’s stories above of having had it. It’s just that it’s not what the gov/media are making it out to be.  It’s so funny - you’re actually arguing our argument when you appeal to the stats.  

Now suppose that you stop the blanket arguments and engage with individual facts. It’s impossible for either side to adequately debate blanket statements - it is the individual facts and stats that can be checked, verified or debunked. 

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Looks like all the world’s governments and leaders got together to full their citizens, of this fake virus and all vaccines. To control the World with this fake virus, and vaccines. To control all humans. All those fake millions of death, all the fake hospitals, filled with people with just a flu or bad cold. Millions of employees working overtime for nothing. People wherein fake mask, and making someone very rich. Lockdowns to destroy the economy. 

This is extraordinary 

Inspire Mad World GIF by iriskristen

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Just now, E Morales said:

Looks like all the world’s governments and leaders got together to full their citizens, of this fake virus and all vaccines. To control the World with this fake virus, and vaccines. To control all humans. All those fake millions of death, all the fake hospitals, filled with people with just a flu or bad cold. Millions of employees working overtime for nothing. People wherein fake mask, and making someone very rich. Lockdowns to destroy the economy. 

This is extraordinary 

Inspire Mad World GIF by iriskristen

Please, Morales....show me where anyone has said that this virus is fake. The measures implemented by government and big pharma that were supposed to work haven't....that's what makes it a mad world. To continue using the same tactics which haven't worked to fight a virus that has a 99.7% recovery rate is what most psychologists would call insanity. And to support those who are pushing the insanity seem to fit in that category themselves. Keep on advocating for the government and big pharma...maybe someday they'll give you a contract! NOT! ?

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39 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Looks like all the world’s governments and leaders got together to full their citizens, of this fake virus and all vaccines. To control the World with this fake virus, and vaccines. To control all humans. All those fake millions of death, all the fake hospitals, filled with people with just a flu or bad cold. Millions of employees working overtime for nothing. People wherein fake mask, and making someone very rich. Lockdowns to destroy the economy. 

This is extraordinary 

Inspire Mad World GIF by iriskristen

You got it! Everything is fake. Think of all those fake funerals, fake cremations, fake illnesses. All those folk are in league with the evil governments. Why China has gone so far as to lock-down the entire city of Xi'an, 13 million people. For most of them one family member can leave to go buy groceries. The provincial government is delivering food to peoples apartments. That is going pretty far to fake it IMHO.

I had a 102 year old friend who died of COVID. Now if all this is fake, I can't figure out where she is hiding. 

Strange times we are living in. 

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In just a few weeks, the U.S. will mark two years since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the country, and the number of new infections has never been higher.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 486,428 confirmed coronavirus cases on Wednesday, the highest single-day total since the pandemic began, according to agency data.

The spike — driven by the delta variant and the highly infectious but potentially milder omicron strain — has snarled holiday plans for many and presented a big question mark at the start of the new year, now the country's third in the pandemic.


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15 minutes ago, Razor said:

In just a few weeks, the U.S. will mark two years since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the country, and the number of new infections has never been higher.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 486,428 confirmed coronavirus cases on Wednesday, the highest single-day total since the pandemic began, according to agency data.

The spike — driven by the delta variant and the highly infectious but potentially milder omicron strain — has snarled holiday plans for many and presented a big question mark at the start of the new year, now the country's third in the pandemic.


Really? More left-wing news??? UGH! I don't believe very many people trust the CDC any longer, especially when it comes to the "pandemic." Don't blame those who don't trust this agency after all the lies and misleading statements they've made over the past two years.

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14 minutes ago, Razor said:

In just a few weeks, the U.S. will mark two years since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the country, and the number of new infections has never been higher.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 486,428 confirmed coronavirus cases on Wednesday, the highest single-day total since the pandemic began, according to agency data.

The spike — driven by the delta variant and the highly infectious but potentially milder omicron strain — has snarled holiday plans for many and presented a big question mark at the start of the new year, now the country's third in the pandemic.


NPR is a great news source, thanks. But since they lean more liberal. Many of members here most likely don’t follow. I hear them every morning but change when they give LGBTQ update junk.

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9 hours ago, E Morales said:

NPR is a great news source, thanks. But since they lean more liberal. Many of members here most likely don’t follow. I hear them every morning but change when they give LGBTQ update junk.

So, left-leaning, garbage promoting NPR is a "great news source?" What you put into your mind shows out on these forums. Thanks for helping us understand some of the things you post. Filling your mind with SOME garbage is acceptable, right? ?

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2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

So, left-leaning, garbage promoting NPR is a "great news source?" What you put into your mind shows out on these forums. Thanks for helping us understand some of the things you post. Filling your mind with SOME garbage is acceptable, right? ?

You need to get Saved my Russian friend. NPR is not for profit, and is excepted all around the world. I guess the world is lost for you Mr. Fox Tony only.

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2 minutes ago, E Morales said:

You need to get Saved my Russian friend. NPR is not for profit, and is excepted all around the world. I guess the world is lost for you Mr. Fox Tony only.

Can someone in Admin, Block Mr. Bro. Tony, from posting to me. He is a attacker and scaring members away. And he is not a independent Baptist.

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