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Changing Our Name


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My local church is changing it's name from Decatur Chapel (Happy may remember us by that) to Decatur Baptist. We're still adhereing to the IFB tenets, instead of moving away from them.  Probably wouldn't set well with the liberal leaning crowd for us to be going the other way.

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I had considered changing our name from Bible Baptist Church to either Foundation Baptist Church or Pillar and Ground Baptist Church-primarily because of the association that Bible Baptist has come to have with Ruckman. But haven't done so. Perhaps when we are able to purchase our own building again, (or if), then I might do it.

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We had some of our own go on deputation in the past and they had to go the extra mile explaining we're not a non-denominational local church. One said she thought it might have cost her some support but we can't know those things for sure. We had changed our sign out front to reflect we were and Independent Baptist some years back but retained the Decatur Chapel on it. It will help folks in the the area know where we stand, to some degree. We're having a new website built too, when it's finished I'll share with you all.

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12 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

 We're having a new website built too, when it's finished I'll share with you all.

Great I look forward to seeing your new website. I enjoy looking at church websites to see what it on them. 

I can see where the name of church can be a detriment to someone on deputation from your church. Most of the missionaries that come through here I already know their home church.

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17 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

The doctrine is more important than the name, so I'm glad that you are changing the name to reflect your position.

This distinction is critically important Bro. Matt. I have started a series of adult Sunday School lessons at our church that makes this distinction very clear. It is a series on church history in which the main theme is that it is not the name "Baptist" that is important, it is the doctrine.

I have never heard this taught in the context of church history. Most try to teach that one can trace an unbroken line of churches or baptisms and trace church history. I don't believe it. But I do believe that we can know a true New testament church by their doctrine, which will be the same doctrine that was taught by Jesus and His Apostles.

This is not said to lessen the name Baptist; for I believe that a true New Testament church will be found within the ranks of those who call themselves Baptists.

2 Timothy 2:2 (KJV) And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

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